[Equest-users] Convert txt weather file to bin for eQuest
Kieu Anh Doan
asandcrab at gmail.com
Tue Mar 12 21:01:11 PDT 2013
*Belal K. Abboushi & All*
*Please see file attaches, it's all!*
*Doan Kieu Anh*
*HCM City, Vietnam*
*Email: asandcrab at gmail.com*
On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 7:36 AM, Joe Huang <yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.com
> wrote:
> **
> Belal,
> I took a look at your text weather file. If it's clean, i.e., all the
> elements are there for every hour, then the main difficulties are to
> calculate the following parameters that are needed in the DOE-2/eQUEST
> *.BIN format, as well as to convert all the parameters from SI to IP:
> calculate wet-bulb temperature from the dry-bulb and relative humidity
> calculate the humidity ratio
> calculate the enthalpy of air
> You would also have to add a constant air pressure based on the location's
> elevation, and then leave the rain and snow flags as 0's, but those aren't
> really used anyway.
> There used to be a dummy Fortran subroutine called OTHER that a user could
> modify and then compile with the DOE-2 weather processor program (also in
> Fortran), wthr.f,
> but I've known of only a handful of people who's actually tried to use it
> all the years I was at LBNL. By now, I actually prefer to write my own
> program rather than struggling
> with the syntax of wthr.f
> Since I do this type of stuff (process weather data) all the time, I could
> probably convert this file for you to eQUEST in less than an hour, but I
> would have to charge you.
> Let me know if you're interested.
> Joe
> Joe Huang
> White Box Technologies, Inc.
> 346 Rheem Blvd., Suite 108D
> Moraga CA 94556yjhuang at whiteboxtechnologies.comwww.whiteboxtechnologies.com
> (o) (925)388-0265
> (c) (510)928-2683
> "building energy simulations at your fingertips"
> On 3/12/2013 4:51 PM, Belal Khalid Abboushi wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a weather file in txt and would like to use the same file in
> equest. Is there a way i can convert it to bin so i can use it in eQuest?
> the weather file (txt) is attached.
> Thanks all,
> --
> Kind regards,
> Belal Abboushi
> *Belal K. Abboushi*
> M.Sc.Arch Candidate - Design & Energy Conservation
> College of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape Architecture
> The University of Arizona - U.S.A.
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