There are other outputs for these objects which show the theoretical temperature at different heights as well as at the thermostat height. Look for them in your rdd file (I assume you have specified it to be written out as an output). That way you can control if you are getting the stratification that you hope to get.
EnergyPlus should be controlling on the thermostat temperature. That's the main function of these kind of objects.
I'm modeling a tall facility (25 ft ceiling) using RoomAir:TemperaturePattern:NondimensionalHeight objects to simulate vertical stratification. These objects allow the thermostat temperature to float with the zone's average air temperature on a schedule (I have 24 temperature profiles defined over 1 year on a schedule).
Based on plotting Output:Variable:ZoneAirTemperature and Output:Variable:ZoneThermostatAirTemperature, it is clear that the HVAC system is controlling the average air temperature when it should be controlling the thermostat air temperature (see attached pictures).
Is anybody familiar enough with room air modeling to understand this discrepancy? Perhaps the modeling is correct, and the output variables are simply not up to date with the room air models.Â
Note: in the images, the thermostat air temperature varies so much because of a retrofit I'm studying. Why isn't the thermostat controlled at setpoint, 22.2 C, and the space temperature varied?
Ryan Kennett
University of Maryland
Posted by: Jean Marais <jeannieboef@xxxxxxxxx>
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