[Equest-users] Strange errors in file- HELP!

Bruce Easterbrook bruce5 at bellnet.ca
Fri Jul 9 16:56:00 PDT 2010

You are so right.  I will put this down for a while.  Put my feet up and 
have a cold one.

On 09/07/2010 07:35 PM, John Aulbach wrote:
> Thank God a weekend is coming up. Everyone stop simulations and visit 
> their families.
> The .INP file is the raw data entry in DOE-2.,2 that the eQuest .PD2 
> recognizes to formulate a run. The .BDL file is the "digested" input 
> information after DOE-2.2 (the engine) error checks the input. The 
> core program actually uses the .BDL file for its input.
> I suppose you could change the .BDL file. But the eQuest front end 
> (.PD2) displays what is sees in the .INP files NOT the .PD2 file.
> It is finished....
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Bruce Easterbrook <bruce5 at bellnet.ca>
> *To:* Nick Caton <ncaton at smithboucher.com>
> *Cc:* equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
> *Sent:* Fri, July 9, 2010 3:59:34 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [Equest-users] Strange errors in file- HELP!
> I guess my question has opened a can of worms but that was why I asked 
> the question.  Maybe the eQuest code writers will have to answer this 
> one.  Maybe I was delirious after 16 hours on the computer when I made 
> my observations.  I noticed that wizard changes were inserted at the 
> end of the INP file when you press finish.  If you then press 
> simulate, eQuest will do another run of the (a) BDL file.  It does not 
> seem to be a new BDL file, possibly a modified one based on the 
> current INP file ie changes tacked onto the end, maybe just the old 
> BDL file.  Certain line based errors don't seem to get updated unless 
> the program is shutdown, opened and recompiled.  My new simulation was 
> kicking out on the same line error as before.  Maybe I adjusted the 
> BDL file by mistake, but I don't think I did, I adjusted the INP 
> file.  Finally in frustration I closed the project and went to bed.  
> Opened the same file in the morning, it compiled perfect, pressed 
> simulate and that ran too.  So the new question is what is different 
> between doing a save in the program, simulating, and shutting down, 
> restarting and simulating?  When does the line order in the INP file 
> get updated?  Maybe this is why Carol likes editing in the INP file so 
> much, she fixes the error at the line it occurred at, rather than the 
> wizard fix which seems to append the INP file.  I did do a INP fix 
> where I noticed the call for a change I had make had caused the run to 
> fail.  I just grabbed the change from the end of the INP file, moved 
> it up to before the call, saved it and then the simulation ran.
> Contradicting Nick, it seems to me the INP file is the active file for 
> making changes and the BDL file is the compiled result from the INP 
> file that is used to run the simulation.  If you change the BDL file 
> then it will be over-written.  But on the other hand Nick does know 
> the program extremely well and has had success changing the BDL file.  
> All this seems to support my contention that there is a difference in 
> how eQuest treats a full shutdown and recompile verses one in the 
> program with just a save.  Dating myself here, I haven't written and 
> compiled code since the days of card readers.  For the program to run 
> you have to compile the whole program.  You can have discrete programs 
> making up the whole, they can be compiled and test run separately, but 
> in the end, you have to compile the whole program at once.  Thoughts?
> Bruce
> On 09/07/2010 04:22 PM, Nick Caton wrote:
>> Let me take a crack at the piñata too!
>> - eQuest Wizard information is stored in the pd2 file.
>> - When you hit the “Finish” button in the wizards, an .inp file is 
>> generated based on the Wizard inputs (which are in the pd2)
>> - Whenever you run a simulation, whether in detailed or wizard mode, 
>> eQuest will first “evaluate” everything in the current .inp file.  
>> The generated report is the .bdl file.
>> As a result of the above, changing anything in the .bdl file will do 
>> nothing for you – treat it simply as a report and make changes to the 
>> .inp file.
