The performance curves essentially describe how your coil works. They ARE your coil. Your coil (i.e. your curves) was not intended to work with such low incoming temperature air.
I  receive below warning when I try to run my IDF file. I used " HVAC Template Zone: PTAC" for the model. I changed everything I thought it may related to this problem; however the warning did not solved. But When I try to run the IDF file with another city weather file or  with added shading device to the model ,this warning  will be disappeared. Â
Would please give me some advice about this issue. How can I solve it.
Thanks in advance
Warning ** CalcDoe2DXCoil: Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed "ZONE_PF1_UZ_WD PTAC COOLING COIL" - Air-cooled condenser inlet dry-bulb temperature below 0 C. Outdoor dry-bulb temperature = -1.67E-002
  **  ~~~  **  ... Occurrence info = RUNPERIOD-1Y, 03/01 19:00 - 19:10
  **  ~~~  ** ... Operation at low ambient temperatures may require special performance curves.
Posted by: Jean Marais <jeannieboef@xxxxxxxxx>
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