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[EnergyPlus_Support] Re: LOW-E GLASS VS BRICK WALL

Dear Mr. Ali,
I respect your idea as owner's requirements. We have a bunch of factors affecting energy performance.
Therefore, to find your answers, you need to understand what are issues now and what could increase or decrease your energy use in your design when you choose by stages .

1) LoW-E glass vs brick wall?
Typically, regardless climate zones and when they have same conditioned environmental variables, well-insulated and air-tighten walls show better energy performance than glass facade including low-E. 
You expect to energy savings in cooling and lighting loads using low-E glass large facade. 
However, a) Lighting load is typically smaller than cooling and heating loads, which means cooling and heating saving strategies (i.e.,insulated walls) are more effective to reduce energy consumption.  
b) Even though you can use great daylight with large window, you still need to use lighting fixtures during daytime to control even intensity of illumination or to provide lighting to some part of interior spaces that have not enough light level, which might reduce your energy saving effect using large glass facade. 
Above all, Low-E is more effective to control heating loads, although they could reduce part of cooling load and their performance could vary depending on film locations. 
Hence, if you want to use glass wall in high solar intensity climate, reflective or low reflective glass/film or low transmission glass are better to control cooling loads.  


 Posted by: chulkim53@xxxxxxxxx

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