[Equest-users] defining minimum primary airflow

David Eldridge DEldridge at grummanbutkus.com
Thu Feb 28 16:13:41 PST 2013

The reviewer isn't sure why some of the zones are constant volume instead of VAV. One reason for them to be constant volume is if there was a make-up air requirement, but since the outside air quantity is less than the zone airflow, that isn't the reason.

When the reviewer said "for future submittals" they may be trying to help you model the building with the applicable savings on your next project?

Is the reviewer still expecting a new submittal, or did they accept the submittal and leave you this comment to improve the results for next time?

The wording is confusing, you are correct about the applicability to the baseline, while the proposed should be modeled as it is designed regarding airflow. Did they mean baseline? You should be able to verify the baseline SV-A either has this same airflow fractions or not.


-----Original Message-----
From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Madjid Madjidi
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 9:12 AM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: [Equest-users] defining minimum primary airflow

Dear eQuest experts,

I am still hoping and urgently waiting for anybody who 

could help me understand the following reviewer comment:

"... the SV-A reports for the Proposed case show many 

zones with minimum flow fractions of 1.0 when the minimum 

outside air is less than the supply airflow. In future 

submittals ensure that the minimum primary airflow is 

modeled as prescribed in Section G3.1.3.14 and provide 

the SV-A reports to confirm the appropriate minimum 

flow ratios are modeled as required."  Now, for me the

confusing thing is that G3.1.3.14 describes the baseline

and not the proposed model. Is there a mistyping ? Or does

it mean that I have to change both the baseline and the proposed

model ? The minimum out door air definition seems to be neglected

for some zones in eQuest. But I dont know why (schedules ?, ...)

I can send you the model, if you have time to check that point.

Thank you in advance and with best regards 

Madjid Madjidi

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