[Equest-users] Internal Wall Problems with Wizard

Ömer Moltay omoltay at mimtarch.com
Tue Jul 10 10:25:56 PDT 2012

Hi Robby,

Thanks a lot. Learned something very important today.

Another problem that I am having with internal walls: There are internal 
walls missing in some zones and I have no clue as to why. You will see 
these in the attached images as thin lines. The walls are missing from 
the selected zone (grayed), but the neighboring zone has walls in the 
same place.

In 01.jpg, all three internal walls of the smaller zone are missing.

In 02.jpg, some internal walls are missing and some are not.

This floor has been recreated according to your advice with additional 

I think there is more to internal walls in Wizard that I do not know.

Best regards,

Mimta EcoYapi
Hekimsuyu Cad. 559. Sk.
No:39 34255 Küçükköy I.stanbul
Tel: 90-212-617-2296
Fax: 90-212-617-2297

10.07.2012 18:52 tarihinde, Robby Oylear yazd?:
> Omer,
> The simplest way to ensure that eQUEST defines the NEXT-TO property 
> correctly is to make sure that each interior wall only interfaces with 
> one other interior wall.
> In the situation you describe where you have an interior wall that is 
> adjacent to more than one zone, I would typically split that interior 
> wall into two or three walls by adding vertices at each of the 
> intersections between the zones and the interior wall that spans them.
> Here's a sketch of what I'm describing:
> Inline image 1
> Hope that helps.
> Robby Oylear, PE, LEED AP
> /Mechanical Engineer/
> /Senior Energy Analyst/
> //
> *D*206-788-4571
> */www.rushingco.com/* <http://www.rushingco.com/>
> On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 8:45 AM, Ömer Moltay <omoltay at mimtarch.com 
> <mailto:omoltay at mimtarch.com>> wrote:
>     Dear All,
>     I have realized that while creating the model after Wizard
>     entries, eQuest will fail to determine the NEXT-TO property for
>     interior walls that are adjacent to more than one zone and all
>     those interior walls will be defined as ADIABATIC.
>     Also, I see that interior walls are missing from zones where
>     another zone has an ADIABATIC wall in the same place.
>     I see no way of having a model with all interior walls correctly
>     defined without fixing all these problems after the Wizard. Does
>     everybody have the same experience or am I missing something?
>     Ömer Moltay, LEED AP BD+C, ASHRAE BEMP, CPMP, BREEAM Assessor
>     Mimta EcoYapi
>     Hekimsuyu Cad. 559. Sk. No:39
>     34255 Kucukkoy Istanbul Turkey
>     Tel: 90-212-617-2296
>     Fax: 90-212-617-2297
>     www.ekoyapi.net <http://www.ekoyapi.net>
>     www.mimtasolar.com <http://www.mimtasolar.com>
>     www.mimtarch.com <http://www.mimtarch.com>
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