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[EnergyPlus_Support] WeatherProperty:SkyTemperature, error with "name" field

I am attempting to run a simulation using the "weatherproperty:skytemperature" object to input a sky temperature schedule. I would like to apply this schedule to the entire run period. Just to test things out, I created a Schedule:compact that sets the sky temp to 150 deg. When I run the simulation, I get the following errors (see below). I have tried running this both with and without a named run period. It seems that when a name is used, Eplus assumes it references a Design Day, but when no name is used, an error is also triggered. The I/O reference seems to imply that a blank name field will apply the modified sky temp to all run periods.

Any tips on how to avoid these errors?
(my IDF file is included at the end of this post for reference)

Cut and paste from I/O Reference:
"Field: Name. This name references an existing design period (i.e., SizingPeriod:DesignDay,SizingPeriod:WeatherFileDays, or SizingPeriod:WeatherFileConditionType) or run period (by
name or blank for all run periods)."

Here are the two errors I get:

--------Case 1: RunPeriod name=JulyDay--------------------------
** Severe  ** GetWeatherProperties:WeatherProperty:SkyTemperature="JULYDAY", invalid SizingPeriod:DesignDay referenced.
   ** Severe  ** GetWeatherProperties:WeatherProperty:SkyTemperature="JULYDAY", invalid Schedule Name.
   **  Fatal  ** GetWeatherInput: Above errors cause termination

------Case 2: RunPeriod name=blank---------------------------
** Severe  ** IP: IDF line~307 Error detected in Object=WEATHERPROPERTY:SKYTEMPERATURE
   **   ~~~   ** Field [Name] is required but was blank
   ** Severe  ** IP: Blank "required" fields found in input
   ** Severe  ** IP: Out of "range" values and/or blank required fields found in input
   **  Fatal  ** IP: Errors occurred on processing IDF file. Preceding condition(s) cause termination.
-----------IDF File--------------------------------------------
!-Generator IDFEditor 1.37c
!-Option SortedOrder

!-NOTE: All comments with '!-' are ignored by the IDFEditor and are generated automatically.
!-      Use '!' comments if they need to be retained when using the IDFEditor.

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: VERSION ===========

! Generated by EPXMLPreproc2 (Windows 32 Version
! Created on 05/08/2010 19:22:48
!***** This data and software ("Data") is provided by the National Renewable *****
!***** Energy Laboratory ("NREL"), which is operated by the Alliance for *****
!***** Sustainable Energy, LLC ("ALLIANCE") for the U.S. Department Of *****
!***** Energy ("DOE"). *****
!***** Access to and use of these Data shall impose the following obligations *****
!***** on the user, as set forth in this Agreement.  The user is granted the *****
!***** right, without any fee or cost, to use, copy, modify, alter, enhance *****
!***** and distribute these Data for any purpose whatsoever, provided that this *****
!***** entire notice appears in all copies of the Data.  Further, the user *****
!***** agrees to credit DOE/NREL/ALLIANCE in any publication that results from *****
!***** the use of these Data.  The names DOE/NREL/ALLIANCE, however, may not *****
!***** be used in any advertising or publicity to endorse or promote any products *****
!***** or commercial entities unless specific written permission is obtained from *****
!***** DOE/NREL/ ALLIANCE.  The user also understands that DOE/NREL/Alliance is *****
!***** not obligated to provide the user with any support, consulting, training *****
!***** or assistance of any kind with regard to the use of these Data or to *****
!***** provide the user with any updates, revisions or new versions of these Data. *****
!***** THESE DATA. *****
! Building Description
! Simple Office Building for roof temp comparison
! Start SimMetaData
! WeatherFileName=USA_OR_Portland_TMY2.epw
! RoofConstruction=Insulation Entirely Above Deck
! ExtWallConstruction=Steel-Framed
! End SimMetaData
! Start WebInterface Parameters
! EMAIL_ADDRESS=adam.scherba@xxxxxxxxx
! BUILDING_DESCRIPTION=Simple Office Building for roof temp comparison
! BUILDING_TYPE=Office/Professional
! GEOCHG=false
! MODEL=Simple
! ROOF_TYPE=Insulation Entirely above Deck
! WALL_TYPE_INPUT=SmartDefault
! End WebInterface Parameters
! Number of Zones: 15
    5.0.0;                   !- Version Identifier

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SIMULATIONCONTROL ===========

    Yes,                     !- Do Zone Sizing Calculation
    Yes,                     !- Do System Sizing Calculation
    Yes,                     !- Do Plant Sizing Calculation
    No,                      !- Run Simulation for Sizing Periods
    Yes;                     !- Run Simulation for Weather File Run Periods

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: BUILDING ===========

    Simple Office Building for roof temp comparison,  !- Name
    0.0000,                  !- North Axis {deg}
    City,                    !- Terrain
    0.0400,                  !- Loads Convergence Tolerance Value
    0.2000,                  !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value {deltaC}
    FullExterior,            !- Solar Distribution
    25;                      !- Maximum Number of Warmup Days

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SHADOWCALCULATION ===========

    30,                      !- Calculation Frequency
    15000;                   !- Maximum Figures in Shadow Overlap Calculations


    Detailed;                !- Algorithm


    DOE-2;                   !- Algorithm


    ConductionTransferFunction,  !- Algorithm
    200.0000;                !- Surface Temperature Upper Limit


    AnalyticalSolution;      !- Algorithm

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: TIMESTEP ===========

    30;                      !- Number of Timesteps per Hour

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CONVERGENCELIMITS ===========

    5,                       !- Minimum System Timestep {minutes}
    25;                      !- Maximum HVAC Iterations

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SITE:LOCATION ===========

!    3.1;                    !- Version Identifier
    USA OR-PORTLAND,         !- Name
    45.58,                   !- Latitude {deg}
    -122.58,                 !- Longitude {deg}
    -8.0,                    !- Time Zone {hr}
    12;                      !- Elevation {m}


! PORTLAND_OR_USA Annual Heating 99.6%, MaxDB=-5.6°C
    PORTLAND Ann Htg 99.6% Condns DB,  !- Name
    -5.6,                    !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
    0.0,                     !- Daily Temperature Range {deltaC}
    -5.6,                    !- Humidity Indicating Conditions at Maximum Dry-Bulb
    101181.,                 !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
    6,                       !- Wind Speed {m/s}
    120,                     !- Wind Direction {deg}
    0.00,                    !- Sky Clearness
    0,                       !- Rain Indicator
    0,                       !- Snow Indicator
    21,                      !- Day of Month
    1,                       !- Month
    WinterDesignDay,         !- Day Type
    0,                       !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
    WetBulb;                 !- Humidity Indicating Type

! PORTLAND_OR_USA Annual Cooling (DB=>MWB) .4%, MaxDB=32.7°C MWB=19.7°C
    PORTLAND Ann Clg .4% Condns DB=>MWB,  !- Name
    32.7,                    !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
    11.9,                    !- Daily Temperature Range {deltaC}
    19.7,                    !- Humidity Indicating Conditions at Maximum Dry-Bulb
    101181.,                 !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
    4.8,                     !- Wind Speed {m/s}
    310,                     !- Wind Direction {deg}
    1.00,                    !- Sky Clearness
    0,                       !- Rain Indicator
    0,                       !- Snow Indicator
    21,                      !- Day of Month
    8,                       !- Month
    SummerDesignDay,         !- Day Type
    0,                       !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
    WetBulb;                 !- Humidity Indicating Type

! PORTLAND_OR_USA Annual Cooling (WB=>MDB) .4%, MDB=30.7°C WB=20.7°C
    PORTLAND Ann Clg .4% Condns WB=>MDB,  !- Name
    30.7,                    !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
    11.9,                    !- Daily Temperature Range {deltaC}
    20.7,                    !- Humidity Indicating Conditions at Maximum Dry-Bulb
    101181.,                 !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
    4.8,                     !- Wind Speed {m/s}
    310,                     !- Wind Direction {deg}
    1.00,                    !- Sky Clearness
    0,                       !- Rain Indicator
    0,                       !- Snow Indicator
    21,                      !- Day of Month
    8,                       !- Month
    SummerDesignDay,         !- Day Type
    0,                       !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
    WetBulb;                 !- Humidity Indicating Type

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: RUNPERIOD ===========

    JulyDay,                 !- Name
    7,                       !- Begin Month
    15,                      !- Begin Day of Month
    7,                       !- End Month
    17,                      !- End Day of Month
    Wednesday,               !- Day of Week for Start Day
    No,                      !- Use Weather File Holidays and Special Days
    No,                      !- Use Weather File Daylight Saving Period
    No,                      !- Apply Weekend Holiday Rule
    Yes,                     !- Use Weather File Rain Indicators
    Yes,                     !- Use Weather File Snow Indicators
    1.0000;                  !- Number of Times Runperiod to be Repeated


! US National Holidays
    New Years Day,           !- Name
    January 1,               !- Start Date
    1,                       !- Duration {days}
    Holiday;                 !- Special Day Type

    Veterans Day,            !- Name
    November 11,             !- Start Date
    1,                       !- Duration {days}
    Holiday;                 !- Special Day Type

    Christmas,               !- Name
    December 25,             !- Start Date
    1,                       !- Duration {days}
    Holiday;                 !- Special Day Type

    Independence Day,        !- Name
    July 4,                  !- Start Date
    1,                       !- Duration {days}
    Holiday;                 !- Special Day Type

    MLK Day,                 !- Name
    3rd Monday in January,   !- Start Date
    1,                       !- Duration {days}
    Holiday;                 !- Special Day Type

    Presidents Day,          !- Name
    3rd Monday in February,  !- Start Date
    1,                       !- Duration {days}
    Holiday;                 !- Special Day Type

    Memorial Day,            !- Name
    Last Monday in May,      !- Start Date
    1,                       !- Duration {days}
    Holiday;                 !- Special Day Type

    Labor Day,               !- Name
    1st Monday in September, !- Start Date
    1,                       !- Duration {days}
    Holiday;                 !- Special Day Type

    Columbus Day,            !- Name
    2nd Monday in October,   !- Start Date
    1,                       !- Duration {days}
    Holiday;                 !- Special Day Type

    Thanksgiving,            !- Name
    4th Thursday in November,!- Start Date
    1,                       !- Duration {days}
    Holiday;                 !- Special Day Type


! Daylight Saving Period in US
    2nd Sunday in March,     !- Start Date
    1st Sunday in November;  !- End Date


    JulyDay,                 !- Name
    ScheduleValue,           !- Calculation Type
    SkyTemp_SCH;             !- Schedule Name


    19.776,                  !- January Ground Temperature {C}
    19.761,                  !- February Ground Temperature {C}
    19.789,                  !- March Ground Temperature {C}
    19.814,                  !- April Ground Temperature {C}
    19.905,                  !- May Ground Temperature {C}
    20.385,                  !- June Ground Temperature {C}
    21.476,                  !- July Ground Temperature {C}
    22.177,                  !- August Ground Temperature {C}
    20.950,                  !- September Ground Temperature {C}
    20.084,                  !- October Ground Temperature {C}
    19.917,                  !- November Ground Temperature {C}
    19.847;                  !- December Ground Temperature {C}


    CORRELATION,             !- Calculation Method
    ,                        !- Temperature Schedule Name
    11.70,                   !- Annual Average Outdoor Air Temperature {C}
    16.40;                   !- Maximum Difference In Monthly Average Outdoor Air Temperatures {deltaC}

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SCHEDULETYPELIMITS ===========

!***** Schedule Set *****
    Any Number;              !- Name

    Fraction,                !- Name
    0.0,                     !- Lower Limit Value
    1.0,                     !- Upper Limit Value
    CONTINUOUS;              !- Numeric Type

    Temperature,             !- Name
    -60,                     !- Lower Limit Value
    200,                     !- Upper Limit Value
    CONTINUOUS;              !- Numeric Type

    On/Off,                  !- Name
    0,                       !- Lower Limit Value
    1,                       !- Upper Limit Value
    DISCRETE;                !- Numeric Type

    Control Type,            !- Name
    0,                       !- Lower Limit Value
    4,                       !- Upper Limit Value
    DISCRETE;                !- Numeric Type

    Humidity,                !- Name
    10,                      !- Lower Limit Value
    90,                      !- Upper Limit Value
    CONTINUOUS;              !- Numeric Type

    Number;                  !- Name

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SCHEDULE:COMPACT ===========

! Schedule set    Schedule_Office_ASHRAE_90.1-1989_TypTstatSetback[]
! Hours: Weekly: 92, Yearly: 4797
! Schedule Office Lighting,  ASHRAE 90.1-1989, Section 13 w/addenda
    BLDG_LIGHT_SCH,          !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: Weekdays,           !- Field 2
    Until: 05:00,            !- Field 3
    0.05,                    !- Field 4
    Until: 07:00,            !- Field 5
    0.1,                     !- Field 6
    Until: 08:00,            !- Field 7
    0.3,                     !- Field 8
    Until: 17:00,            !- Field 9
    0.9,                     !- Field 10
    Until: 18:00,            !- Field 11
    0.5,                     !- Field 12
    Until: 20:00,            !- Field 13
    0.3,                     !- Field 14
    Until: 22:00,            !- Field 15
    0.2,                     !- Field 16
    Until: 23:00,            !- Field 17
    0.1,                     !- Field 18
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 19
    0.05,                    !- Field 20
    For: SummerDesignDay,    !- Field 21
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 22
    1.0,                     !- Field 23
    For: Saturday,           !- Field 24
    Until: 06:00,            !- Field 25
    0.05,                    !- Field 26
    Until: 08:00,            !- Field 27
    0.1,                     !- Field 28
    Until: 12:00,            !- Field 29
    0.3,                     !- Field 30
    Until: 17:00,            !- Field 31
    0.15,                    !- Field 32
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 33
    0.05,                    !- Field 34
    For: WinterDesignDay,    !- Field 35
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 36
    0.0,                     !- Field 37
    For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays,  !- Field 38
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 39
    0.05;                    !- Field 40

! Schedule Office Receptacle,  ASHRAE 90.1-1989, Section 13
! MODIFIED for increased off-hours plug loads (to account for more IT equipment)
! Hours: Weekly: 86.15, Yearly: 4492
    BLDG_EQUIP_SCH,          !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: Weekdays,           !- Field 2
    Until: 08:00,            !- Field 3
    0.40,                    !- Field 4
    Until: 12:00,            !- Field 5
    0.90,                    !- Field 6
    Until: 13:00,            !- Field 7
    0.80,                    !- Field 8
    Until: 17:00,            !- Field 9
    0.90,                    !- Field 10
    Until: 18:00,            !- Field 11
    0.50,                    !- Field 12
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 13
    0.40,                    !- Field 14
    For: SummerDesignDay,    !- Field 15
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 16
    1.0,                     !- Field 17
    For: Saturday,           !- Field 18
    Until: 06:00,            !- Field 19
    0.30,                    !- Field 20
    Until: 08:00,            !- Field 21
    0.4,                     !- Field 22
    Until: 12:00,            !- Field 23
    0.5,                     !- Field 24
    Until: 17:00,            !- Field 25
    0.35,                    !- Field 26
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 27
    0.30,                    !- Field 28
    For: WinterDesignDay,    !- Field 29
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 30
    0.0,                     !- Field 31
    For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays,  !- Field 32
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 33
    0.30;                    !- Field 34

