Dear Sajal,
I’m just a architect, but I think "neither this nor that"; I still think you are confusing energy and power�
In a generic sense, if I set that my lighting design load is 9W/m2 and have a building of 180m2, so the total load of the project will be 1620W. This does not mean that the building consumes 1620W per second or per hour. For heating and cooling loads is the same: if I have a designed load "X", which is a projected amount in BTU, W or J (energy units). What do you want this quantity is a function of time: power! Power is a rate. In physics, rates of describing how something changes over time. The information you wish to will be in "End Uses", in the rows relating to HVAC System employee. The sum of these energy consumption (energy unit defined in the IDF) divided by 8760 hours or 525600 will show you the rate.
Good job, Arq Carlos Krebs Me Arquitetura e Urbanismo PROGRAU/FAUrb/UFPEL LEED® Accredited Professional Auditor Interno ISO 14.001 Consultor de Eficiência Energética em Edificações
Dear Arq Carlos Krebs, Thank you so much but my question is that what is calculated design load? is this calculation for per second or per hour??? Basically I want to calculated the per hour cooling load for a fixed space and I found Calculated Design Load [W] so can you explain what is that? Thank you so much again.
Sajal Chowdhury B.Arch.(BUET), M.Arch.(BUET), M.Eng.(HU,Japan)C.
Dear Sajal,
I imagine you're looking at the wrong thing � In the early part of his "Table.HTML" there is a table with the title "End Uses.” This table is divided into some columns: Electricity [kWh], Natural Gas [kWh] Additional Fuel [kWh] District Cooling [kWh] District Heating [kWh] Water [m3], according to the source of energy used. If so, just watch the values for "Heating", "Cooling" and "Fans" and convert them to GJ using the ratio 1 [kWh] = 0.0036 x [GJ / h].
Otherwise, based on Input/Output Reference Guide, it appears that your file is set to IDF kWh “ClassList" > "OutputControl: Table: Style". There is a possibility that the data are provided in: - JtoKWH - Joules converted into kWh (1 / 3,600,000) - JtoMJ - Joules converted into megajoules (1 / 1,000,000) - JtoGJ - Joules converted into gigajoules (1 / 1,000,000,000) - InchPound - convert all annual, monthly, economics and timebins tabular values to common Inch-Pound equivalent Remember: the current options are limited to just how the energy is being Reported.
God job, Arq Carlos Krebs Me Arquitetura e Urbanismo PROGRAU/FAUrb/UFPEL LEED® Accredited Professional Auditor Interno ISO 14.001 Consultor de Eficiência Energética em Edificações
Dear All, I calculated the following by using ILAS for 1 year.
Report: HVAC Sizing Summary For: Entire Facility Zone Cooling
| Calculated Design Load [W] | User Design Load [W] | User Design Load per Area [W/m2] | Calculated Design Air Flow [m3/s] | User Design Air Flow [m3/s] | Design Day Name | Date/Time Of Peak | Thermostat Setpoint Temperature at Peak Load [C] | Indoor Temperature at Peak Load [C] | Indoor Humidity Ratio at Peak Load [kgWater/kgAir] | Outdoor Temperature at Peak Load [C] | Outdoor Humidity Ratio at Peak Load [kgWater/kgAir] | PRODUCTION ZONE | 39246.61 | 39246.61 | 11.68 | 2.337 | 2.337 | SIZINGPERIOD | 7/26 14:00:00 | 0.00 | 26.70 | 0.00770 | 30.00 | 0.02274 |
Here, Calculated Design Cooling Load [W]= 39246.61 W .. is this calculation for per second ??? and if I want to convert this to GJ per Hour how can I do this?? Thank you.
Best Wishes, Sajal Chowdhury B.Arch.(BUET), M.Arch.(BUET), M.Eng.(HU,Japan)C.
Posted by: Carlos Krebs <clmkrebs@xxxxxxxxx>
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