That warning is rubbish. Tons of airloops have ODA controllers. I suspect that you need a mixing box to go with it. DB used to set up DOAS without ODA mixing boxes (ODA Damper). The advantages of having a mixing box + controller set up for 100% oda is that you can take advantage of the economizer controls (funny that) to bypass the heat exchanger as is sometimes the case in real life to avoid unwanted heat exchange or save on the extra pressure drop of the heat exchanger (the last one I saw was 240 Pa!) to save some fan energy...although the pressure=>energy saving bit you still need to do with ems, but at least the heat and mass is already taken account of.
ÂJean,ÂYes thanks, as I mentioned in the last post, when adding an OA controller I get fatal error posted below with the attached file. This and only this part [DOAS air side system] of the model was generated in design builder as I set up the water side systems in IDF editor and used a base file that I have developed for all other classes. The attached file runs with only the 'no controller' warning. I am tempted to add a WaterCoil in the ADU so the file runs, then to use an availability schedule to keep the non-existent water coil off for model the DOAS with a fan that brings in outside air when it using DifferentialDryBulbAndEnthalpy and a rotary heat exchanger. Thanks again for your helpÂProgram Version,EnergyPlus-Windows-64, YMD=2016.03.11 21:09,IDD_Version  ************* Beginning Zone Sizing Calculations  ************* Beginning System Sizing Calculations  ************* Beginning Plant Sizing Calculations  **  Fatal  ** ManageControllers: Invalid controller=AIR LOOP AHU  OUTDOOR AIR CONTROLLER. The only valid controller type for an AirLoopHVAC is Controller:WaterCoil.  ...Summary of Errors that led to program termination:  ..... Reference severe error count=0  ..... Last severe error=  ************* Warning:  Node connection errors not checked - most system input has not been read (see previous warning).  ************* Fatal error -- final processing. Program exited before simulations began. See previous error messages.  ************* EnergyPlus Warmup Error Summary. During Warmup: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors.  ************* EnergyPlus Sizing Error Summary. During Sizing: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors.  ************* EnergyPlus Terminated--Fatal Error Detected. 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 01min 55.41secJeremiah Crossett | Chief Technological Officer | NRGSIM INC. | | 7409 SW Capitol Highway Portland OR, 97219 | 503-688-8951ÂOn Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 12:58 AM, Jean Marais jeannieboef@xxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support] <EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:ÂPerhaps an ODA controller?
On 10 Mar 2016 8:51 pm, "Jeremiah Crossett jcrossett@xxxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support]" <EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:ÂNow attached is a new version of this thermally active slab model with district heating and cooling loops where I built the HVAC from scratch in IDF editor. The file runs now but has an issue now with this single warning--  ** Warning ** GetAirPathData: AirLoopHVAC="AIR LOOP" has no Controllers but when adding a controller the file has a fatal error saying that only a air loop with a coil can have a controller. This building does not have cooling coils so I am hesitant to add one and am wondering if anyone has any suggestions.ÂMany thanksÂJeremiah Crossett | Chief Technological Officer | NRGSIM INC. | | 7409 SW Capitol Highway Portland OR, 97219 | 503-688-8951ÂOn Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 9:31 AM, Jeremiah Crossett <jcrossett@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Well, I have tracked down the temperatures too high issue to the HeatPump:WaterToWater:EquationFit:Cooling, guess I will just change the system over to a district cooling loop flowing through the floors since I am not seeing why the temperatures are getting so when the supply source is cool. It seemed as though I was doing it correctly but there was an issue in this element of the program, so I now don't have much choice but to try a different route- unless anyone has any suggestions that is... ThanksÂJeremiah Crossett | Chief Technological Officer | NRGSIM INC. | | 7409 SW Capitol Highway Portland OR, 97219 | 503-688-8951ÂOn Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 10:05 AM, Jeremiah Crossett <jcrossett@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:My main question for