! Schedule Office Occupancy,
    BLDG_OCC_SCH,            !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: Weekdays,           !- Field 2
    Until: 06:00,            !- Field 3
    0.0,                     !- Field 4
    Until: 07:00,            !- Field 5
    0.1,                     !- Field 6
    Until: 08:00,            !- Field 7
    0.2,                     !- Field 8
    Until: 12:00,            !- Field 9
    0.95,                    !- Field 10
    Until: 13:00,            !- Field 11
    0.5,                     !- Field 12
    Until: 17:00,            !- Field 13
    0.95,                    !- Field 14
    Until: 18:00,            !- Field 15
    0.3,                     !- Field 16
    Until: 20:00,            !- Field 17
    0.1,                     !- Field 18
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 19
    0.05,                    !- Field 20
    For: SummerDesignDay,    !- Field 21
    Until: 06:00,            !- Field 22
    0.0,                     !- Field 23
    Until: 22:00,            !- Field 24
    1.0,                     !- Field 25
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 26
    0.05,                    !- Field 27
    For: Saturday,           !- Field 28
    Until: 06:00,            !- Field 29
    0.0,                     !- Field 30
    Until: 08:00,            !- Field 31
    0.1,                     !- Field 32
    Until: 12:00,            !- Field 33
    0.3,                     !- Field 34
    Until: 17:00,            !- Field 35
    0.1,                     !- Field 36
    Until: 19:00,            !- Field 37
    0.0,                     !- Field 38
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 39
    0.0,                     !- Field 40
    For: WinterDesignDay,    !- Field 41
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 42
    0.0,                     !- Field 43
    For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays,  !- Field 44
    Until: 06:00,            !- Field 45
    0.0,                     !- Field 46
    Until: 18:00,            !- Field 47
    0.0,                     !- Field 48
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 49
    0.0;                     !- Field 50

! Schedule Elevator
    BLDG_ELEVATORS,          !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,  !- Field 2
    Until: 07:00,            !- Field 3
    0.0,                     !- Field 4
    Until: 08:00,            !- Field 5
    0.35,                    !- Field 6
    Until: 09:00,            !- Field 7
    0.69,                    !- Field 8
    Until: 10:00,            !- Field 9
    0.43,                    !- Field 10
    Until: 11:00,            !- Field 11
    0.37,                    !- Field 12
    Until: 12:00,            !- Field 13
    0.43,                    !- Field 14
    Until: 13:00,            !- Field 15
    0.58,                    !- Field 16
    Until: 14:00,            !- Field 17
    0.48,                    !- Field 18
    Until: 15:00,            !- Field 19
    0.37,                    !- Field 20
    Until: 16:00,            !- Field 21
    0.37,                    !- Field 22
    Until: 17:00,            !- Field 23
    0.46,                    !- Field 24
    Until: 18:00,            !- Field 25
    0.62,                    !- Field 26
    Until: 19:00,            !- Field 27
    0.12,                    !- Field 28
    Until: 20:00,            !- Field 29
    0.04,                    !- Field 30
    Until: 21:00,            !- Field 31
    0.04,                    !- Field 32
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 33
    0.00,                    !- Field 34
    For: Saturday WinterDesignDay,  !- Field 35
    Until: 07:00,            !- Field 36
    0.0,                     !- Field 37
    Until: 08:00,            !- Field 38
    0.16,                    !- Field 39
    Until: 09:00,            !- Field 40
    0.14,                    !- Field 41
    Until: 10:00,            !- Field 42
    0.21,                    !- Field 43
    Until: 11:00,            !- Field 44
    0.18,                    !- Field 45
    Until: 12:00,            !- Field 46
    0.25,                    !- Field 47
    Until: 13:00,            !- Field 48
    0.21,                    !- Field 49
    Until: 14:00,            !- Field 50
    0.13,                    !- Field 51
    Until: 15:00,            !- Field 52
    0.08,                    !- Field 53
    Until: 16:00,            !- Field 54
    0.04,                    !- Field 55
    Until: 17:00,            !- Field 56
    0.05,                    !- Field 57
    Until: 18:00,            !- Field 58
    0.06,                    !- Field 59
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 60
    0.00,                    !- Field 61
    For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays,  !- Field 62
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 63
    0.0;                     !- Field 64

    INFIL_SCH,               !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,  !- Field 2
    Until: 06:00,            !- Field 3
    1.0,                     !- Field 4
    Until: 22:00,            !- Field 5
    0.0,                     !- Field 6
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 7
    1.0,                     !- Field 8
    For: Saturday WinterDesignDay,  !- Field 9
    Until: 06:00,            !- Field 10
    1.0,                     !- Field 11
    Until: 18:00,            !- Field 12
    0.0,                     !- Field 13
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 14
    1.0,                     !- Field 15
    For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays,  !- Field 16
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 17
    1.0;                     !- Field 18

    INFIL_HALF_ON_SCH,       !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,  !- Field 2
    Until: 06:00,            !- Field 3
    1.0,                     !- Field 4
    Until: 22:00,            !- Field 5
    0.5,                     !- Field 6
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 7
    1.0,                     !- Field 8
    For: Saturday WinterDesignDay,  !- Field 9
    Until: 06:00,            !- Field 10
    1.0,                     !- Field 11
    Until: 18:00,            !- Field 12
    0.5,                     !- Field 13
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 14
    1.0,                     !- Field 15
    For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays,  !- Field 16
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 17
    1.0;                     !- Field 18

    INFIL_QUARTER_ON_SCH,    !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,  !- Field 2
    Until: 06:00,            !- Field 3
    1.0,                     !- Field 4
    Until: 22:00,            !- Field 5
    0.25,                    !- Field 6
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 7
    1.0,                     !- Field 8
    For: Saturday WinterDesignDay,  !- Field 9
    Until: 06:00,            !- Field 10
    1.0,                     !- Field 11
    Until: 18:00,            !- Field 12
    0.25,                    !- Field 13
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 14
    1.0,                     !- Field 15
    For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays,  !- Field 16
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 17
    1.0;                     !- Field 18

! Schedule Office Service Water Heating, ASHRAE 90.1-1989, Section 13
    BLDG_SWH_SCH,            !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,  !- Field 2
    Until: 05:00,            !- Field 3
    0.05,                    !- Field 4
    Until: 06:00,            !- Field 5
    0.08,                    !- Field 6
    Until: 07:00,            !- Field 7
    0.07,                    !- Field 8
    Until: 08:00,            !- Field 9
    0.19,                    !- Field 10
    Until: 09:00,            !- Field 11
    0.35,                    !- Field 12
    Until: 10:00,            !- Field 13
    0.38,                    !- Field 14
    Until: 11:00,            !- Field 15
    0.39,                    !- Field 16
    Until: 12:00,            !- Field 17
    0.47,                    !- Field 18
    Until: 13:00,            !- Field 19
    0.57,                    !- Field 20
    Until: 14:00,            !- Field 21
    0.54,                    !- Field 22
    Until: 15:00,            !- Field 23
    0.34,                    !- Field 24
    Until: 16:00,            !- Field 25
    0.33,                    !- Field 26
    Until: 17:00,            !- Field 27
    0.44,                    !- Field 28
    Until: 18:00,            !- Field 29
    0.26,                    !- Field 30
    Until: 19:00,            !- Field 31
    0.21,                    !- Field 32
    Until: 20:00,            !- Field 33
    0.15,                    !- Field 34
    Until: 21:00,            !- Field 35
    0.17,                    !- Field 36
    Until: 22:00,            !- Field 37
    0.08,                    !- Field 38
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 39
    0.05,                    !- Field 40
    For: Saturday WinterDesignDay,  !- Field 41
    Until: 05:00,            !- Field 42
    0.05,                    !- Field 43
    Until: 06:00,            !- Field 44
    0.08,                    !- Field 45
    Until: 07:00,            !- Field 46
    0.07,                    !- Field 47
    Until: 08:00,            !- Field 48
    0.11,                    !- Field 49
    Until: 09:00,            !- Field 50
    0.15,                    !- Field 51
    Until: 10:00,            !- Field 52
    0.21,                    !- Field 53
    Until: 11:00,            !- Field 54
    0.19,                    !- Field 55
    Until: 12:00,            !- Field 56
    0.23,                    !- Field 57
    Until: 13:00,            !- Field 58
    0.20,                    !- Field 59
    Until: 14:00,            !- Field 60
    0.19,                    !- Field 61
    Until: 15:00,            !- Field 62
    0.15,                    !- Field 63
    Until: 16:00,            !- Field 64
    0.13,                    !- Field 65
    Until: 17:00,            !- Field 66
    0.14,                    !- Field 67
    Until: 21:00,            !- Field 68
    0.07,                    !- Field 69
    Until: 22:00,            !- Field 70
    0.09,                    !- Field 71
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 72
    0.05,                    !- Field 73
    For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays,  !- Field 74
    Until: 05:00,            !- Field 75
    0.04,                    !- Field 76
    Until: 06:00,            !- Field 77
    0.07,                    !- Field 78
    Until: 11:00,            !- Field 79
    0.04,                    !- Field 80
    Until: 13:00,            !- Field 81
    0.06,                    !- Field 82
    Until: 14:00,            !- Field 83
    0.09,                    !- Field 84
    Until: 15:00,            !- Field 85
    0.06,                    !- Field 86
    Until: 21:00,            !- Field 87
    0.04,                    !- Field 88
    Until: 22:00,            !- Field 89
    0.07,                    !- Field 90
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 91
    0.04;                    !- Field 92

    Hours_of_operation,      !- Name
    On/Off,                  !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,  !- Field 2
    Until: 06:00,            !- Field 3
    0.0,                     !- Field 4
    Until: 22:00,            !- Field 5
    1.0,                     !- Field 6
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 7
    0.0,                     !- Field 8
    For: Saturday WinterDesignDay,  !- Field 9
    Until: 06:00,            !- Field 10
    0.0,                     !- Field 11
    Until: 18:00,            !- Field 12
    1.0,                     !- Field 13
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 14
    0.0,                     !- Field 15
    For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays,  !- Field 16
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 17
    0.0;                     !- Field 18

    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    1.0;                     !- Field 4

    ALWAYS_OFF,              !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    0.0;                     !- Field 4

! Schedule Office HVAC Systems, ASHRAE 90.1-1989, Section 13
!  Equivalent Full-Load Hours: Weekdays 16, Saturday 12, Sunday/Holidays 0
    HVACOperationSchd,       !- Name
    On/Off,                  !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,  !- Field 2
    Until: 06:00,            !- Field 3
    0.0,                     !- Field 4
    Until: 22:00,            !- Field 5
    1.0,                     !- Field 6
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 7
    0.0,                     !- Field 8
    For: Saturday WinterDesignDay,  !- Field 9
    Until: 06:00,            !- Field 10
    0.0,                     !- Field 11
    Until: 18:00,            !- Field 12
    1.0,                     !- Field 13
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 14
    0.0,                     !- Field 15
    For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays,  !- Field 16
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 17
    0.0;                     !- Field 18

    PlantOnSched,            !- Name
    On/Off,                  !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    1.0;                     !- Field 4

    FAN_SCH,                 !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    1.0;                     !- Field 4

    ReheatCoilAvailSched,    !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    1.0;                     !- Field 4

    CoolingCoilAvailSched,   !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    1.0;                     !- Field 4

    HTGSETP_SCH,             !- Name
    Temperature,             !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: Weekdays,           !- Field 2
    Until: 05:00,            !- Field 3
    15.6,                    !- Field 4
    Until: 19:00,            !- Field 5
    21.0,                    !- Field 6
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 7
    15.6,                    !- Field 8
    For SummerDesignDay,     !- Field 9
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 10
    15.6,                    !- Field 11
    For: Saturday,           !- Field 12
    Until: 06:00,            !- Field 13
    15.6,                    !- Field 14
    Until: 17:00,            !- Field 15
    21.0,                    !- Field 16
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 17
    15.6,                    !- Field 18
    For: WinterDesignDay,    !- Field 19
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 20
    21.0,                    !- Field 21
    For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays,  !- Field 22
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 23
    15.6;                    !- Field 24

    CLGSETP_SCH,             !- Name
    Temperature,             !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,  !- Field 2
    Until: 06:00,            !- Field 3
    30.0,                    !- Field 4
    Until: 22:00,            !- Field 5
    24.0,                    !- Field 6
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 7
    30.0,                    !- Field 8
    For: Saturday,           !- Field 9
    Until: 06:00,            !- Field 10
    30.0,                    !- Field 11
    Until: 18:00,            !- Field 12
    24.0,                    !- Field 13
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 14
    30.0,                    !- Field 15
    For WinterDesignDay,     !- Field 16
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 17
    30.0,                    !- Field 18
    For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays,  !- Field 19
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 20
    30.0;                    !- Field 21

    Humidity Setpoint Schedule,  !- Name
    Humidity,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,  !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    50,                      !- Field 4
    For: Saturday WinterDesignDay,  !- Field 5
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 6
    50,                      !- Field 7
    For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays,  !- Field 8
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 9
    50;                      !- Field 10

    MinRelHumSetSch,         !- Name
    Humidity,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    30;                      !- Field 4

    MaxRelHumSetSch,         !- Name
    Humidity,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    60;                      !- Field 4

    MinOA_MotorizedDamper_Sched,  !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,  !- Field 2
    Until: 07:00,            !- Field 3
    0.0,                     !- Field 4
    Until: 22:00,            !- Field 5
    1.0,                     !- Field 6
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 7
    0.0,                     !- Field 8
    For: Saturday WinterDesignDay,  !- Field 9
    Until: 07:00,            !- Field 10
    0.0,                     !- Field 11
    Until: 18:00,            !- Field 12
    1.0,                     !- Field 13
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 14
    0.0,                     !- Field 15
    For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays,  !- Field 16
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 17
    0.0;                     !- Field 18

    MinOA_Sched,             !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    1.0;                     !- Field 4

    Dual Zone Control Type Sched,  !- Name
    Control Type,            !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    4;                       !- Field 4

    Seasonal-Reset-Supply-Air-Temp-Sch,  !- Name
    Temperature,             !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 3/31,           !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    13.0,                    !- Field 4
    Through: 9/30,           !- Field 5
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 6
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 7
    13.0,                    !- Field 8
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 9
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 10
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 11
    13.0;                    !- Field 12

    CW-Loop-Temp-Schedule,   !- Name
    Temperature,             !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    6.7;                     !- Field 4

    HW-Loop-Temp-Schedule,   !- Name
    Temperature,             !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    60.;                     !- Field 4

    Heating-Supply-Air-Temp-Sch,  !- Name
    Temperature,             !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    16.0;                    !- Field 4

    ACTIVITY_SCH,            !- Name
    Any Number,              !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    120.;                    !- Field 4

    WORK_EFF_SCH,            !- Name
    Fraction,                !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    0.0;                     !- Field 4

    AIR_VELO_SCH,            !- Name
    Any Number,              !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    0.2;                     !- Field 4

    CLOTHING_SCH,            !- Name
    Any Number,              !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 04/30,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    1.0,                     !- Field 4
    Through: 09/30,          !- Field 5
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 6
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 7
    0.5,                     !- Field 8
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 9
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 10
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 11
    1.0;                     !- Field 12

    SHADING_SCH,             !- Name
    Any Number,              !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 3
    0.0;                     !- Field 4

    SkyTemp_SCH,             !- Name
    Temperature,             !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,          !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,            !- Field 2
    Interpolate: Yes,        !- Field 3
    Until: 24:00,            !- Field 4
     150;                    !- Field 5

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: MATERIAL ===========

    Roof Membrane Black,     !- Name
    VeryRough,               !- Roughness
    0.0095,                  !- Thickness {m}
    0.1600,                  !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    1121.2900,               !- Density {kg/m3}
    1460.0000,               !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9000,                  !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.934,                   !- Solar Absorptance
    0.934;                   !- Visible Absorptance

    Roof Insulation [14],    !- Name
    MediumRough,             !- Roughness
    0.1673,                  !- Thickness {m}
    0.0490,                  !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    265.0000,                !- Density {kg/m3}
    836.8000,                !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9000,                  !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7000,                  !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7000;                  !- Visible Absorptance

    Metal Decking,           !- Name
    MediumSmooth,            !- Roughness
    0.0015,                  !- Thickness {m}
    45.0060,                 !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    7680.0000,               !- Density {kg/m3}
    418.4000,                !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9000,                  !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7000,                  !- Solar Absorptance
    0.3000;                  !- Visible Absorptance

