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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Variable Speed Pump Equation

At 12:27 PM 10/15/2002, TangoJim wrote:
Please verify the equation listed in the Input-Output
reference manual for Pump:VariableSpeed, page 291. The
last Part Load Ratio (PLR) term in the equation is to
the fourth power.

Should the last term in the equation be to the third power?

Yes, the last term should be to the third power. Here's the equation from the code:
  FracFullLoadPower =   PumpEquip(PumpNum)%PartLoadCoef(1)                     &
                      + PumpEquip(PumpNum)%PartLoadCoef(2) * PartLoadRatio     &
                      + PumpEquip(PumpNum)%PartLoadCoef(3) * PartLoadRatio**2  &
                      + PumpEquip(PumpNum)%PartLoadCoef(4) * PartLoadRatio**3


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