the list is: Has anyone modeled a Thermally active slab system with tap water supply before or have any suggestions for objects that could be used to model this system? (It seemed rather easy at first with the temperature source object but has been rather problematic to get it to work as expected or to track down the issue so I am thinking to go back to the drawing board of sorts)ÂMany ThanksÂJeremiah Crossett | Chief Technological Officer | NRGSIM INC. | | 7409 SW Capitol Highway Portland OR, 97219 | 503-688-8951ÂOn Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 11:33 PM, Jeremiah Crossett <jcrossett@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hi, Jean,ÂYes, it has been a bit difficult, but I have never met a model that can not be done!ÂWhen I last posted on this model you sent an example that used a chiller and boiler. I looked at it and followed your logic in a similar workflow as I have used in the past to use node and branch configurations but change out the plant object. This time however, it does not seem to be working as expected. I am fine with nodes and branches and have managed to setup systems without issues in the past, but for this project I am having a difficult time----->Deciding the best objects to model the water plumbing line as the supply, near constant water temperatures from the water as a low temperature direct cooling supply and also as the source for heating with a heat pump.ÂI did notice that the  lowtemperatureradiant object and it was my first choice to use the CentralHeatPumpSystem with a ChillerHeaterPerformance:Electric:EIR object, however, oddly the CentralHeatPumpSystem, in V8.1 dd not seem to work when properly setup,  even the node manager in IDF editor did not find nodes- I figure it was just an IDD error but then extra warnings showed the CentralHeatPumpSystem was an unused object so I gave up on that route and decided to get the cooled slab floors working with the outside air system and to do a separate model for the heating season. Now it seems that the outside air system has issues with not having a controller that does not control a coil, so attempted to add a cooling coil on the same supply and the model has fatal errors, while the model with no cooling coil runs but has too hot of supply temperatures. How it has too hot of supply temperatures is the issue I am trying to track down in my model, as I do not see any issues, but do see very high temperatures. I first figured there was too small of a flow rate somewhere in the system, next looked for anywhere that there could be heat added and now have concluded that the issue must be with some type of system component, controler or availability manager but am having trouble tracking it down and would like to either rethink what objects to use or find the issue behid the too hot supply coming from the temperature source object supplying a constant 17C autosized flow rate.ÂAttached is a svg from the last working version (no cooling coil, only TABS system as designed) and a doc from the client on the building. Below is a diagram of the active slab and the building. I am open to any work around or proper method, so long as it allows the thermal mass to be cooled and heated from the fluid loops and am very thankful for any insight anyone may have that will result in a resonable model. Thanks---->ÂThey intend to use aâ??TABS-Thermally-Active Building Systemâ?? for heating and cooling and a mechanical ventilation.ÂBuilding in glass, 5 floors offices (OBj.A)! In Switzerland, Bioggio near Lugano.Flat roof, U=0.373 W/m2K(concrete slab + 20cm insulation U = 0.029 W/m2K)Floor against outside - garage,  U = 0.16 W / m2KÂ(screed, insulation 4 cm, slab BA + under slab insulation: rock wool 15 cmGlass facades, U =0.13 W/m2Klight transmittance = 24%(Qbiss.Air, ref: QATT6: 6 chambers (5-chamber core+ additional IGU, krypton)Jeremiah Crossett | Chief Technological Officer | NRGSIM INC. | | 7409 SW Capitol Highway Portland OR, 97219 | 503-688-8951ÂOn Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 9:42 PM, Jean Marais jeannieboef@xxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support] <EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:ÂHi Jeremiah,
this sounds like a nightmare model. From what you say I should point out
- you can't have two lowtemperatureradiant objects in the same surface.
- you CAN both heat and cool with THE SAMEÂ lowtemperatureradiant object but not at the same tinestep.Could you post an svg of your preferred HVAC setup?
Best regards,
Posted by: Jean Marais <jeannieboef@xxxxxxxxx>
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