    GP01 1/2 GYPSUM,         !- Name
    Smooth,                  !- Roughness
    0.0127,                  !- Thickness {m}
    0.1600,                  !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    800.0000,                !- Density {kg/m3}
    1090.0000,               !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9000,                  !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7000,                  !- Solar Absorptance
    0.5000;                  !- Visible Absorptance

    Wall Insulation [10],    !- Name
    MediumRough,             !- Roughness
    0.0971,                  !- Thickness {m}
    0.0450,                  !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    265.0000,                !- Density {kg/m3}
    836.8000,                !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9000,                  !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7000,                  !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7000;                  !- Visible Absorptance

    1/2IN Gypsum,            !- Name
    Smooth,                  !- Roughness
    0.0127,                  !- Thickness {m}
    0.1600,                  !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    784.9000,                !- Density {kg/m3}
    830.0000,                !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9000,                  !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.9200,                  !- Solar Absorptance
    0.9200;                  !- Visible Absorptance

    MAT-CC05 8 HW CONCRETE,  !- Name
    Rough,                   !- Roughness
    0.2032,                  !- Thickness {m}
    1.3110,                  !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    2240.0000,               !- Density {kg/m3}
    836.8000,                !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9000,                  !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7000,                  !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7000;                  !- Visible Absorptance

    Floor Insulation [2],    !- Name
    MediumRough,             !- Roughness
    0.0636,                  !- Thickness {m}
    0.0450,                  !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    265.0000,                !- Density {kg/m3}
    836.8000,                !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9000,                  !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7000,                  !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7000;                  !- Visible Absorptance

    METAL Door Medium 18Ga_1,!- Name
    Smooth,                  !- Roughness
    0.0013,                  !- Thickness {m}
    45.3149,                 !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    7833.0300,               !- Density {kg/m3}
    502.0800,                !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.8000,                  !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.5000,                  !- Solar Absorptance
    0.5000;                  !- Visible Absorptance

    METAL Door Medium 18Ga_2,!- Name
    Smooth,                  !- Roughness
    0.0013,                  !- Thickness {m}
    45.3149,                 !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    7833.0300,               !- Density {kg/m3}
    502.0800,                !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.8000,                  !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.5000,                  !- Solar Absorptance
    0.5000;                  !- Visible Absorptance

    METAL Door Medium 18Ga,  !- Name
    Smooth,                  !- Roughness
    0.0013,                  !- Thickness {m}
    45.3149,                 !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    7833.0300,               !- Density {kg/m3}
    502.0800,                !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.8000,                  !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.5000,                  !- Solar Absorptance
    0.5000;                  !- Visible Absorptance

    Std Wood 6inch,          !- Name
    MediumSmooth,            !- Roughness
    0.15,                    !- Thickness {m}
    0.12,                    !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    540.0000,                !- Density {kg/m3}
    1210,                    !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9000000,               !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7000000,               !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7000000;               !- Visible Absorptance

    Std 1.5  MW CONCRETE,    !- Name
    Rough,                   !- Roughness
    0.038,                   !- Thickness {m}
    0.858,                   !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    1968,                    !- Density {kg/m3}
    836.8,                   !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9,                     !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                     !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                     !- Visible Absorptance

    Std AC02,                !- Name
    MediumSmooth,            !- Roughness
    1.2700000E-02,           !- Thickness {m}
    5.7000000E-02,           !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    288.0000,                !- Density {kg/m3}
    1339.000,                !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9000000,               !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7000000,               !- Solar Absorptance
    0.2000000;               !- Visible Absorptance

    Std MAT-CC05 4  MW CONCRETE,  !- Name
    Rough,                   !- Roughness
    0.1000,                  !- Thickness {m}
    0.858,                   !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    1968,                    !- Density {kg/m3}
    836.8,                   !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9,                     !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                     !- Solar Absorptance
    0.2;                     !- Visible Absorptance

    Std Very High Reflectivity Surface,  !- Name
    Smooth,                  !- Roughness
    0.0005,                  !- Thickness {m}
    237,                     !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    2702,                    !- Density {kg/m3}
    903,                     !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.90,                    !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.05,                    !- Solar Absorptance
    0.05;                    !- Visible Absorptance

    Std PW05,                !- Name
    MediumSmooth,            !- Roughness
    1.9099999E-02,           !- Thickness {m}
    0.1150000,               !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    545.0000,                !- Density {kg/m3}
    1213.000,                !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9000000,               !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7800000,               !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7800000;               !- Visible Absorptance

    Std Steel_Brown_Regular, !- Name
    Smooth,                  !- Roughness
    1.5000000E-03,           !- Thickness {m}
    44.96960,                !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    7689.000,                !- Density {kg/m3}
    418.0000,                !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9000000,               !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.9200000,               !- Solar Absorptance
    0.92000000;              !- Visible Absorptance

    Std Steel_Brown_Cool,    !- Name
    Smooth,                  !- Roughness
    1.5000000E-03,           !- Thickness {m}
    44.96960,                !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    7689.000,                !- Density {kg/m3}
    418.0000,                !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9000000,               !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7300000,               !- Solar Absorptance
    0.73000000;              !- Visible Absorptance

    PW05_Plywood3/4_in,      !- Name
    MediumSmooth,            !- Roughness
    0.0191,                  !- Thickness {m}
    0.1150,                  !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    545.0000,                !- Density {kg/m3}
    1213.0000,               !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9000,                  !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7000,                  !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7800;                  !- Visible Absorptance

    Roof Membrane Gray,      !- Name
    VeryRough,               !- Roughness
    0.0095,                  !- Thickness {m}
    0.1600,                  !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    1121.2900,               !- Density {kg/m3}
    1460.0000,               !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9000,                  !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.66,                    !- Solar Absorptance
    0.66;                    !- Visible Absorptance

    Roof Membrane White,     !- Name
    VeryRough,               !- Roughness
    0.0095,                  !- Thickness {m}
    0.1600,                  !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    1121.2900,               !- Density {kg/m3}
    1460.0000,               !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
    0.9000,                  !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.42,                    !- Solar Absorptance
    0.42;                    !- Visible Absorptance

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: MATERIAL:NOMASS ===========

    MAT-SHEATH,              !- Name
    Rough,                   !- Roughness
    0.3626,                  !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
    0.9000,                  !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7000,                  !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7000;                  !- Visible Absorptance

    CP02 CARPET PAD,         !- Name
    VeryRough,               !- Roughness
    0.2165,                  !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
    0.9000,                  !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7000,                  !- Solar Absorptance
    0.8000;                  !- Visible Absorptance

    AIR,                     !- Name
    Smooth,                  !- Roughness
    0.2515,                  !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
    0.8000,                  !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.5000,                  !- Solar Absorptance
    0.5000;                  !- Visible Absorptance

    AIR [3],                 !- Name
    Smooth,                  !- Roughness
    0.1134,                  !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
    0.8000,                  !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.5000,                  !- Solar Absorptance
    0.5000;                  !- Visible Absorptance

    Std CP02 CARPET PAD,     !- Name
    VeryRough,               !- Roughness
    0.21648,                 !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
    0.9,                     !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                     !- Solar Absorptance
    0.8;                     !- Visible Absorptance

    MAT-AIR-WALL,            !- Name
    Rough,                   !- Roughness
    0.2079491,               !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
    0.9,                     !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7;                     !- Solar Absorptance

    Std Opaque Door panel_con,  !- Name
    MediumRough,             !- Roughness
    0.12327,                 !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
    0.9,                     !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                     !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                     !- Visible Absorptance

    Std Opaque Door panel_semi,  !- Name
    MediumRough,             !- Roughness
    0.12327,                 !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
    0.9,                     !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                     !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                     !- Visible Absorptance

    Std Overhead Door Panel, !- Name
    MediumRough,             !- Roughness
    0.255345,                !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
    0.9,                     !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                     !- Solar Absorptance
    0.7;                     !- Visible Absorptance


    Ecoroof,                 !- Name
    0.2,                     !- Height of Plants {m}
    5,                       !- Leaf Area Index {dimensionless}
    0.22,                    !- Leaf Reflectivity {dimensionless}
    0.95,                    !- Leaf Emissivity
    180,                     !- Minimum Stomatal Resistance {s/m}
    Ecoroof Soil,            !- Soil Layer Name
    VeryRough,               !- Roughness
    0.15,                    !- Thickness {m}
    0.4,                     !- Conductivity of Dry Soil {W/m-K}
    500,                     !- Density of Dry Soil {kg/m3}
    1000,                    !- Specific Heat of Dry Soil {J/kg-K}
    0.9,                     !- Thermal Absorptance
    0.7,                     !- Solar Absorptance
    0.75,                    !- Visible Absorptance
    0.5,                     !- Saturation Volumetric Moisture Content of the Soil Layer
    0.01,                    !- Residual Volumetric Moisture Content of the Soil Layer
    0.15;                    !- Initial Volumetric Moisture Content of the Soil Layer


    Theoretical Glass [182], !- Name
    SpectralAverage,         !- Optical Data Type
    ,                        !- Window Glass Spectral Data Set Name
    0.0030,                  !- Thickness {m}
    0.3933,                  !- Solar Transmittance at Normal Incidence
    0.5567,                  !- Front Side Solar Reflectance at Normal Incidence
    0.5567,                  !- Back Side Solar Reflectance at Normal Incidence
    0.5079,                  !- Visible Transmittance at Normal Incidence
    0.4421,                  !- Front Side Visible Reflectance at Normal Incidence
    0.4421,                  !- Back Side Visible Reflectance at Normal Incidence
    0.0000,                  !- Infrared Transmittance at Normal Incidence
    0.9000,                  !- Front Side Infrared Hemispherical Emissivity
    0.9000,                  !- Back Side Infrared Hemispherical Emissivity
    0.0185,                  !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    1.0000,                  !- Dirt Correction Factor for Solar and Visible Transmittance
    No;                      !- Solar Diffusing

    Theoretical Glass [146], !- Name
    SpectralAverage,         !- Optical Data Type
    ,                        !- Window Glass Spectral Data Set Name
    0.0030,                  !- Thickness {m}
    0.4818,                  !- Solar Transmittance at Normal Incidence
    0.4682,                  !- Front Side Solar Reflectance at Normal Incidence
    0.4682,                  !- Back Side Solar Reflectance at Normal Incidence
    0.6216,                  !- Visible Transmittance at Normal Incidence
    0.3284,                  !- Front Side Visible Reflectance at Normal Incidence
    0.3284,                  !- Back Side Visible Reflectance at Normal Incidence
    0.0000,                  !- Infrared Transmittance at Normal Incidence
    0.9000,                  !- Front Side Infrared Hemispherical Emissivity
    0.9000,                  !- Back Side Infrared Hemispherical Emissivity
    0.0303,                  !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
    1.0000,                  !- Dirt Correction Factor for Solar and Visible Transmittance
    No;                      !- Solar Diffusing

    Std Clear Acrylic Plastic,  !- Name
    SpectralAverage,         !- Optical Data Type
    ,                        !- Window Glass Spectral Data Set Name
    0.003,                   !- Thickness {m}
    0.92,                    !- Solar Transmittance at Normal Incidence
    0.05,                    !- Front Side Solar Reflectance at Normal Incidence
    0.05,                    !- Back Side Solar Reflectance at Normal Incidence
    0.92,                    !- Visible Transmittance at Normal Incidence
    0.05,                    !- Front Side Visible Reflectance at Normal Incidence
    0.05,                    !- Back Side Visible Reflectance at Normal Incidence
    0.00,                    !- Infrared Transmittance at Normal Incidence
    0.90,                    !- Front Side Infrared Hemispherical Emissivity
    0.90,                    !- Back Side Infrared Hemispherical Emissivity
    0.90;                    !- Conductivity {W/m-K}

    Std Diffusing Acrylic Plastic,  !- Name
    SpectralAverage,         !- Optical Data Type
    ,                        !- Window Glass Spectral Data Set Name
    0.0022,                  !- Thickness {m}
    0.90,                    !- Solar Transmittance at Normal Incidence
    0.08,                    !- Front Side Solar Reflectance at Normal Incidence
    0.08,                    !- Back Side Solar Reflectance at Normal Incidence
    0.90,                    !- Visible Transmittance at Normal Incidence
    0.08,                    !- Front Side Visible Reflectance at Normal Incidence
    0.08,                    !- Back Side Visible Reflectance at Normal Incidence
    0.00,                    !- Infrared Transmittance at Normal Incidence
    0.90,                    !- Front Side Infrared Hemispherical Emissivity
    0.90,                    !- Back Side Infrared Hemispherical Emissivity
    0.90;                    !- Conductivity {W/m-K}

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CONSTRUCTION ===========

    InteriorFurnishings,     !- Name
    Std Wood 6inch;          !- Outside Layer

    INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE,       !- Name
    Std MAT-CC05 4  MW CONCRETE,  !- Outside Layer
    Std CP02 CARPET PAD;     !- Layer 2

    INT-FLOOR-UNDERSIDE,     !- Name
    Std CP02 CARPET PAD,     !- Outside Layer
    Std MAT-CC05 4  MW CONCRETE;  !- Layer 2

    INT-FLOOR-SLAB,          !- Name
    Std MAT-CC05 4  MW CONCRETE;  !- Outside Layer

    DropCeiling,             !- Name
    Std AC02;                !- Outside Layer

    INT-CEILING_SIMPLE,      !- Name
    PW05_Plywood3/4_in;      !- Outside Layer

    Raised-Floor-TopSide,    !- Name
    Std 1.5  MW CONCRETE,    !- Outside Layer
    Std CP02 CARPET PAD;     !- Layer 2

    Raised-Floor-UnderSide,  !- Name
    Std CP02 CARPET PAD,     !- Outside Layer
    Std 1.5  MW CONCRETE;    !- Layer 2

    TDD_Pipe,                !- Name
    Std Very High Reflectivity Surface;  !- Outside Layer

    TDD_Dome,                !- Name
    Std Clear Acrylic Plastic;  !- Outside Layer

    TDD_Diffuser,            !- Name
    Std Diffusing Acrylic Plastic;  !- Outside Layer

    Sloped_Metal_Roof,       !- Name
    Std Steel_Brown_Regular, !- Outside Layer
    Std PW05;                !- Layer 2

    Gable_Wall,              !- Name
    Std PW05;                !- Outside Layer

    AIR-WALL,                !- Name
    MAT-AIR-WALL;            !- Outside Layer

    Std Swinging Door_con,   !- Name
    Std Opaque Door panel_con;  !- Outside Layer

    Std Swinging Door_semi,  !- Name
    Std Opaque Door panel_semi;  !- Outside Layer

    Std Overhead Door,       !- Name
    Std Overhead Door Panel; !- Outside Layer

    std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508,  !- Name
    Theoretical Glass [182]; !- Outside Layer

    std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508_east,  !- Name
    Theoretical Glass [182]; !- Outside Layer

    std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508_north,  !- Name
    Theoretical Glass [182]; !- Outside Layer

    std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508_west,  !- Name
    Theoretical Glass [182]; !- Outside Layer

    std_window_UValue_3.919_SHGC_0.49_VT_0.622,  !- Name
    Theoretical Glass [146]; !- Outside Layer

    Roof Construction,       !- Name
    Roof Membrane Black,     !- Outside Layer
    Roof Insulation [14],    !- Layer 2
    Metal Decking;           !- Layer 3

    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Name
    GP01 1/2 GYPSUM,         !- Outside Layer
    GP01 1/2 GYPSUM;         !- Layer 2

    Steel-Framed_R-13 + R-7.5 ci_Ext-wall,  !- Name
    MAT-SHEATH,              !- Outside Layer
    Wall Insulation [10],    !- Layer 2
    1/2IN Gypsum;            !- Layer 3

    Unheated - 8in Slab with Carpet_Ext-slab,  !- Name
    MAT-CC05 8 HW CONCRETE,  !- Outside Layer
    CP02 CARPET PAD;         !- Layer 2

    Mass_R-8.3 ci_ExposedFloor,  !- Name
    Floor Insulation [2],    !- Outside Layer
    MAT-CC05 8 HW CONCRETE,  !- Layer 2
    CP02 CARPET PAD;         !- Layer 3