>> Additionally, if you are ever trying to copy/paste information into a 
>> wizard-level project, you will never get anywhere pasting into the 
>> .inp because that .inp will get overwritten (a new one is generated) 
>> every time you “finish” your wizard screens.
>> ~Nick
>> cid:489575314 at 22072009-0ABB**
>> * *
>> *NICK CATON, E.I.T.***
>> 25501 west valley parkway
>> olathe ks 66061
>> direct 913 344.0036
>> fax 913 345.0617
>> /Check out our new web-site @ /www.smithboucher.com_ _
>> *From:* equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org 
>> [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] *On Behalf Of 
>> *Demba Ndiaye
>> *Sent:* Friday, July 09, 2010 3:18 PM
>> *To:* Bruce Easterbrook; Patrick J. O'Leary, Jr.; cmg750 at gmail.com
>> *Cc:* equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
>> *Subject:* Re: [Equest-users] Strange errors in file- HELP!
>> Bruce,
>> To your question (My question is does eQuest take the INP file and 
>> create a new BDL file on opening the project?  I'm referring to the 
>> initial run (compile) eQuest does on opening, is it creating a new 
>> BDL file?), answer is YES.
>> ____________
>> Demba NDIAYE
>> *From:* equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org 
>> [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] *On Behalf Of 
>> *Bruce Easterbrook
>> *Sent:* Friday, July 09, 2010 3:40 PM
>> *To:* Patrick J. O'Leary, Jr.; cmg750 at gmail.com
>> *Cc:* equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
>> *Subject:* Re: [Equest-users] Strange errors in file- HELP!
>> I have a question, partly due to my ramble a few weeks ago on the 
>> wizards and how I use them.  After a long series of adjustments I 
>> shutdown and re-initialize the program.  My question is does eQuest 
>> take the INP file and create a new BDL file on opening the project?  
>> I'm referring to the initial run (compile) eQuest does on opening, is 
>> it creating a new BDL file?
>> To second what everyone else is saying, certain errors are easier 
>> fixed in the INP file, like these ones.  The main thing to remember 
>> is to always have a backup copy.  The most important one is your last 
>> one before you leave the wizards.  Then go for it, if you crash it, 
>> copy your copy and try and other tack.
>> Bruce
>> Abode Eng.
>> On 09/07/2010 02:48 PM, Patrick J. O'Leary, Jr. wrote:
>> one thing you can do is make changes to the .pd2 and .inp files using 
>> notepad once you've figured out what you need to change.   for 
>> example, if your EL3 East Perim Plnm (G.E6) was referenced but is no 
>> longer defined, you have a plenum space that belonged to a space that 
>> changed names during a zoning change.  look at the .inp file line 
>> number, find out which space the EL3 East Perim Plnm (G.E6) is 
>> supposed to correlate to and change the name accordingly - in the 
>> .inp file.  once these references are corrected the simulation should 
>> run fine.
>> you're probably looking at changing EL3 East Perim Plnm (G.E6) to 
>> whatever the new space name is (checking what comes before line 14898 
>> can put you in the right direction on finding the correct name to 
>> change to.
>> and when you have a working simulation always backup your .pd2 
>> (wizard mode) and/or .inp (detailed mode) files even if you just copy 
>> them in the same directory.
>> *ERROR****************************************************************************************
>> *ERROR*****EL3 East Perim Plnm (G.E6) was referenced on line 14898 
>> but never
>>             defined.
>> *ERROR****************************************************************************************
>> *ERROR*****EL3 West Perim Spc (G.W4) was referenced on line 15237 but 
>> never
>>             defined.
>> *ERROR****************************************************************************************
>> *ERROR*****EL3 WNW Perim Plnm (G.WNW7) was referenced on line 15377 
>> but never
>>             defined.
>> On 7/9/10 11:23 AM, Carol Gardner wrote:
>> Hmm. Well I'm not sure I understand exactly what you are asking, but 
>> here are my recommendations. Finish what you need to do in DDWizard 
>> and get out of it. I wouldn't even try to make the changes you are 
>> trying to make while in the Wizard.
