In order to try out the E+ Input Macros, I created an IMF file based on an example E+ file. the file name is "5ZoneAirCooled _Trial.IMF" and it is uploaded under the files section of this support group. The IMF file contains one ##Set1 keyword and one ##if ##else loop.
Here's what I am trying to do. Set "Run" = 1. If Run = 1, the thickness of material IN02 is 9.0099998E-02, otherwise it's 18.0099998E-02. The EP-Launch runs the IMF file without any errors, but the thickness remains 9.0099998E-02 irrespective of the numerical value assigned to "Run" (confirmed by checking the EPMDET file).
Are there any rules for where the macro ## keywords could be specified in the IMF file? I did not find any mention of the rules "AuxiliaryPrograms" pdf document.
Help in this regard is appreciated!