    Swinging_door,           !- Name
    METAL Door Medium 18Ga_1,!- Outside Layer
    AIR,                     !- Layer 2
    METAL Door Medium 18Ga_2;!- Layer 3

    Non-Swinging_NR_door,    !- Name
    METAL Door Medium 18Ga,  !- Outside Layer
    AIR [3],                 !- Layer 2
    METAL Door Medium 18Ga_2;!- Layer 3


    UpperLeftCorner,         !- Starting Vertex Position
    Counterclockwise,        !- Vertex Entry Direction
    Relative,                !- Coordinate System
    Relative,                !- Daylighting Reference Point Coordinate System
    Relative;                !- Rectangular Surface Coordinate System

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: ZONE ===========

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1,        !- Name
    0.0000,                  !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
    0.0000,                  !- X Origin {m}
    0.0000,                  !- Y Origin {m}
    0.0000,                  !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    3.8000,                  !- Ceiling Height {m}
    411.8220,                !- Volume {m3}
    ,                        !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
    ,                        !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
    Yes;                     !- Part of Total Floor Area

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1,        !- Name
    0.0000,                  !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
    0.0000,                  !- X Origin {m}
    0.0000,                  !- Y Origin {m}
    7.6000,                  !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    3,                       !- Multiplier
    3.8000,                  !- Ceiling Height {m}
    411.8220,                !- Volume {m3}
    ,                        !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
    ,                        !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
    Yes;                     !- Part of Total Floor Area

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1,        !- Name
    0.0000,                  !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
    0.0000,                  !- X Origin {m}
    0.0000,                  !- Y Origin {m}
    15.2000,                 !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    3.8000,                  !- Ceiling Height {m}
    411.8220,                !- Volume {m3}
    ,                        !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
    ,                        !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
    Yes;                     !- Part of Total Floor Area

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2,        !- Name
    0.0000,                  !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
    28.2843,                 !- X Origin {m}
    0.0000,                  !- Y Origin {m}
    0.0000,                  !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    3.8000,                  !- Ceiling Height {m}
    166.2297,                !- Volume {m3}
    ,                        !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
    ,                        !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
    Yes;                     !- Part of Total Floor Area

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2,        !- Name
    0.0000,                  !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
    28.2843,                 !- X Origin {m}
    0.0000,                  !- Y Origin {m}
    7.6000,                  !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    3,                       !- Multiplier
    3.8000,                  !- Ceiling Height {m}
    166.2297,                !- Volume {m3}
    ,                        !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
    ,                        !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
    Yes;                     !- Part of Total Floor Area

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2,        !- Name
    0.0000,                  !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
    28.2843,                 !- X Origin {m}
    0.0000,                  !- Y Origin {m}
    15.2000,                 !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    3.8000,                  !- Ceiling Height {m}
    166.2297,                !- Volume {m3}
    ,                        !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
    ,                        !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
    Yes;                     !- Part of Total Floor Area

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3,        !- Name
    0.0000,                  !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
    4.5700,                  !- X Origin {m}
    9.5721,                  !- Y Origin {m}
    0.0000,                  !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    3.8000,                  !- Ceiling Height {m}
    411.8220,                !- Volume {m3}
    ,                        !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
    ,                        !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
    Yes;                     !- Part of Total Floor Area

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3,        !- Name
    0.0000,                  !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
    4.5700,                  !- X Origin {m}
    9.5721,                  !- Y Origin {m}
    7.6000,                  !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    3,                       !- Multiplier
    3.8000,                  !- Ceiling Height {m}
    411.8220,                !- Volume {m3}
    ,                        !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
    ,                        !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
    Yes;                     !- Part of Total Floor Area

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3,        !- Name
    0.0000,                  !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
    4.5700,                  !- X Origin {m}
    9.5721,                  !- Y Origin {m}
    15.2000,                 !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    3.8000,                  !- Ceiling Height {m}
    411.8220,                !- Volume {m3}
    ,                        !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
    ,                        !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
    Yes;                     !- Part of Total Floor Area

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4,        !- Name
    0.0000,                  !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
    0.0000,                  !- X Origin {m}
    0.0000,                  !- Y Origin {m}
    0.0000,                  !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    3.8000,                  !- Ceiling Height {m}
    166.2297,                !- Volume {m3}
    ,                        !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
    ,                        !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
    Yes;                     !- Part of Total Floor Area

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4,        !- Name
    0.0000,                  !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
    0.0000,                  !- X Origin {m}
    0.0000,                  !- Y Origin {m}
    7.6000,                  !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    3,                       !- Multiplier
    3.8000,                  !- Ceiling Height {m}
    166.2297,                !- Volume {m3}
    ,                        !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
    ,                        !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
    Yes;                     !- Part of Total Floor Area

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4,        !- Name
    0.0000,                  !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
    0.0000,                  !- X Origin {m}
    0.0000,                  !- Y Origin {m}
    15.2000,                 !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    3.8000,                  !- Ceiling Height {m}
    166.2297,                !- Volume {m3}
    ,                        !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
    ,                        !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
    Yes;                     !- Part of Total Floor Area

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5,        !- Name
    0.0000,                  !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
    4.5700,                  !- X Origin {m}
    4.5700,                  !- Y Origin {m}
    0.0000,                  !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    3.8000,                  !- Ceiling Height {m}
    363.8965,                !- Volume {m3}
    ,                        !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
    ,                        !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
    Yes;                     !- Part of Total Floor Area

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5,        !- Name
    0.0000,                  !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
    4.5700,                  !- X Origin {m}
    4.5700,                  !- Y Origin {m}
    7.6000,                  !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    3,                       !- Multiplier
    3.8000,                  !- Ceiling Height {m}
    363.8965,                !- Volume {m3}
    ,                        !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
    ,                        !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
    Yes;                     !- Part of Total Floor Area

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5,        !- Name
    0.0000,                  !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
    4.5700,                  !- X Origin {m}
    4.5700,                  !- Y Origin {m}
    15.2000,                 !- Z Origin {m}
    1,                       !- Type
    1,                       !- Multiplier
    3.8000,                  !- Ceiling Height {m}
    363.8965,                !- Volume {m3}
    ,                        !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
    ,                        !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
    Yes;                     !- Part of Total Floor Area


    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1_Wall_1, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Steel-Framed_R-13 + R-7.5 ci_Ext-wall,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    28.284300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    28.284300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1_Wall_2, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2_Wall_4, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    28.284300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    28.284300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1_Wall_3, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5_Wall_1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1_Wall_4, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4_Wall_1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1_Floor,  !- Name
    Floor,                   !- Surface Type
    Unheated - 8in Slab with Carpet_Ext-slab,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    Ground,                  !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    28.284300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1_Ceiling,!- Name
    Ceiling,                 !- Surface Type
    INT-FLOOR-UNDERSIDE,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1_Ceiling,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    28.284300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1_Wall_1, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Steel-Framed_R-13 + R-7.5 ci_Ext-wall,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    28.284300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    28.284300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1_Wall_2, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2_Wall_4, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    28.284300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    28.284300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1_Wall_3, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5_Wall_1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1_Wall_4, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4_Wall_1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1_Floor,  !- Name
    Floor,                   !- Surface Type
    INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1_Ceiling,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    28.284300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1_Ceiling,!- Name
    Ceiling,                 !- Surface Type
    INT-FLOOR-UNDERSIDE,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1_Floor,  !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    28.284300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1_Wall_1, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Steel-Framed_R-13 + R-7.5 ci_Ext-wall,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    28.284300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    28.284300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1_Wall_2, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2_Wall_4, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    28.284300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    28.284300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1_Wall_3, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5_Wall_1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1_Wall_4, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4_Wall_1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1_Floor,  !- Name
    Floor,                   !- Surface Type
    INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1_Floor,  !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    28.284300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Roof Section 1,          !- Name
    Roof,                    !- Surface Type
    Roof Construction,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    28.284300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2_Wall_1, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Steel-Framed_R-13 + R-7.5 ci_Ext-wall,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2_Wall_2, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3_Wall_2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2_Wall_3, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5_Wall_2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2_Wall_4, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1_Wall_2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2_Floor,  !- Name
    Floor,                   !- Surface Type
    Unheated - 8in Slab with Carpet_Ext-slab,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    Ground,                  !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2_Ceiling,!- Name
    Ceiling,                 !- Surface Type
    INT-FLOOR-UNDERSIDE,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2_Ceiling,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2_Wall_1, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Steel-Framed_R-13 + R-7.5 ci_Ext-wall,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2_Wall_2, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3_Wall_2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2_Wall_3, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5_Wall_2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2_Wall_4, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1_Wall_2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2_Floor,  !- Name
    Floor,                   !- Surface Type
    INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2_Ceiling,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2_Ceiling,!- Name
    Ceiling,                 !- Surface Type
    INT-FLOOR-UNDERSIDE,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2_Floor,  !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2_Wall_1, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Steel-Framed_R-13 + R-7.5 ci_Ext-wall,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2_Wall_2, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3_Wall_2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2_Wall_3, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5_Wall_2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2_Wall_4, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1_Wall_2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2_Floor,  !- Name
    Floor,                   !- Surface Type
    INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2_Floor,  !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Roof Section 2,          !- Name
    Roof,                    !- Surface Type
    Roof Construction,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3_Wall_1, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5_Wall_3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3_Wall_2, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2_Wall_2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3_Wall_3, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Steel-Framed_R-13 + R-7.5 ci_Ext-wall,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3_Wall_4, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4_Wall_3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3_Floor,  !- Name
    Floor,                   !- Surface Type
    Unheated - 8in Slab with Carpet_Ext-slab,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    Ground,                  !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3_Ceiling,!- Name
    Ceiling,                 !- Surface Type
    INT-FLOOR-UNDERSIDE,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3_Ceiling,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3_Wall_1, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5_Wall_3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3_Wall_2, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2_Wall_2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3_Wall_3, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Steel-Framed_R-13 + R-7.5 ci_Ext-wall,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3_Wall_4, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4_Wall_3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3_Floor,  !- Name
    Floor,                   !- Surface Type
    INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3_Ceiling,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3_Ceiling,!- Name
    Ceiling,                 !- Surface Type
    INT-FLOOR-UNDERSIDE,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3_Floor,  !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3_Wall_1, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5_Wall_3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3_Wall_2, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2_Wall_2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3_Wall_3, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Steel-Framed_R-13 + R-7.5 ci_Ext-wall,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3_Wall_4, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4_Wall_3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3_Floor,  !- Name
    Floor,                   !- Surface Type
    INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3_Floor,  !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Roof Section 3,          !- Name
    Roof,                    !- Surface Type
    Roof Construction,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    -4.570000000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.714300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4_Wall_1, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1_Wall_4, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4_Wall_2, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5_Wall_4, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4_Wall_3, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3_Wall_4, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4_Wall_4, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Steel-Framed_R-13 + R-7.5 ci_Ext-wall,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4_Floor,  !- Name
    Floor,                   !- Surface Type
    Unheated - 8in Slab with Carpet_Ext-slab,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    Ground,                  !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4_Ceiling,!- Name
    Ceiling,                 !- Surface Type
    INT-FLOOR-UNDERSIDE,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4_Ceiling,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4_Wall_1, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1_Wall_4, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4_Wall_2, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5_Wall_4, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4_Wall_3, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3_Wall_4, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4_Wall_4, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Steel-Framed_R-13 + R-7.5 ci_Ext-wall,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4_Floor,  !- Name
    Floor,                   !- Surface Type
    INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4_Ceiling,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4_Ceiling,!- Name
    Ceiling,                 !- Surface Type
    INT-FLOOR-UNDERSIDE,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4_Floor,  !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4_Wall_1, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1_Wall_4, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4_Wall_2, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5_Wall_4, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4_Wall_3, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3_Wall_4, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4_Wall_4, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Steel-Framed_R-13 + R-7.5 ci_Ext-wall,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4_Floor,  !- Name
    Floor,                   !- Surface Type
    INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4_Floor,  !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Roof Section 4,          !- Name
    Roof,                    !- Surface Type
    Roof Construction,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    14.142100000000,         !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    9.572100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5_Wall_1, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1_Wall_3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5_Wall_2, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2_Wall_3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5_Wall_3, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3_Wall_1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5_Wall_4, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4_Wall_2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5_Floor,  !- Name
    Floor,                   !- Surface Type
    Unheated - 8in Slab with Carpet_Ext-slab,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    Ground,                  !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5_Ceiling,!- Name
    Ceiling,                 !- Surface Type
    INT-FLOOR-UNDERSIDE,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5_Ceiling,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5_Wall_1, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1_Wall_3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5_Wall_2, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2_Wall_3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5_Wall_3, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3_Wall_1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5_Wall_4, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4_Wall_2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5_Floor,  !- Name
    Floor,                   !- Surface Type
    INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5_Ceiling,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5_Ceiling,!- Name
    Ceiling,                 !- Surface Type
    INT-FLOOR-UNDERSIDE,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5_Floor,  !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5_Wall_1, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1_Wall_3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5_Wall_2, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2_Wall_3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5_Wall_3, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3_Wall_1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5_Wall_4, !- Name
    Wall,                    !- Surface Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4_Wall_2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5_Floor,  !- Name
    Floor,                   !- Surface Type
    INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    Surface,                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5_Floor,  !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    NoSun,                   !- Sun Exposure
    NoWind,                  !- Wind Exposure
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    Roof,                    !- Name
    Roof,                    !- Surface Type
    Roof Construction,       !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    Outdoors,                !- Outside Boundary Condition
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    SunExposed,              !- Sun Exposure
    WindExposed,             !- Wind Exposure
    autocalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    19.144300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    5.002100000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    3.800000000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}


    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1_Wall_1_window_1,  !- Name
    Window,                  !- Surface Type
    std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1_Wall_1, !- Building Surface Name
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Shading Control Name
    ,                        !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0000,                  !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.050000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.625400000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.050000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    28.234300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    28.234300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.625400000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1_Wall_1_window_1,  !- Name
    Window,                  !- Surface Type
    std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1_Wall_1, !- Building Surface Name
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Shading Control Name
    ,                        !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0000,                  !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.050000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.625400000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.050000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    28.234300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    28.234300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.625400000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1_Wall_1_window_1,  !- Name
    Window,                  !- Surface Type
    std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1_Wall_1, !- Building Surface Name
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Shading Control Name
    ,                        !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0000,                  !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.050000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.625400000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.050000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    28.234300000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    28.234300000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.625400000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2_Wall_1_window_1,  !- Name
    Window,                  !- Surface Type
    std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508_east,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2_Wall_1, !- Building Surface Name
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Shading Control Name
    ,                        !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0000,                  !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.050000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.630800000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.050000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    14.092100000000,         !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    14.092100000000,         !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.630800000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2_Wall_1_window_1,  !- Name
    Window,                  !- Surface Type
    std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508_east,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2_Wall_1, !- Building Surface Name
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Shading Control Name
    ,                        !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0000,                  !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.050000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.630800000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.050000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    14.092100000000,         !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    14.092100000000,         !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.630800000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2_Wall_1_window_1,  !- Name
    Window,                  !- Surface Type
    std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508_east,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2_Wall_1, !- Building Surface Name
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Shading Control Name
    ,                        !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0000,                  !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    0.050000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.630800000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    0.050000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    14.092100000000,         !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    14.092100000000,         !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.630800000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3_Wall_3_window_1,  !- Name
    Window,                  !- Surface Type
    std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508_north,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3_Wall_3, !- Building Surface Name
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Shading Control Name
    ,                        !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0000,                  !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    23.664300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.625400000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.664300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.520000000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.520000000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.625400000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3_Wall_3_window_1,  !- Name
    Window,                  !- Surface Type
    std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508_north,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3_Wall_3, !- Building Surface Name
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Shading Control Name
    ,                        !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0000,                  !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    23.664300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.625400000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.664300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.520000000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.520000000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.625400000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3_Wall_3_window_1,  !- Name
    Window,                  !- Surface Type
    std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508_north,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3_Wall_3, !- Building Surface Name
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Shading Control Name
    ,                        !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0000,                  !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    23.664300000000,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.625400000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    23.664300000000,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.520000000000,         !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -4.520000000000,         !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    4.570000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.625400000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4_Wall_4_window_1,  !- Name
    Window,                  !- Surface Type
    std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508_west,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4_Wall_4, !- Building Surface Name
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Shading Control Name
    ,                        !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0000,                  !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    14.092100000000,         !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.630800000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    14.092100000000,         !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.050000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.050000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.630800000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4_Wall_4_window_1,  !- Name
    Window,                  !- Surface Type
    std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508_west,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4_Wall_4, !- Building Surface Name
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Shading Control Name
    ,                        !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0000,                  !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    14.092100000000,         !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.630800000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    14.092100000000,         !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.050000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.050000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.630800000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4_Wall_4_window_1,  !- Name
    Window,                  !- Surface Type
    std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508_west,  !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4_Wall_4, !- Building Surface Name
    ,                        !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
    AutoCalculate,           !- View Factor to Ground
    ,                        !- Shading Control Name
    ,                        !- Frame and Divider Name
    1.0000,                  !- Multiplier
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    14.092100000000,         !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.630800000000,          !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    14.092100000000,         !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    0.050000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    1.100000000000,          !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    0.000000000000,          !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    0.050000000000,          !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    2.630800000000;          !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: INTERNALMASS ===========

