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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Custom climate file rendering simulations corrupt


Thanks for the explanation.  I figured there must be a reason for setting the year to 2002, which was not explained in the thread.

However, I'm puzzled why you're doing this to the weather file, instead of having EnergyPlus or DesignBuilder do it internally if "typical year" weather data are always interpreted as 2002 anyway.  One of the things I like about the TMY2/TMY3 format is that it contains the actual years from which the monthly data were extracted, which is indispensible if one ever wants to verify or debug data that appear suspicious or questionable.  Otherwise, a "typical year" weather file is just some hypothetical data floating in space. What I did in 2012 to correct the liquid precipitation data in the TMY3s was only possible because I had the actual year and time of the records.

I note that you call this a "workaround", so maybe you are planning to add that capability to either DB or EP, which I would highly recommend.


Joe Huang
White Box Technologies, Inc.
346 Rheem Blvd., Suite 205A
Moraga CA 94556
http://weather.whiteboxtechnologies.com for simulation-ready weather data
(o) (925)388-0265
(c) (510)928-2683
"building energy simulations at your fingertips"
On 10/21/2016 3:16 AM, Andy Tindale andy.tindale@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support] wrote:

To expand a little on previous answers, from our Knowledgebase article on the subject:

All of the data supplied by DesignBuilder comes from the EnergyPlus hourly weather database and is mostly made up of real weather data compiled to create representative years. Each file typically has months from more than one year. DesignBuilder have set the year for every record to 2002 to ensure that daily, hourly and sub-hourly data generated by EnergyPlus is correctly synchronised with the DesignBuilder graphics display.

If you are using your own weather data where the year is not set to 2002 in the weather file, you will probably find that DesignBuilder reports the day of week incorrectly on hourly and daily graphs of data. However this is just a reporting issue and the simulation results will be correct, it's just that the day of the week on the graph will not be labelled correctly (e.g. Monday might be labelled as Sunday etc). The workaround for this is to change the year data for each record in the weather file to 2002 using the 'Hourly weather data' dialog which is accessed from the Tools menu.

I hope this clears it up.




Andy Tindale

Managing Director I Tel: +44 (0)1453 755500 I andy.tindale@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


DesignBuilder Software Ltd, 1st Floor, Clarendon Court, 54-56 London Rd, Stroud, GL5 2AD



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From: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: vendredi 21 octobre 2016 04:10
To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Custom climate file rendering simulations corrupt


Dear Joe,


As Jim Dirkes pointed out, DB accepts all epw weather files. But in order to run the design summer or design winter weeks, it needs to convert all the epw hours to the year 2002 for which it has a converter.





On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 5:40 AM, Jim Dirkes jim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support] <EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:



DB can use any .epw-formatted weather file


On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 4:10 PM, Joe Huang YJHuang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support] <EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Am I reading this correctly that DB only accepts weather files with the year as 2002?   If that's true, what's the reason? Does that mean DB is never used for simulations with actual historical weather data?


Joe Huang
White Box Technologies, Inc.
346 Rheem Blvd., Suite 205A
Moraga CA 94556
http://weather.whiteboxtechnologies.com for simulation-ready weather data
(o) (925)388-0265
(c) (510)928-2683
"building energy simulations at your fingertips"

On 10/20/2016 8:24 AM, Roshmi Sen s.roshmi@xxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support] wrote:


Dear Linda,


Thank you very much for the help. Yes, they have a converter that converts all the years to 2002. I will reach out to you if I need further help.






On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 8:21 PM, katdra83@xxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support] <EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


You can have both installed. No problem at all. When exporting from DB to e+ just check the version of the final file. You might need to update the e+ file to a later version if your DB version is a bit old. 







James V Dirkes II, PE, BEMP, LEED AP
The Building Performance Team Inc.
1631 Acacia Dr, GR, Mi 49504

Direct: 616.450.8653

Website l  LinkedIn | May 2016 ASHRAE Journal article on energy modeling

�an open mind is not an end in itself but rather is like an open mouth, designed to bite down on something solid and nourishing.







Posted by: Joe Huang <yjhuang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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