On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 23:44, Richard Raustad RRaustad@xxxxxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support]<EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:You can use either. Yes, you can enter your values into the IDF Editor. Don't specify "fraction" for use with occupancy (fractions are 0.0 - 1.0). Use AnyNumber instead. Don't forget to include up through hour 24. Also, there will be 9 people from midnight until 9 AM unless you include a 0 before 9 AM.
Look at some example files to get a better idea of the information needed for compact schedules.
You can paste this directly into an input file using a text editor, or you can enter these data using the IDF Editor.
OCCUPY-1, !- Name
AnyNumber, !- Schedule Type Limits NameThrough: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 7:00, !- Field 3
0, !- Field 4
Until: 8:00, !- Field 5
9, !- Field 6Until: 9:00, !- Field 7
7, !- Field 8
Until: 14:00, !- Field 9
25, !- Field 10
Until: 19:00, !- Field 11
6, !- Field 12Until: 24:00, !- you forgot the last entry that completes the entire day
0; !- and a value for that time period (from 19 to 24...and a semicolon for the last entry if using a text editor)
You will also need a ScheduleTypeLimits object:
Any Number; !- Name
On 2/26/2016 11:00 AM, Yulia Puspasari yuliapuspasari86@xxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support] wrote:
Is it input to text editor ? How about input to idf editor?Example :
Schedule Type Limits Name Fraction,Field1 Through: 12/31
Field2 For: AllDays
Field3. Until: 8:00
Field4. 9Field 5 Until: 9:00
Field 6. 7
Field7. Until: 14:00
Field8 25
Field9. Until: 19:00
Field10 6
How about that ? It is right or wrong if i am input this in idf editor?
Very compact:
System Availability Schedule, !- Name
Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
THROUGH: 12/31, !- Field 1
FOR: AllDays, !- Field 2
UNTIL: 24:00, 1; !- Field 4
Fan Availability Schedule, !- Name
Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
THROUGH: 12/31, !- Field 1
FOR: AllDays, !- Field 2
UNTIL: 12:00, 1, !- Field 4
UNTIL: 24:00, 0; !- Field 6
Less compact:
INFIL-SCH, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 3/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1.0, !- Field 3
Through: 10/31, !- Field 5
For: AllDays, !- Field 6
Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 7
Through: 12/31, !- Field 9
For: AllDays, !- Field 10
Until: 24:00,1.0; !- Field 11
OCCUPY-1, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: WeekDays SummerDesignDay CustomDay1 CustomDay2, !- Field 2
Until: 8:00,0.0, !- Field 3
Until: 11:00,1.00, !- Field 5
Until: 12:00,0.80, !- Field 7
Until: 13:00,0.40, !- Field 9
Until: 14:00,0.80, !- Field 11
Until: 18:00,1.00, !- Field 13
Until: 19:00,0.50, !- Field 15
Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 17
For: Weekends WinterDesignDay Holiday, !- Field 19
Until: 24:00,0.0; !- Field 20
Hai ,i have some problem to input schedule compact in energyplus. Can everyone give me example to input in energyplus?thanks ------------------------------------ Posted by: yuliapuspasari86@xxxxxxxxx ------------------------------------ Primary EnergyPlus support is found at: http://energyplus.helpserve.com or send a message to energyplus-support@xxxxxxxx The primary EnergyPlus web site is found at: http://www.energyplus.gov The group web site is: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EnergyPlus_Support/ Attachments are currently allowed but be mindful that not everyone has a high speed connection. Limit attachments to small files. EnergyPlus Documentation is searchable. Open EPlusMainMenu.pdf under the Documentation link and press the "search" button. ------------------------------------ Yahoo Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EnergyPlus_Support/ <*> Your email settings: Individual Email | Traditional <*> To change settings online go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EnergyPlus_Support/join (Yahoo! ID required) <*> To change settings via email: EnergyPlus_Support-digest@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EnergyPlus_Support-fullfeatured@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: EnergyPlus_Support-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <*> Your use of Yahoo Groups is subject to: https://info.yahoo.com/legal/us/yahoo/utos/terms/
-- Richard Raustad Florida Solar Energy Center 1679 Clearlake Road Cocoa, FL 32922 Ph: (321)638-1454 http://www.fsec.ucf.edu/en/ Program Director Electric Vehicle Transportation Center http://evtc.fsec.ucf.edu/
-- Richard Raustad Florida Solar Energy Center 1679 Clearlake Road Cocoa, FL 32922 Ph: (321)638-1454 http://www.fsec.ucf.edu/en/ Program Director Electric Vehicle Transportation Center http://evtc.fsec.ucf.edu/
Posted by: Yulia Puspasari <yuliapuspasari86@xxxxxxxxx>
Primary EnergyPlus support is found at:
http://energyplus.helpserve.com or send a message to energyplus-support@xxxxxxxx
The primary EnergyPlus web site is found at:
The group web site is:
Attachments are currently allowed but be mindful that not everyone has a high speed connection. Limit attachments to small files.
EnergyPlus Documentation is searchable. Open EPlusMainMenu.pdf under the Documentation link and press the "search" button.
- References:
- [EnergyPlus_Support] Input energy plus
- From: yuliapuspasari86@xxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support]
- Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Input energy plus
- From: Richard Raustad RRaustad@xxxxxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support]
- Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Input energy plus
- From: Yulia Puspasari yuliapuspasari86@xxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support]
- Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Input energy plus
- From: Richard Raustad RRaustad@xxxxxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support]
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