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 Internal Mass,  !- Name
    InteriorFurnishings,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    216.7484;                !- Surface Area {m2}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 Internal Mass,  !- Name
    InteriorFurnishings,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    216.7484;                !- Surface Area {m2}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 Internal Mass,  !- Name
    InteriorFurnishings,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    216.7484;                !- Surface Area {m2}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 Internal Mass,  !- Name
    InteriorFurnishings,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    87.4893;                 !- Surface Area {m2}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 Internal Mass,  !- Name
    InteriorFurnishings,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    87.4893;                 !- Surface Area {m2}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 Internal Mass,  !- Name
    InteriorFurnishings,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    87.4893;                 !- Surface Area {m2}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 Internal Mass,  !- Name
    InteriorFurnishings,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    216.7484;                !- Surface Area {m2}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 Internal Mass,  !- Name
    InteriorFurnishings,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    216.7484;                !- Surface Area {m2}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 Internal Mass,  !- Name
    InteriorFurnishings,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    216.7484;                !- Surface Area {m2}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 Internal Mass,  !- Name
    InteriorFurnishings,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    87.4893;                 !- Surface Area {m2}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 Internal Mass,  !- Name
    InteriorFurnishings,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    87.4893;                 !- Surface Area {m2}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 Internal Mass,  !- Name
    InteriorFurnishings,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    87.4893;                 !- Surface Area {m2}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 Internal Mass,  !- Name
    InteriorFurnishings,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    191.5245;                !- Surface Area {m2}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 Internal Mass,  !- Name
    InteriorFurnishings,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    191.5245;                !- Surface Area {m2}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 Internal Mass,  !- Name
    InteriorFurnishings,     !- Construction Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    191.5245;                !- Surface Area {m2}

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SHADING:SITE:DETAILED ===========

    Rooftop Shading 1,       !- Name
    ,                        !- Transmittance Schedule Name
    4,                       !- Number of Vertices
    37.937588430941,         !- Vertex 1 X-coordinate {m}
    19.961275956516,         !- Vertex 1 Y-coordinate {m}
    21.341951493770,         !- Vertex 1 Z-coordinate {m}
    37.937588430941,         !- Vertex 2 X-coordinate {m}
    -7.171885496620,         !- Vertex 2 Y-coordinate {m}
    21.341951493770,         !- Vertex 2 Z-coordinate {m}
    -10.972411569059,        !- Vertex 3 X-coordinate {m}
    -7.171885496620,         !- Vertex 3 Y-coordinate {m}
    21.341951493770,         !- Vertex 3 Z-coordinate {m}
    -10.972411569059,        !- Vertex 4 X-coordinate {m}
    19.961275956516,         !- Vertex 4 Y-coordinate {m}
    21.341951493770;         !- Vertex 4 Z-coordinate {m}

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: PEOPLE ===========

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 People, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_OCC_SCH,            !- Number of People Schedule Name
    People,                  !- Number of People Calculation Method
    4.2374,                  !- Number of People
    ,                        !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
    ,                        !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
    0.3000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    AUTOCALCULATE,           !- Sensible Heat Fraction
    ACTIVITY_SCH,            !- Activity Level Schedule Name
    No,                      !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
    ZoneAveraged,            !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
    ,                        !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
    WORK_EFF_SCH,            !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
    CLOTHING_SCH,            !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
    AIR_VELO_SCH,            !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
    FANGER;                  !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 People, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_OCC_SCH,            !- Number of People Schedule Name
    People,                  !- Number of People Calculation Method
    4.2374,                  !- Number of People
    ,                        !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
    ,                        !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
    0.3000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    AUTOCALCULATE,           !- Sensible Heat Fraction
    ACTIVITY_SCH,            !- Activity Level Schedule Name
    No,                      !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
    ZoneAveraged,            !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
    ,                        !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
    WORK_EFF_SCH,            !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
    CLOTHING_SCH,            !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
    AIR_VELO_SCH,            !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
    FANGER;                  !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 People, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_OCC_SCH,            !- Number of People Schedule Name
    People,                  !- Number of People Calculation Method
    4.2374,                  !- Number of People
    ,                        !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
    ,                        !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
    0.3000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    AUTOCALCULATE,           !- Sensible Heat Fraction
    ACTIVITY_SCH,            !- Activity Level Schedule Name
    No,                      !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
    ZoneAveraged,            !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
    ,                        !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
    WORK_EFF_SCH,            !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
    CLOTHING_SCH,            !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
    AIR_VELO_SCH,            !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
    FANGER;                  !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 People, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_OCC_SCH,            !- Number of People Schedule Name
    People,                  !- Number of People Calculation Method
    1.7104,                  !- Number of People
    ,                        !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
    ,                        !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
    0.3000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    AUTOCALCULATE,           !- Sensible Heat Fraction
    ACTIVITY_SCH,            !- Activity Level Schedule Name
    No,                      !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
    ZoneAveraged,            !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
    ,                        !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
    WORK_EFF_SCH,            !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
    CLOTHING_SCH,            !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
    AIR_VELO_SCH,            !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
    FANGER;                  !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 People, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_OCC_SCH,            !- Number of People Schedule Name
    People,                  !- Number of People Calculation Method
    1.7104,                  !- Number of People
    ,                        !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
    ,                        !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
    0.3000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    AUTOCALCULATE,           !- Sensible Heat Fraction
    ACTIVITY_SCH,            !- Activity Level Schedule Name
    No,                      !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
    ZoneAveraged,            !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
    ,                        !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
    WORK_EFF_SCH,            !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
    CLOTHING_SCH,            !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
    AIR_VELO_SCH,            !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
    FANGER;                  !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 People, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_OCC_SCH,            !- Number of People Schedule Name
    People,                  !- Number of People Calculation Method
    1.7104,                  !- Number of People
    ,                        !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
    ,                        !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
    0.3000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    AUTOCALCULATE,           !- Sensible Heat Fraction
    ACTIVITY_SCH,            !- Activity Level Schedule Name
    No,                      !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
    ZoneAveraged,            !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
    ,                        !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
    WORK_EFF_SCH,            !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
    CLOTHING_SCH,            !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
    AIR_VELO_SCH,            !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
    FANGER;                  !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 People, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_OCC_SCH,            !- Number of People Schedule Name
    People,                  !- Number of People Calculation Method
    4.2374,                  !- Number of People
    ,                        !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
    ,                        !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
    0.3000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    AUTOCALCULATE,           !- Sensible Heat Fraction
    ACTIVITY_SCH,            !- Activity Level Schedule Name
    No,                      !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
    ZoneAveraged,            !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
    ,                        !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
    WORK_EFF_SCH,            !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
    CLOTHING_SCH,            !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
    AIR_VELO_SCH,            !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
    FANGER;                  !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 People, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_OCC_SCH,            !- Number of People Schedule Name
    People,                  !- Number of People Calculation Method
    4.2374,                  !- Number of People
    ,                        !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
    ,                        !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
    0.3000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    AUTOCALCULATE,           !- Sensible Heat Fraction
    ACTIVITY_SCH,            !- Activity Level Schedule Name
    No,                      !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
    ZoneAveraged,            !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
    ,                        !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
    WORK_EFF_SCH,            !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
    CLOTHING_SCH,            !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
    AIR_VELO_SCH,            !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
    FANGER;                  !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 People, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_OCC_SCH,            !- Number of People Schedule Name
    People,                  !- Number of People Calculation Method
    4.2374,                  !- Number of People
    ,                        !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
    ,                        !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
    0.3000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    AUTOCALCULATE,           !- Sensible Heat Fraction
    ACTIVITY_SCH,            !- Activity Level Schedule Name
    No,                      !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
    ZoneAveraged,            !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
    ,                        !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
    WORK_EFF_SCH,            !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
    CLOTHING_SCH,            !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
    AIR_VELO_SCH,            !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
    FANGER;                  !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 People, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_OCC_SCH,            !- Number of People Schedule Name
    People,                  !- Number of People Calculation Method
    1.7104,                  !- Number of People
    ,                        !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
    ,                        !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
    0.3000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    AUTOCALCULATE,           !- Sensible Heat Fraction
    ACTIVITY_SCH,            !- Activity Level Schedule Name
    No,                      !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
    ZoneAveraged,            !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
    ,                        !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
    WORK_EFF_SCH,            !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
    CLOTHING_SCH,            !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
    AIR_VELO_SCH,            !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
    FANGER;                  !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 People, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_OCC_SCH,            !- Number of People Schedule Name
    People,                  !- Number of People Calculation Method
    1.7104,                  !- Number of People
    ,                        !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
    ,                        !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
    0.3000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    AUTOCALCULATE,           !- Sensible Heat Fraction
    ACTIVITY_SCH,            !- Activity Level Schedule Name
    No,                      !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
    ZoneAveraged,            !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
    ,                        !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
    WORK_EFF_SCH,            !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
    CLOTHING_SCH,            !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
    AIR_VELO_SCH,            !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
    FANGER;                  !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 People, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_OCC_SCH,            !- Number of People Schedule Name
    People,                  !- Number of People Calculation Method
    1.7104,                  !- Number of People
    ,                        !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
    ,                        !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
    0.3000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    AUTOCALCULATE,           !- Sensible Heat Fraction
    ACTIVITY_SCH,            !- Activity Level Schedule Name
    No,                      !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
    ZoneAveraged,            !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
    ,                        !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
    WORK_EFF_SCH,            !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
    CLOTHING_SCH,            !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
    AIR_VELO_SCH,            !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
    FANGER;                  !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 People, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_OCC_SCH,            !- Number of People Schedule Name
    People,                  !- Number of People Calculation Method
    3.7443,                  !- Number of People
    ,                        !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
    ,                        !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
    0.3000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    AUTOCALCULATE,           !- Sensible Heat Fraction
    ACTIVITY_SCH,            !- Activity Level Schedule Name
    No,                      !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
    ZoneAveraged,            !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
    ,                        !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
    WORK_EFF_SCH,            !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
    CLOTHING_SCH,            !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
    AIR_VELO_SCH,            !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
    FANGER;                  !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 People, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_OCC_SCH,            !- Number of People Schedule Name
    People,                  !- Number of People Calculation Method
    3.7443,                  !- Number of People
    ,                        !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
    ,                        !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
    0.3000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    AUTOCALCULATE,           !- Sensible Heat Fraction
    ACTIVITY_SCH,            !- Activity Level Schedule Name
    No,                      !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
    ZoneAveraged,            !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
    ,                        !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
    WORK_EFF_SCH,            !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
    CLOTHING_SCH,            !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
    AIR_VELO_SCH,            !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
    FANGER;                  !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 People, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_OCC_SCH,            !- Number of People Schedule Name
    People,                  !- Number of People Calculation Method
    3.7443,                  !- Number of People
    ,                        !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
    ,                        !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
    0.3000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    AUTOCALCULATE,           !- Sensible Heat Fraction
    ACTIVITY_SCH,            !- Activity Level Schedule Name
    No,                      !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
    ZoneAveraged,            !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
    ,                        !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
    WORK_EFF_SCH,            !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
    CLOTHING_SCH,            !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
    AIR_VELO_SCH,            !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
    FANGER;                  !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: LIGHTS ===========

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1_Lights, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_LIGHT_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    LightingLevel,           !- Design Level Calculation Method
    1166.1066,               !- Lighting Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Return Air Fraction
    0.7000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.2000,                  !- Fraction Visible
    1.0000,                  !- Fraction Replaceable
    General,                 !- End-Use Subcategory
    No;                      !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1_Lights, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_LIGHT_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    LightingLevel,           !- Design Level Calculation Method
    1166.1066,               !- Lighting Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Return Air Fraction
    0.7000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.2000,                  !- Fraction Visible
    1.0000,                  !- Fraction Replaceable
    General,                 !- End-Use Subcategory
    No;                      !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1_Lights, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_LIGHT_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    LightingLevel,           !- Design Level Calculation Method
    1166.1066,               !- Lighting Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Return Air Fraction
    0.7000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.2000,                  !- Fraction Visible
    1.0000,                  !- Fraction Replaceable
    General,                 !- End-Use Subcategory
    No;                      !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2_Lights, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_LIGHT_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    LightingLevel,           !- Design Level Calculation Method
    470.6925,                !- Lighting Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Return Air Fraction
    0.7000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.2000,                  !- Fraction Visible
    1.0000,                  !- Fraction Replaceable
    General,                 !- End-Use Subcategory
    No;                      !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2_Lights, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_LIGHT_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    LightingLevel,           !- Design Level Calculation Method
    470.6925,                !- Lighting Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Return Air Fraction
    0.7000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.2000,                  !- Fraction Visible
    1.0000,                  !- Fraction Replaceable
    General,                 !- End-Use Subcategory
    No;                      !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2_Lights, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_LIGHT_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    LightingLevel,           !- Design Level Calculation Method
    470.6925,                !- Lighting Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Return Air Fraction
    0.7000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.2000,                  !- Fraction Visible
    1.0000,                  !- Fraction Replaceable
    General,                 !- End-Use Subcategory
    No;                      !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3_Lights, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_LIGHT_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    LightingLevel,           !- Design Level Calculation Method
    1166.1066,               !- Lighting Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Return Air Fraction
    0.7000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.2000,                  !- Fraction Visible
    1.0000,                  !- Fraction Replaceable
    General,                 !- End-Use Subcategory
    No;                      !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3_Lights, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_LIGHT_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    LightingLevel,           !- Design Level Calculation Method
    1166.1066,               !- Lighting Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Return Air Fraction
    0.7000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.2000,                  !- Fraction Visible
    1.0000,                  !- Fraction Replaceable
    General,                 !- End-Use Subcategory
    No;                      !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3_Lights, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_LIGHT_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    LightingLevel,           !- Design Level Calculation Method
    1166.1066,               !- Lighting Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Return Air Fraction
    0.7000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.2000,                  !- Fraction Visible
    1.0000,                  !- Fraction Replaceable
    General,                 !- End-Use Subcategory
    No;                      !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4_Lights, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_LIGHT_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    LightingLevel,           !- Design Level Calculation Method
    470.6925,                !- Lighting Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Return Air Fraction
    0.7000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.2000,                  !- Fraction Visible
    1.0000,                  !- Fraction Replaceable
    General,                 !- End-Use Subcategory
    No;                      !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4_Lights, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_LIGHT_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    LightingLevel,           !- Design Level Calculation Method
    470.6925,                !- Lighting Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Return Air Fraction
    0.7000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.2000,                  !- Fraction Visible
    1.0000,                  !- Fraction Replaceable
    General,                 !- End-Use Subcategory
    No;                      !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4_Lights, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_LIGHT_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    LightingLevel,           !- Design Level Calculation Method
    470.6925,                !- Lighting Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Return Air Fraction
    0.7000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.2000,                  !- Fraction Visible
    1.0000,                  !- Fraction Replaceable
    General,                 !- End-Use Subcategory
    No;                      !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5_Lights, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_LIGHT_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    LightingLevel,           !- Design Level Calculation Method
    1030.4017,               !- Lighting Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Return Air Fraction
    0.7000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.2000,                  !- Fraction Visible
    1.0000,                  !- Fraction Replaceable
    General,                 !- End-Use Subcategory
    No;                      !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5_Lights, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_LIGHT_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    LightingLevel,           !- Design Level Calculation Method
    1030.4017,               !- Lighting Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Return Air Fraction
    0.7000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.2000,                  !- Fraction Visible
    1.0000,                  !- Fraction Replaceable
    General,                 !- End-Use Subcategory
    No;                      !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5_Lights, !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_LIGHT_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    LightingLevel,           !- Design Level Calculation Method
    1030.4017,               !- Lighting Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Return Air Fraction
    0.7000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.2000,                  !- Fraction Visible
    1.0000,                  !- Fraction Replaceable
    General,                 !- End-Use Subcategory
    No;                      !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: ELECTRICEQUIPMENT ===========

