Dear Support team,
we are totatlly new here, with EnergyPlus and OpenStudio, so therefore, we have some questions.
In attachment is my simple model (1 story building with 2 windows on the south side).
My questions are:
1. How can I make my Construction, Exterior Wall (inside do outside) with this specs of material:
 - Internal Surface Coefficient (U=8.290 W/m2*K and Resistance =0.121 m2*K/W)Â
 - Plasterboard (k=0.160 W/m*K, Thickness = 0.012, U=13.333 W/m2*K and Resistance=0.075 m2*K/W, Density = 950 kg/m3 and Cp = 840 J/kg*K)
 - Fiberglass quilt (k=0.040 W/m*K, Thickness = 0.066, U=0.606 W/m2*K and R=1.650 m2*K/W, Density = 12 kg/m3 and Cp = 840 J/kg*K)
 - Wood Siding (k=0.140 W/m*K, Thickness = 0.009, U=15.556 W/m2*K and R=0.064 m2*K/W, Density = 530 kg/m3 and Cp = 900 J/kg*K)
- External Surface Coefficient (U=29.300 W/m2*K and Resistance = 0.034 m2*K/W)Â
 TOTAL air - air  (U=0.514 W/m2*K and Resistance =1.944 m2*K/W)Â
 TOTAL surface - surface (U=0.559W/m2*K and Res
istance =1.789 m2*K/W) Â
2. I would like to have the whole space (at my model) with constant temperature of 20°C or constant temp of 26°C. How and where in Open Studio do I put/drag heater or cooler to my model and where exactly do I change presets (temperatures etc.)?
3. Does OpenStudio have presets for my model, how does OS know that 24°C is the temperature where it needs to start cooling. How can I change to 27°C?
4. When I push RUN button, system shows some results, but only put Weather Data to it. How and where can I see other results?
Best regards,