>> Don't fear DD edit. You can do things in it just as easily as in the 
>> Wizard, and if you get stuck we'll help. Like I said earlier, the 
>> easiest way to see what and where the error is, is to open up the 
>> .bdl and .inp files. That might be even scarier to you than DD edit, 
>> and that's okay, you should be scared. You can mess up in a hurry but 
>> with careful work you won't.
>> Take a deep breath and get out of the Wizard!!
>> Cheers,
>> Carol
>> On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 11:11 AM, Paul Brooks <equestpaul at yahoo.com 
>> <mailto:equestpaul at yahoo.com>> wrote:
>> Carol, Dave, and Mtt:
>> Thank you for the replies.  I did look in the BDL file, but did not 
>> realize I had to update the inp.
>> That being said, am I safe in assuming that, if I stay in the 
>> DDwizard (not quite ready to leave yet), every time i add information 
>> and compile, I will have the same error.  The root cause of the error 
>> is in the interface, correct?  If that is the case, then the reality 
>> is it just cannot be fixed unless i change the inp file after compiling?
>> Thank you again!
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* Carol Gardner <cmg750 at gmail.com <mailto:cmg750 at gmail.com>>
>> *To:* Paul Brooks <equestpaul at yahoo.com <mailto:equestpaul at yahoo.com>>
>> *Cc:* eQuest user forum <equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org 
>> <mailto:equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org>>
>> *Sent:* Fri, July 9, 2010 1:32:58 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: [Equest-users] Strange errors in file- HELP!
>> Hi Paul,
>> Here's my strategy when this happens to me. I open the *.inp* file 
>> and the *.bd*l file in Word. I then use the Edit, Find feature and 
>> search on ERROR in the *.bdl* file. When I find the line that the 
>> error is occurring in I then fix it in the *.inp* file. Repeat until 
>> all errors gone. You probably have an existing space that shared an 
>> interior wall with your now deleted space and is trying to reference 
>> it using" NEXT-TO". Be sure to fix the error in the *.inp* file not 
>> the .bdl file, which I have done a few times. This is one example of 
>> why it is good to familiarize yourself with the Building Descriptive 
>> Language (BDL): you can make these sorts of fixes much easier in your 
>> input deck using than trying to figure it out in DD edit. Just be 
>> sure not to delete any delimiters (..)
>> Let me know how you do..
>> Carol
>> On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 8:33 AM, Paul Brooks <equestpaul at yahoo.com 
>> <mailto:equestpaul at yahoo.com>> wrote:
>> I am modeling an addition to an existing building.  I originally did 
>> the shell/zoning using just the original building.  I then, after 
>> saving a back up copy of the base building, i went back to the shell 
>> and zone drawing screens in the DD wizard and expanded the shell to 
>> account for the addition, and then went into the zone creation and 
>> adjusted my zones.  I was sure to follow the rules about matching 
>> verticies, etc.
>> Now i am getting errors concerning the zone and plenum.  It appears 
>> that the program is still seeing plenums and walls that are now 
>> non-existent.  The program says that plenums are being referenced but 
>> are not defined (see error message below).
>> Anyone got any ideas on how to clear this?
>> *ERROR****************************************************************************************
>> *ERROR*****EL3 East Perim Plnm (G.E6) was referenced on line 14898 
>> but never
>>             defined.
>> *ERROR****************************************************************************************
>> *ERROR*****EL3 West Perim Spc (G.W4) was referenced on line 15237 but 
>> never
>>             defined.
>> *ERROR****************************************************************************************
>> *ERROR*****EL3 WNW Perim Plnm (G.WNW7) was referenced on line 15377 
>> but never
>>             defined.
>> ****************************************    5 ERRORS
>> ****************************************    2 WARNINGS
>> ****************************************  103 CAUTIONS
>>      *20195* COMPUTE ..
>>      *20196* STOP ..
>> ****************************************    5 ABORT-LEVEL DIAGNOSTICS
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