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1_PlugMisc_Equip,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_EQUIP_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    EquipmentLevel,          !- Design Level Calculation Method
    874.5800,                !- Design Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Latent
    0.5000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Lost
    General;                 !- End-Use Subcategory

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1_PlugMisc_Equip,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_EQUIP_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    EquipmentLevel,          !- Design Level Calculation Method
    874.5800,                !- Design Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Latent
    0.5000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Lost
    General;                 !- End-Use Subcategory

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1_PlugMisc_Equip,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_EQUIP_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    EquipmentLevel,          !- Design Level Calculation Method
    874.5800,                !- Design Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Latent
    0.5000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Lost
    General;                 !- End-Use Subcategory

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2_PlugMisc_Equip,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_EQUIP_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    EquipmentLevel,          !- Design Level Calculation Method
    353.0194,                !- Design Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Latent
    0.5000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Lost
    General;                 !- End-Use Subcategory

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2_PlugMisc_Equip,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_EQUIP_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    EquipmentLevel,          !- Design Level Calculation Method
    353.0194,                !- Design Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Latent
    0.5000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Lost
    General;                 !- End-Use Subcategory

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2_PlugMisc_Equip,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_EQUIP_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    EquipmentLevel,          !- Design Level Calculation Method
    353.0194,                !- Design Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Latent
    0.5000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Lost
    General;                 !- End-Use Subcategory

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3_PlugMisc_Equip,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_EQUIP_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    EquipmentLevel,          !- Design Level Calculation Method
    874.5800,                !- Design Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Latent
    0.5000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Lost
    General;                 !- End-Use Subcategory

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3_PlugMisc_Equip,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_EQUIP_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    EquipmentLevel,          !- Design Level Calculation Method
    874.5800,                !- Design Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Latent
    0.5000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Lost
    General;                 !- End-Use Subcategory

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3_PlugMisc_Equip,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_EQUIP_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    EquipmentLevel,          !- Design Level Calculation Method
    874.5800,                !- Design Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Latent
    0.5000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Lost
    General;                 !- End-Use Subcategory

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4_PlugMisc_Equip,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_EQUIP_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    EquipmentLevel,          !- Design Level Calculation Method
    353.0194,                !- Design Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Latent
    0.5000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Lost
    General;                 !- End-Use Subcategory

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4_PlugMisc_Equip,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_EQUIP_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    EquipmentLevel,          !- Design Level Calculation Method
    353.0194,                !- Design Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Latent
    0.5000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Lost
    General;                 !- End-Use Subcategory

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4_PlugMisc_Equip,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_EQUIP_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    EquipmentLevel,          !- Design Level Calculation Method
    353.0194,                !- Design Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Latent
    0.5000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Lost
    General;                 !- End-Use Subcategory

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5_PlugMisc_Equip,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_EQUIP_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    EquipmentLevel,          !- Design Level Calculation Method
    772.8013,                !- Design Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Latent
    0.5000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Lost
    General;                 !- End-Use Subcategory

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5_PlugMisc_Equip,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_EQUIP_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    EquipmentLevel,          !- Design Level Calculation Method
    772.8013,                !- Design Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Latent
    0.5000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Lost
    General;                 !- End-Use Subcategory

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5_PlugMisc_Equip,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    BLDG_EQUIP_SCH,          !- Schedule Name
    EquipmentLevel,          !- Design Level Calculation Method
    772.8013,                !- Design Level {W}
    ,                        !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
    ,                        !- Watts per Person {W/person}
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Latent
    0.5000,                  !- Fraction Radiant
    0.0000,                  !- Fraction Lost
    General;                 !- End-Use Subcategory


    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1_Infiltration,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    INFIL_SCH,               !- Schedule Name
    Flow/Zone,               !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
    0.0343,                  !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Air Changes per Hour
    1.0000,                  !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0.0000;                  !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1_Infiltration,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    INFIL_SCH,               !- Schedule Name
    Flow/Zone,               !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
    0.0343,                  !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Air Changes per Hour
    1.0000,                  !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0.0000;                  !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1_Infiltration,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    INFIL_SCH,               !- Schedule Name
    Flow/Zone,               !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
    0.0343,                  !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Air Changes per Hour
    1.0000,                  !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0.0000;                  !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2_Infiltration,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    INFIL_SCH,               !- Schedule Name
    Flow/Zone,               !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
    0.0139,                  !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Air Changes per Hour
    1.0000,                  !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0.0000;                  !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2_Infiltration,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    INFIL_SCH,               !- Schedule Name
    Flow/Zone,               !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
    0.0139,                  !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Air Changes per Hour
    1.0000,                  !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0.0000;                  !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2_Infiltration,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    INFIL_SCH,               !- Schedule Name
    Flow/Zone,               !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
    0.0139,                  !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Air Changes per Hour
    1.0000,                  !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0.0000;                  !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3_Infiltration,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    INFIL_SCH,               !- Schedule Name
    Flow/Zone,               !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
    0.0343,                  !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Air Changes per Hour
    1.0000,                  !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0.0000;                  !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3_Infiltration,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    INFIL_SCH,               !- Schedule Name
    Flow/Zone,               !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
    0.0343,                  !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Air Changes per Hour
    1.0000,                  !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0.0000;                  !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3_Infiltration,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    INFIL_SCH,               !- Schedule Name
    Flow/Zone,               !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
    0.0343,                  !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Air Changes per Hour
    1.0000,                  !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0.0000;                  !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4_Infiltration,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    INFIL_SCH,               !- Schedule Name
    Flow/Zone,               !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
    0.0139,                  !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Air Changes per Hour
    1.0000,                  !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0.0000;                  !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4_Infiltration,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    INFIL_SCH,               !- Schedule Name
    Flow/Zone,               !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
    0.0139,                  !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Air Changes per Hour
    1.0000,                  !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0.0000;                  !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4_Infiltration,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    INFIL_SCH,               !- Schedule Name
    Flow/Zone,               !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
    0.0139,                  !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Air Changes per Hour
    1.0000,                  !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0.0000;                  !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5_Infiltration,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    INFIL_SCH,               !- Schedule Name
    Flow/Zone,               !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
    0.0303,                  !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Air Changes per Hour
    1.0000,                  !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0.0000;                  !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5_Infiltration,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    INFIL_SCH,               !- Schedule Name
    Flow/Zone,               !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
    0.0303,                  !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Air Changes per Hour
    1.0000,                  !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0.0000;                  !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5_Infiltration,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    INFIL_SCH,               !- Schedule Name
    Flow/Zone,               !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
    0.0303,                  !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Air Changes per Hour
    1.0000,                  !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0.0000,                  !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0.0000;                  !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SIZING:PARAMETERS ===========

    1.2,                     !- Sizing Factor
    4;                       !- Timesteps in Averaging Window

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SIZING:ZONE ===========

!***** Space Conditioning For Zone: ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 *****
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    14.0000,                 !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    40.0000,                 !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    0.0085,                  !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    0.0080,                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    Flow/Zone,               !- Outdoor Air Method
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    0.0431058458462583,      !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Zone Sizing Factor
    DesignDay,               !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
    ,                        !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    DesignDay,               !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
    0.0,                     !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
    ;                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction

!***** Space Conditioning For Zone: ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 *****
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    14.0000,                 !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    40.0000,                 !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    0.0085,                  !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    0.0080,                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    Flow/Zone,               !- Outdoor Air Method
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    0.0431058458462583,      !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Zone Sizing Factor
    DesignDay,               !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
    ,                        !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    DesignDay,               !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
    0.0,                     !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
    ;                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction

!***** Space Conditioning For Zone: ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 *****
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    14.0000,                 !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    40.0000,                 !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    0.0085,                  !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    0.0080,                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    Flow/Zone,               !- Outdoor Air Method
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    0.0431058458462583,      !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Zone Sizing Factor
    DesignDay,               !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
    ,                        !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    DesignDay,               !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
    0.0,                     !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
    ;                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction

!***** Space Conditioning For Zone: ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 *****
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    14.0000,                 !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    40.0000,                 !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    0.0085,                  !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    0.0080,                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    Flow/Zone,               !- Outdoor Air Method
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    0.0173994384356292,      !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Zone Sizing Factor
    DesignDay,               !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
    ,                        !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    DesignDay,               !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
    0.0,                     !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
    ;                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction

!***** Space Conditioning For Zone: ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 *****
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    14.0000,                 !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    40.0000,                 !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    0.0085,                  !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    0.0080,                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    Flow/Zone,               !- Outdoor Air Method
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    0.0173994384356292,      !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Zone Sizing Factor
    DesignDay,               !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
    ,                        !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    DesignDay,               !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
    0.0,                     !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
    ;                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction

!***** Space Conditioning For Zone: ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 *****
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    14.0000,                 !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    40.0000,                 !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    0.0085,                  !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    0.0080,                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    Flow/Zone,               !- Outdoor Air Method
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    0.0173994384356292,      !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Zone Sizing Factor
    DesignDay,               !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
    ,                        !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    DesignDay,               !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
    0.0,                     !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
    ;                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction

!***** Space Conditioning For Zone: ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 *****
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    14.0000,                 !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    40.0000,                 !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    0.0085,                  !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    0.0080,                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    Flow/Zone,               !- Outdoor Air Method
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    0.0431058458462583,      !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Zone Sizing Factor
    DesignDay,               !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
    ,                        !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    DesignDay,               !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
    0.0,                     !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
    ;                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction

!***** Space Conditioning For Zone: ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 *****
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    14.0000,                 !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    40.0000,                 !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    0.0085,                  !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    0.0080,                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    Flow/Zone,               !- Outdoor Air Method
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    0.0431058458462583,      !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Zone Sizing Factor
    DesignDay,               !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
    ,                        !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    DesignDay,               !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
    0.0,                     !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
    ;                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction

!***** Space Conditioning For Zone: ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 *****
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    14.0000,                 !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    40.0000,                 !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    0.0085,                  !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    0.0080,                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    Flow/Zone,               !- Outdoor Air Method
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    0.0431058458462583,      !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Zone Sizing Factor
    DesignDay,               !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
    ,                        !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    DesignDay,               !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
    0.0,                     !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
    ;                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction

!***** Space Conditioning For Zone: ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 *****
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    14.0000,                 !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    40.0000,                 !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    0.0085,                  !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    0.0080,                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    Flow/Zone,               !- Outdoor Air Method
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    0.0173994384356292,      !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Zone Sizing Factor
    DesignDay,               !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
    ,                        !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    DesignDay,               !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
    0.0,                     !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
    ;                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction

!***** Space Conditioning For Zone: ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 *****
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    14.0000,                 !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    40.0000,                 !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    0.0085,                  !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    0.0080,                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    Flow/Zone,               !- Outdoor Air Method
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    0.0173994384356292,      !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Zone Sizing Factor
    DesignDay,               !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
    ,                        !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    DesignDay,               !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
    0.0,                     !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
    ;                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction

!***** Space Conditioning For Zone: ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 *****
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    14.0000,                 !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    40.0000,                 !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    0.0085,                  !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    0.0080,                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    Flow/Zone,               !- Outdoor Air Method
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    0.0173994384356292,      !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Zone Sizing Factor
    DesignDay,               !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
    ,                        !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    DesignDay,               !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
    0.0,                     !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
    ;                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction

!***** Space Conditioning For Zone: ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 *****
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    14.0000,                 !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    40.0000,                 !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    0.0085,                  !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    0.0080,                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    Flow/Zone,               !- Outdoor Air Method
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    0.038089431436225,       !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Zone Sizing Factor
    DesignDay,               !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
    ,                        !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    DesignDay,               !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
    0.0,                     !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
    ;                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction

!***** Space Conditioning For Zone: ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 *****
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    14.0000,                 !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    40.0000,                 !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    0.0085,                  !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    0.0080,                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    Flow/Zone,               !- Outdoor Air Method
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    0.038089431436225,       !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Zone Sizing Factor
    DesignDay,               !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
    ,                        !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    DesignDay,               !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
    0.0,                     !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
    ;                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction

!***** Space Conditioning For Zone: ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 *****
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    14.0000,                 !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    40.0000,                 !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    0.0085,                  !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    0.0080,                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
    Flow/Zone,               !- Outdoor Air Method
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    0.038089431436225,       !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Zone Sizing Factor
    DesignDay,               !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
    ,                        !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    DesignDay,               !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
    0.0,                     !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
    ,                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
    ;                        !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SIZING:SYSTEM ===========

    PVAV_REHEAT_1,           !- AirLoop Name
    Sensible,                !- Type of Load to Size On
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    0.3000,                  !- Minimum System Air Flow Ratio
    7.0,                     !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
    0.008,                   !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
    12.8000,                 !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
    0.008,                   !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
    12.8000,                 !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    16.7000,                 !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
    NonCoincident,           !- Sizing Option
    No,                      !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
    No,                      !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
    0.0085,                  !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
    0.0080,                  !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
    DesignDay,               !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
    0.0,                     !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    DesignDay,               !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
    0.0;                     !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SIZING:PLANT ===========

    HeatSys1,                !- Plant or Condenser Loop Name
    Heating,                 !- Loop Type
    82.2,                    !- Design Loop Exit Temperature {C}
    11.1;                    !- Loop Design Temperature Difference {deltaC}


    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 Thermostat,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    Dual Zone Control Type Sched,  !- Control Type Schedule Name
    ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,  !- Control 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 DualSPSched;  !- Control 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 Thermostat,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    Dual Zone Control Type Sched,  !- Control Type Schedule Name
    ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,  !- Control 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 DualSPSched;  !- Control 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 Thermostat,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    Dual Zone Control Type Sched,  !- Control Type Schedule Name
    ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,  !- Control 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 DualSPSched;  !- Control 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 Thermostat,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    Dual Zone Control Type Sched,  !- Control Type Schedule Name
    ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,  !- Control 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 DualSPSched;  !- Control 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 Thermostat,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    Dual Zone Control Type Sched,  !- Control Type Schedule Name
    ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,  !- Control 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 DualSPSched;  !- Control 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 Thermostat,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    Dual Zone Control Type Sched,  !- Control Type Schedule Name
    ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,  !- Control 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 DualSPSched;  !- Control 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 Thermostat,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    Dual Zone Control Type Sched,  !- Control Type Schedule Name
    ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,  !- Control 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 DualSPSched;  !- Control 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 Thermostat,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    Dual Zone Control Type Sched,  !- Control Type Schedule Name
    ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,  !- Control 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 DualSPSched;  !- Control 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 Thermostat,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    Dual Zone Control Type Sched,  !- Control Type Schedule Name
    ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,  !- Control 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 DualSPSched;  !- Control 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 Thermostat,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    Dual Zone Control Type Sched,  !- Control Type Schedule Name
    ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,  !- Control 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 DualSPSched;  !- Control 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 Thermostat,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    Dual Zone Control Type Sched,  !- Control Type Schedule Name
    ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,  !- Control 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 DualSPSched;  !- Control 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 Thermostat,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    Dual Zone Control Type Sched,  !- Control Type Schedule Name
    ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,  !- Control 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 DualSPSched;  !- Control 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 Thermostat,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    Dual Zone Control Type Sched,  !- Control Type Schedule Name
    ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,  !- Control 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 DualSPSched;  !- Control 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 Thermostat,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    Dual Zone Control Type Sched,  !- Control Type Schedule Name
    ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,  !- Control 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 DualSPSched;  !- Control 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 Thermostat,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    Dual Zone Control Type Sched,  !- Control Type Schedule Name
    ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,  !- Control 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 DualSPSched;  !- Control 1 Name


