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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] using Ideal Air Loads - the proper way to define it in Energy Plus

Dear Steph,

Your template of  Ideal Load is not properly set. You need to define the object HVACTemplate:Thermostat among several things.
My suggestion is go back to sketchtup and open studio and set the ideal load with the cooling and heating thermostat in the thermal zone tab. Run the file in open studio and see of you get more reasonable results. Check also your internal loads (people, lights and plug loads) . If you have high internal loads the influence of the solar radiation will be very low.

Good luck!


Em dom., 9 de fev. de 2020 às 15:20, 'artcygne@xxxxxxxxx' artcygne@xxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support] <EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> escreveu:

Hi, I hope someone can help me with this question,

I'm simulating a small office and want to obtain 'Heating and Cooling Loads', I'm using Ideal Air Loads which I defined by activating them in Open Studio (Turn on Ideal Air Loads) in the 'Thermal Zone' Tab.  In the output in Energy Plus, I'm looking at 'Zone Air System Sensible Heating Rate' and 'Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Rate' (Watts, hourly in the excel file). However, I'm comparing exterior blinds with different tilts, and observe that the results are quite similar, if I look at zero tilt (open) compared to tilt 60 degrees (almost closed), on the same day and time (tilmestep), the difference is only of about 30W (heating loads), but the difference cumulative over the year is only about 100W. Comparing with all the tilting cases of the blinds, I was expecting to see a clearer tendency of decreasing (or increasing) values for cooling/heating loads, but they actually look quite the same (attached the idf files in case it helps).

I wonder if this is the proper way of modeling Ideal Air Loads, as in Energy Plus appears as HVAC template:Zone Ideal Loads Air System [HVAC Templates], since there is another option: Zone HVAC: Ideal Loads Air System [Zone HVAC Forced Air Units], but in that case I don't know how to add it to the ZoneHVAC: Equipment List (the error I get when using that option).

, InitPurchasedAir: ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem = 1A is not on any ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList.  It will not be simulated.

I'd appreciate your help regarding this issue, thanks in advance



Posted by: Alberto Hernandez Neto <ahneto@xxxxxx>

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