    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 DualSPSched,  !- Name
    HTGSETP_SCH,             !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
    CLGSETP_SCH;             !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 DualSPSched,  !- Name
    HTGSETP_SCH,             !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
    CLGSETP_SCH;             !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 DualSPSched,  !- Name
    HTGSETP_SCH,             !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
    CLGSETP_SCH;             !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 DualSPSched,  !- Name
    HTGSETP_SCH,             !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
    CLGSETP_SCH;             !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 DualSPSched,  !- Name
    HTGSETP_SCH,             !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
    CLGSETP_SCH;             !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 DualSPSched,  !- Name
    HTGSETP_SCH,             !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
    CLGSETP_SCH;             !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 DualSPSched,  !- Name
    HTGSETP_SCH,             !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
    CLGSETP_SCH;             !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 DualSPSched,  !- Name
    HTGSETP_SCH,             !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
    CLGSETP_SCH;             !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 DualSPSched,  !- Name
    HTGSETP_SCH,             !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
    CLGSETP_SCH;             !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 DualSPSched,  !- Name
    HTGSETP_SCH,             !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
    CLGSETP_SCH;             !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 DualSPSched,  !- Name
    HTGSETP_SCH,             !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
    CLGSETP_SCH;             !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 DualSPSched,  !- Name
    HTGSETP_SCH,             !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
    CLGSETP_SCH;             !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 DualSPSched,  !- Name
    HTGSETP_SCH,             !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
    CLGSETP_SCH;             !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 DualSPSched,  !- Name
    HTGSETP_SCH,             !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
    CLGSETP_SCH;             !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 DualSPSched,  !- Name
    HTGSETP_SCH,             !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
    CLGSETP_SCH;             !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name


    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 VAV Box Component,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    Constant,                !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
    0.3000,                  !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    ,                        !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Reheat Coil Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Reheat Coil Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    0.001,                   !- Convergence Tolerance
    Reverse;                 !- Damper Heating Action

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 VAV Box Component,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    Constant,                !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
    0.3000,                  !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    ,                        !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Reheat Coil Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Reheat Coil Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    0.001,                   !- Convergence Tolerance
    Reverse;                 !- Damper Heating Action

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 VAV Box Component,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    Constant,                !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
    0.3000,                  !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    ,                        !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Reheat Coil Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Reheat Coil Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    0.001,                   !- Convergence Tolerance
    Reverse;                 !- Damper Heating Action

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 VAV Box Component,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    Constant,                !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
    0.3000,                  !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    ,                        !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Reheat Coil Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Reheat Coil Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    0.001,                   !- Convergence Tolerance
    Reverse;                 !- Damper Heating Action

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 VAV Box Component,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    Constant,                !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
    0.3000,                  !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    ,                        !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Reheat Coil Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Reheat Coil Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    0.001,                   !- Convergence Tolerance
    Reverse;                 !- Damper Heating Action

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 VAV Box Component,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    Constant,                !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
    0.3000,                  !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    ,                        !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Reheat Coil Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Reheat Coil Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    0.001,                   !- Convergence Tolerance
    Reverse;                 !- Damper Heating Action

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 VAV Box Component,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    Constant,                !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
    0.3000,                  !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    ,                        !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Reheat Coil Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Reheat Coil Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    0.001,                   !- Convergence Tolerance
    Reverse;                 !- Damper Heating Action

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 VAV Box Component,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    Constant,                !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
    0.3000,                  !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    ,                        !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Reheat Coil Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Reheat Coil Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    0.001,                   !- Convergence Tolerance
    Reverse;                 !- Damper Heating Action

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 VAV Box Component,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    Constant,                !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
    0.3000,                  !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    ,                        !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Reheat Coil Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Reheat Coil Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    0.001,                   !- Convergence Tolerance
    Reverse;                 !- Damper Heating Action

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 VAV Box Component,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    Constant,                !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
    0.3000,                  !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    ,                        !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Reheat Coil Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Reheat Coil Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    0.001,                   !- Convergence Tolerance
    Reverse;                 !- Damper Heating Action

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 VAV Box Component,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    Constant,                !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
    0.3000,                  !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    ,                        !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Reheat Coil Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Reheat Coil Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    0.001,                   !- Convergence Tolerance
    Reverse;                 !- Damper Heating Action

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 VAV Box Component,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    Constant,                !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
    0.3000,                  !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    ,                        !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Reheat Coil Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Reheat Coil Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    0.001,                   !- Convergence Tolerance
    Reverse;                 !- Damper Heating Action

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 VAV Box Component,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    Constant,                !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
    0.3000,                  !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    ,                        !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Reheat Coil Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Reheat Coil Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    0.001,                   !- Convergence Tolerance
    Reverse;                 !- Damper Heating Action

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 VAV Box Component,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    Constant,                !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
    0.3000,                  !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    ,                        !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Reheat Coil Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Reheat Coil Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    0.001,                   !- Convergence Tolerance
    Reverse;                 !- Damper Heating Action

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 VAV Box Component,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    Constant,                !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
    0.3000,                  !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
    ,                        !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Reheat Coil Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Reheat Coil Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    0.001,                   !- Convergence Tolerance
    Reverse;                 !- Damper Heating Action


    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 VAV Box,!- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
    AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,  !- Air Terminal Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 VAV Box Component;  !- Air Terminal Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 VAV Box,!- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
    AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,  !- Air Terminal Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 VAV Box Component;  !- Air Terminal Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 VAV Box,!- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
    AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,  !- Air Terminal Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 VAV Box Component;  !- Air Terminal Name

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 VAV Box,!- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
    AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,  !- Air Terminal Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 VAV Box Component;  !- Air Terminal Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 VAV Box,!- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
    AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,  !- Air Terminal Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 VAV Box Component;  !- Air Terminal Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 VAV Box,!- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
    AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,  !- Air Terminal Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 VAV Box Component;  !- Air Terminal Name

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 VAV Box,!- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
    AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,  !- Air Terminal Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 VAV Box Component;  !- Air Terminal Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 VAV Box,!- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
    AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,  !- Air Terminal Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 VAV Box Component;  !- Air Terminal Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 VAV Box,!- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
    AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,  !- Air Terminal Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 VAV Box Component;  !- Air Terminal Name

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 VAV Box,!- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
    AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,  !- Air Terminal Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 VAV Box Component;  !- Air Terminal Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 VAV Box,!- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
    AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,  !- Air Terminal Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 VAV Box Component;  !- Air Terminal Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 VAV Box,!- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
    AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,  !- Air Terminal Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 VAV Box Component;  !- Air Terminal Name

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 VAV Box,!- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
    AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,  !- Air Terminal Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 VAV Box Component;  !- Air Terminal Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 VAV Box,!- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
    AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,  !- Air Terminal Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 VAV Box Component;  !- Air Terminal Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 VAV Box,!- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
    AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,  !- Air Terminal Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 VAV Box Component;  !- Air Terminal Name


    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 Equipment,  !- Name
    ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,  !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 VAV Box,!- Zone Equipment 1 Name
    1,                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
    1;                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 Equipment,  !- Name
    ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,  !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 VAV Box,!- Zone Equipment 1 Name
    1,                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
    1;                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 Equipment,  !- Name
    ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,  !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 VAV Box,!- Zone Equipment 1 Name
    1,                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
    1;                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 Equipment,  !- Name
    ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,  !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 VAV Box,!- Zone Equipment 1 Name
    1,                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
    1;                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 Equipment,  !- Name
    ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,  !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 VAV Box,!- Zone Equipment 1 Name
    1,                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
    1;                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 Equipment,  !- Name
    ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,  !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 VAV Box,!- Zone Equipment 1 Name
    1,                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
    1;                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 Equipment,  !- Name
    ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,  !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 VAV Box,!- Zone Equipment 1 Name
    1,                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
    1;                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 Equipment,  !- Name
    ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,  !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 VAV Box,!- Zone Equipment 1 Name
    1,                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
    1;                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 Equipment,  !- Name
    ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,  !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 VAV Box,!- Zone Equipment 1 Name
    1,                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
    1;                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 Equipment,  !- Name
    ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,  !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 VAV Box,!- Zone Equipment 1 Name
    1,                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
    1;                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 Equipment,  !- Name
    ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,  !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 VAV Box,!- Zone Equipment 1 Name
    1,                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
    1;                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 Equipment,  !- Name
    ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,  !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 VAV Box,!- Zone Equipment 1 Name
    1,                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
    1;                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 Equipment,  !- Name
    ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,  !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 VAV Box,!- Zone Equipment 1 Name
    1,                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
    1;                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 Equipment,  !- Name
    ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,  !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 VAV Box,!- Zone Equipment 1 Name
    1,                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
    1;                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 Equipment,  !- Name
    ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,  !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 VAV Box,!- Zone Equipment 1 Name
    1,                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
    1;                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence


    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 Equipment,  !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 Inlet Nodes,  !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
    ,                        !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 Air Node,  !- Zone Air Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 Return Air Node Name;  !- Zone Return Air Node Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 Equipment,  !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 Inlet Nodes,  !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
    ,                        !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 Air Node,  !- Zone Air Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 Return Air Node Name;  !- Zone Return Air Node Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1,        !- Zone Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 Equipment,  !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 Inlet Nodes,  !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
    ,                        !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 Air Node,  !- Zone Air Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 Return Air Node Name;  !- Zone Return Air Node Name

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 Equipment,  !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 Inlet Nodes,  !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
    ,                        !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 Air Node,  !- Zone Air Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 Return Air Node Name;  !- Zone Return Air Node Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 Equipment,  !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 Inlet Nodes,  !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
    ,                        !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 Air Node,  !- Zone Air Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 Return Air Node Name;  !- Zone Return Air Node Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2,        !- Zone Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 Equipment,  !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 Inlet Nodes,  !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
    ,                        !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 Air Node,  !- Zone Air Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 Return Air Node Name;  !- Zone Return Air Node Name

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 Equipment,  !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 Inlet Nodes,  !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
    ,                        !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 Air Node,  !- Zone Air Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 Return Air Node Name;  !- Zone Return Air Node Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 Equipment,  !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 Inlet Nodes,  !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
    ,                        !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 Air Node,  !- Zone Air Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 Return Air Node Name;  !- Zone Return Air Node Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3,        !- Zone Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 Equipment,  !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 Inlet Nodes,  !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
    ,                        !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 Air Node,  !- Zone Air Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 Return Air Node Name;  !- Zone Return Air Node Name

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 Equipment,  !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 Inlet Nodes,  !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
    ,                        !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 Air Node,  !- Zone Air Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 Return Air Node Name;  !- Zone Return Air Node Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 Equipment,  !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 Inlet Nodes,  !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
    ,                        !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 Air Node,  !- Zone Air Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 Return Air Node Name;  !- Zone Return Air Node Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4,        !- Zone Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 Equipment,  !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 Inlet Nodes,  !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
    ,                        !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 Air Node,  !- Zone Air Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 Return Air Node Name;  !- Zone Return Air Node Name

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 Equipment,  !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 Inlet Nodes,  !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
    ,                        !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 Air Node,  !- Zone Air Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 Return Air Node Name;  !- Zone Return Air Node Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 Equipment,  !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 Inlet Nodes,  !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
    ,                        !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 Air Node,  !- Zone Air Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 Return Air Node Name;  !- Zone Return Air Node Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5,        !- Zone Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 Equipment,  !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 Inlet Nodes,  !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
    ,                        !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 Air Node,  !- Zone Air Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 Return Air Node Name;  !- Zone Return Air Node Name

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: FAN:VARIABLEVOLUME ===========

    PVAV_REHEAT_1_Fan,       !- Name
    HVACOperationSchd,       !- Availability Schedule Name
    0.253131,                !- Fan Efficiency
    600,                     !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    0.0000,                  !- Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    0.9300,                  !- Motor Efficiency
    1.0,                     !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
    0.0407598940,            !- Fan Coefficient 1
    0.08804497,              !- Fan Coefficient 2
    -0.072926120,            !- Fan Coefficient 3
    0.9437398230,            !- Fan Coefficient 4
    0,                       !- Fan Coefficient 5
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatC-PVAV_REHEAT_1_FanNode,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    Fan Energy;              !- End-Use Subcategory

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: COIL:COOLING:DX:TWOSPEED ===========

    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolC DXCoil,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated High Speed Total Cooling Capacity {W}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated High Speed Sensible Heat Ratio
    4.23877,                 !- Rated High Speed COP
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated High Speed Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OA-PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolCNode,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolC-PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatCNode,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolCStandard10Ton_CapFT,  !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolCStandard10Ton_CapFF,  !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolCStandard10Ton_EIRFT,  !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolCStandard10Ton_EIRFFF,  !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolCStandard10Ton_PLR,  !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated Low Speed Total Cooling Capacity {W}
    0.69,                    !- Rated Low Speed Sensible Heat Ratio
    4.23877,                 !- Rated Low Speed COP
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated Low Speed Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolCStandard10Ton_CapFT,  !- Low Speed Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolCStandard10Ton_EIRFT,  !- Low Speed Energy Input Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolC Cond OA node;  !- Condenser Air Inlet Node Name

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: COIL:HEATING:WATER ===========

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Water Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Water Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate,  !- Performance Input Method
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated Capacity {W}
    82.2,                    !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
    16.6,                    !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
    71.1,                    !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
    32.2;                    !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Water Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Water Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate,  !- Performance Input Method
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated Capacity {W}
    82.2,                    !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
    16.6,                    !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
    71.1,                    !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
    32.2;                    !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Water Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Water Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate,  !- Performance Input Method
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated Capacity {W}
    82.2,                    !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
    16.6,                    !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
    71.1,                    !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
    32.2;                    !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Water Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Water Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate,  !- Performance Input Method
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated Capacity {W}
    82.2,                    !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
    16.6,                    !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
    71.1,                    !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
    32.2;                    !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Water Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Water Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate,  !- Performance Input Method
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated Capacity {W}
    82.2,                    !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
    16.6,                    !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
    71.1,                    !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
    32.2;                    !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Water Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Water Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate,  !- Performance Input Method
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated Capacity {W}
    82.2,                    !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
    16.6,                    !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
    71.1,                    !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
    32.2;                    !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Water Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Water Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate,  !- Performance Input Method
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated Capacity {W}
    82.2,                    !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
    16.6,                    !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
    71.1,                    !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
    32.2;                    !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Water Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Water Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate,  !- Performance Input Method
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated Capacity {W}
    82.2,                    !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
    16.6,                    !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
    71.1,                    !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
    32.2;                    !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Water Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Water Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate,  !- Performance Input Method
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated Capacity {W}
    82.2,                    !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
    16.6,                    !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
    71.1,                    !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
    32.2;                    !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Water Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Water Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate,  !- Performance Input Method
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated Capacity {W}
    82.2,                    !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
    16.6,                    !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
    71.1,                    !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
    32.2;                    !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Water Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Water Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate,  !- Performance Input Method
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated Capacity {W}
    82.2,                    !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
    16.6,                    !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
    71.1,                    !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
    32.2;                    !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Water Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Water Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate,  !- Performance Input Method
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated Capacity {W}
    82.2,                    !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
    16.6,                    !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
    71.1,                    !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
    32.2;                    !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Water Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Water Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate,  !- Performance Input Method
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated Capacity {W}
    82.2,                    !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
    16.6,                    !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
    71.1,                    !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
    32.2;                    !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Water Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Water Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate,  !- Performance Input Method
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated Capacity {W}
    82.2,                    !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
    16.6,                    !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
    71.1,                    !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
    32.2;                    !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Water Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Water Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 VAV Box Damper Node,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 VAV Box Outlet Node Name,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate,  !- Performance Input Method
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated Capacity {W}
    82.2,                    !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
    16.6,                    !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
    71.1,                    !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
    32.2;                    !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}

    PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatC,     !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatCDemand Inlet Node,  !- Water Inlet Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatCDemand Outlet Node,  !- Water Outlet Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolC-PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatCNode,  !- Air Inlet Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatC-PVAV_REHEAT_1_FanNode,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate,  !- Performance Input Method
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated Capacity {W}
    82.2,                    !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
    16.6,                    !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
    71.1,                    !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
    32.2;                    !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}


    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolC,     !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Availability Schedule Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OA-PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolCNode,  !- DX Cooling Coil System Inlet Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolC-PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatCNode,  !- DX Cooling Coil System Outlet Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolC-PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatCNode,  !- DX Cooling Coil System Sensor Node Name
    Coil:Cooling:DX:TwoSpeed,!- Cooling Coil Object Type
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolC DXCoil;  !- Cooling Coil Name

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CONTROLLER:WATERCOIL ===========

    PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatC_Controller,  !- Name
    Temperature,             !- Control Variable
    Normal,                  !- Action
    Flow,                    !- Actuator Variable
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatC-PVAV_REHEAT_1_FanNode,  !- Sensor Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatCDemand Inlet Node,  !- Actuator Node Name
    0.0001,                  !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
    0.0;                     !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}


    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OA_Controller,  !- Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OARelief Node,  !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Supply Equipment Inlet Node,  !- Return Air Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OA-PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolCNode,  !- Mixed Air Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OAInlet Node,  !- Actuator Node Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    DifferentialEnthalpy,    !- Economizer Control Type
    ModulateFlow,            !- Economizer Control Action Type
    28.0,                    !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
    64000.0,                 !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
    ,                        !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
    ,                        !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
    -100.0,                  !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
    NoLockout,               !- Lockout Type
    FixedMinimum,            !- Minimum Limit Type
    MinOA_MotorizedDamper_Sched,  !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Mechanical Ventilation Controller Name
    No,                      !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
    ,                        !- High Humidity Control
    ,                        !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
    ,                        !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
    BypassWhenOAFlowGreaterThanMinimum;  !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio


    PVAV_REHEAT_1_Controllers,  !- Name
    Controller:WaterCoil,    !- Controller 1 Object Type
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatC_Controller;  !- Controller 1 Name

    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OA_Controllers,  !- Name
    Controller:OutdoorAir,   !- Controller 1 Object Type
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OA_Controller;  !- Controller 1 Name

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: AIRLOOPHVAC ===========

!***** Air Loop: PVAV_REHEAT_1 *****
    PVAV_REHEAT_1,           !- Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_Controllers,  !- Controller List Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Availability Manager List,  !- Availability Manager List Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Air Loop Branches,  !- Branch List Name
    ,                        !- Connector List Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Supply Equipment Inlet Node,  !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Zone Equipment Outlet Node,  !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Zone Equipment Inlet Node,  !- Demand Side Inlet Node Names
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node;  !- Supply Side Outlet Node Names


    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OA_Equipment,  !- Name
    OutdoorAir:Mixer,        !- Component 1 Object Type
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OAMixing Box;  !- Component 1 Name


    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OA,        !- Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OA_Controllers,  !- Controller List Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OA_Equipment,  !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Availability Manager List;  !- Availability Manager List Name

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: OUTDOORAIR:MIXER ===========

    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OAMixing Box,  !- Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OA-PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolCNode,  !- Mixed Air Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OAInlet Node,  !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OARelief Node,  !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Supply Equipment Inlet Node;  !- Return Air Stream Node Name


    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Supply Air Splitter,  !- Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Zone Equipment Inlet Node,  !- Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Outlet 1 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Outlet 2 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Outlet 3 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Outlet 4 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Outlet 5 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Outlet 6 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Outlet 7 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Outlet 8 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Outlet 9 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Outlet 10 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Outlet 11 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Outlet 12 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Outlet 13 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 VAV Box Inlet Node Name,  !- Outlet 14 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 VAV Box Inlet Node Name;  !- Outlet 15 Node Name


    PVAV_REHEAT_1,           !- Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Zone Equipment Inlet Node,  !- Supply Air Path Inlet Node Name
    AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter,!- Component 1 Object Type
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Supply Air Splitter;  !- Component 1 Name


    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Return Air Mixer,  !- Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Zone Equipment Outlet Node,  !- Outlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 Return Air Node Name,  !- Inlet 1 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 Return Air Node Name,  !- Inlet 2 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 Return Air Node Name,  !- Inlet 3 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 Return Air Node Name,  !- Inlet 4 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 Return Air Node Name,  !- Inlet 5 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 Return Air Node Name,  !- Inlet 6 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 Return Air Node Name,  !- Inlet 7 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 Return Air Node Name,  !- Inlet 8 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 Return Air Node Name,  !- Inlet 9 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 Return Air Node Name,  !- Inlet 10 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 Return Air Node Name,  !- Inlet 11 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 Return Air Node Name,  !- Inlet 12 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 Return Air Node Name,  !- Inlet 13 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 Return Air Node Name,  !- Inlet 14 Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 Return Air Node Name;  !- Inlet 15 Node Name


    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Return Air Path,  !- Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Zone Equipment Outlet Node,  !- Return Air Path Outlet Node Name
    AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer,   !- Component 1 Object Type
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Return Air Mixer;  !- Component 1 Name

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: BRANCH ===========

    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Air Loop Main Branch,  !- Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem,  !- Component 1 Object Type
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OA,        !- Component 1 Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Supply Equipment Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OA-PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolCNode,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Passive,                 !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
    AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryCoolOnly,  !- Component 2 Object Type
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolC,     !- Component 2 Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OA-PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolCNode,  !- Component 2 Inlet Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolC-PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatCNode,  !- Component 2 Outlet Node Name
    Passive,                 !- Component 2 Branch Control Type
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Component 3 Object Type
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatC,     !- Component 3 Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolC-PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatCNode,  !- Component 3 Inlet Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatC-PVAV_REHEAT_1_FanNode,  !- Component 3 Outlet Node Name
    Passive,                 !- Component 3 Branch Control Type
    Fan:VariableVolume,      !- Component 4 Object Type
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_Fan,       !- Component 4 Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatC-PVAV_REHEAT_1_FanNode,  !- Component 4 Inlet Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node,  !- Component 4 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 4 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Supply Inlet Branch,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Pump:VariableSpeed,      !- Component 1 Object Type
    HeatSys1 Pump,           !- Component 1 Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    HeatSys1 Pump-HeatSys1 BoilerNodeviaConnector,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Branch,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Boiler:HotWater,         !- Component 1 Object Type
    HeatSys1 Boiler,         !- Component 1 Name
    HeatSys1 Pump-HeatSys1 BoilerNode,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Pipe:Adiabatic,          !- Component 1 Object Type
    HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Pipe,  !- Component 1 Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Bypass;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Branch,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Pipe:Adiabatic,          !- Component 1 Object Type
    HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe,  !- Component 1 Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Mixer-HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Passive;                 !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Branch,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Pipe:Adiabatic,          !- Component 1 Object Type
    HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe,  !- Component 1 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe-HeatSys1 Demand Mixer,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Passive;                 !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 1,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Component 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Component 1 Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 2,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Component 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Component 1 Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 3,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Component 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Component 1 Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 4,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Component 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Component 1 Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 5,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Component 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Component 1 Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 6,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Component 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Component 1 Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 7,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Component 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Component 1 Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 8,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Component 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Component 1 Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 9,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Component 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Component 1 Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 10,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Component 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Component 1 Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 11,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Component 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Component 1 Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 12,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Component 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Component 1 Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 13,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Component 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Component 1 Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 14,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Component 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Component 1 Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 15,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Component 1 Object Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil,  !- Component 1 Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 16,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Component 1 Object Type
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatC,     !- Component 1 Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatCDemand Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatCDemand Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Branch,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Pipe:Adiabatic,          !- Component 1 Object Type
    HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe,  !- Component 1 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Bypass;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

    HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Branch,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Pipe:Adiabatic,          !- Component 1 Object Type
    HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe,  !- Component 1 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Mixer-HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Passive;                 !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: BRANCHLIST ===========

    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Air Loop Branches,  !- Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Air Loop Main Branch;  !- Branch 1 Name

    HeatSys1 Supply Branches,!- Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Inlet Branch,  !- Branch 1 Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Branch,  !- Branch 2 Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch,  !- Branch 3 Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Branch;  !- Branch 4 Name

    HeatSys1 Demand Branches,!- Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Branch,  !- Branch 1 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 1,  !- Branch 2 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 2,  !- Branch 3 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 3,  !- Branch 4 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 4,  !- Branch 5 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 5,  !- Branch 6 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 6,  !- Branch 7 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 7,  !- Branch 8 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 8,  !- Branch 9 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 9,  !- Branch 10 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 10,  !- Branch 11 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 11,  !- Branch 12 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 12,  !- Branch 13 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 13,  !- Branch 14 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 14,  !- Branch 15 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 15,  !- Branch 16 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 16,  !- Branch 17 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Branch,  !- Branch 18 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Branch;  !- Branch 19 Name

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CONNECTOR:SPLITTER ===========

    HeatSys1 Supply Splitter,!- Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Inlet Branch,  !- Inlet Branch Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Branch,  !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch;  !- Outlet Branch 2 Name

    HeatSys1 Demand Splitter,!- Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Branch,  !- Inlet Branch Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 1,  !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 2,  !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 3,  !- Outlet Branch 3 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 4,  !- Outlet Branch 4 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 5,  !- Outlet Branch 5 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 6,  !- Outlet Branch 6 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 7,  !- Outlet Branch 7 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 8,  !- Outlet Branch 8 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 9,  !- Outlet Branch 9 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 10,  !- Outlet Branch 10 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 11,  !- Outlet Branch 11 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 12,  !- Outlet Branch 12 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 13,  !- Outlet Branch 13 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 14,  !- Outlet Branch 14 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 15,  !- Outlet Branch 15 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 16,  !- Outlet Branch 16 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Branch;  !- Outlet Branch 17 Name

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CONNECTOR:MIXER ===========

    HeatSys1 Supply Mixer,   !- Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Branch,  !- Outlet Branch Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Branch,  !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch;  !- Inlet Branch 2 Name

    HeatSys1 Demand Mixer,   !- Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Branch,  !- Outlet Branch Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 1,  !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 2,  !- Inlet Branch 2 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 3,  !- Inlet Branch 3 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 4,  !- Inlet Branch 4 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 5,  !- Inlet Branch 5 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 6,  !- Inlet Branch 6 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 7,  !- Inlet Branch 7 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 8,  !- Inlet Branch 8 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 9,  !- Inlet Branch 9 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 10,  !- Inlet Branch 10 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 11,  !- Inlet Branch 11 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 12,  !- Inlet Branch 12 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 13,  !- Inlet Branch 13 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 14,  !- Inlet Branch 14 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 15,  !- Inlet Branch 15 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 16,  !- Inlet Branch 16 Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Branch;  !- Inlet Branch 17 Name

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CONNECTORLIST ===========

    HeatSys1 Supply Connectors,  !- Name
    Connector:Splitter,      !- Connector 1 Object Type
    HeatSys1 Supply Splitter,!- Connector 1 Name
    Connector:Mixer,         !- Connector 2 Object Type
    HeatSys1 Supply Mixer;   !- Connector 2 Name

    HeatSys1 Demand Connectors,  !- Name
    Connector:Splitter,      !- Connector 1 Object Type
    HeatSys1 Demand Splitter,!- Connector 1 Name
    Connector:Mixer,         !- Connector 2 Object Type
    HeatSys1 Demand Mixer;   !- Connector 2 Name

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: NODELIST ===========

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 Inlet Nodes,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name;  !- Node 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 Inlet Nodes,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name;  !- Node 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 Inlet Nodes,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name;  !- Node 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 Inlet Nodes,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name;  !- Node 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 Inlet Nodes,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name;  !- Node 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 Inlet Nodes,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name;  !- Node 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 Inlet Nodes,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name;  !- Node 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 Inlet Nodes,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name;  !- Node 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 Inlet Nodes,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name;  !- Node 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 Inlet Nodes,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name;  !- Node 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 Inlet Nodes,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name;  !- Node 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 Inlet Nodes,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name;  !- Node 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 Inlet Nodes,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5 VAV Box Outlet Node Name;  !- Node 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 Inlet Nodes,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5 VAV Box Outlet Node Name;  !- Node 1 Name

    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 Inlet Nodes,  !- Name
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5 VAV Box Outlet Node Name;  !- Node 1 Name

    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OANode List,  !- Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OAInlet Node;  !- Node 1 Name

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: OUTDOORAIR:NODE ===========

    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolC Cond OA node;  !- Name

    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolCOA Ref node;  !- Name

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: OUTDOORAIR:NODELIST ===========

    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OANode List;  !- Node or NodeList Name 1

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: PIPE:ADIABATIC ===========

    HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Pipe,  !- Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Inlet Node,  !- Inlet Node Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Outlet Node;  !- Outlet Node Name

    HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe,  !- Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Mixer-HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe,  !- Inlet Node Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Node;  !- Outlet Node Name

    HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe,  !- Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Node,  !- Inlet Node Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe-HeatSys1 Demand Mixer;  !- Outlet Node Name

    HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe,  !- Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Inlet Node,  !- Inlet Node Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Outlet Node;  !- Outlet Node Name

    HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe,  !- Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Mixer-HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe,  !- Inlet Node Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Node;  !- Outlet Node Name

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: PUMP:VARIABLESPEED ===========

    HeatSys1 Pump,           !- Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Inlet Node,  !- Inlet Node Name
    HeatSys1 Pump-HeatSys1 BoilerNodeviaConnector,  !- Outlet Node Name
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated Flow Rate {m3/s}
    179352,                  !- Rated Pump Head {Pa}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Rated Power Consumption {W}
    0.9,                     !- Motor Efficiency
    0.0,                     !- Fraction of Motor Inefficiencies to Fluid Stream
    0,                       !- Coefficient 1 of the Part Load Performance Curve
    1,                       !- Coefficient 2 of the Part Load Performance Curve
    0,                       !- Coefficient 3 of the Part Load Performance Curve
    0,                       !- Coefficient 4 of the Part Load Performance Curve
    0.0,                     !- Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    Intermittent;            !- Pump Control Type

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: BOILER:HOTWATER ===========

    HeatSys1 Boiler,         !- Name
    NATURALGAS,              !- Fuel Type
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Nominal Capacity {W}
    0.8,                     !- Nominal Thermal Efficiency
    ,                        !- Normalized Boiler Efficiency Curve Name
    82.2000,                 !- Design Water Outlet Temperature {C}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Design Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Minimum Part Load Ratio
    1.2,                     !- Maximum Part Load Ratio
    1.0,                     !- Optimum Part Load Ratio
    HeatSys1 Pump-HeatSys1 BoilerNode,  !- Boiler Water Inlet Node Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node,  !- Boiler Water Outlet Node Name
    95.0,                    !- Water Outlet Upper Temperature Limit {C}
    VariableFlow,            !- Boiler Flow Mode
    0.0000,                  !- Parasitic Electric Load {W}
    1.0000;                  !- Sizing Factor

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: PLANTLOOP ===========

!***** Plant Loop: HeatSys1 *****
    HeatSys1,                !- Name
    Water,                   !- Fluid Type
    HeatSys1 Loop Operation Scheme List,  !- Plant Equipment Operation Scheme Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Node,  !- Loop Temperature Setpoint Node Name
    100.0,                   !- Maximum Loop Temperature {C}
    10.0,                    !- Minimum Loop Temperature {C}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
    0.0,                     !- Minimum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
    AUTOSIZE,                !- Plant Loop Volume {m3}
    HeatSys1 Supply Inlet Node,  !- Plant Side Inlet Node Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Node,  !- Plant Side Outlet Node Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Branches,!- Plant Side Branch List Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Connectors,  !- Plant Side Connector List Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Node,  !- Demand Side Inlet Node Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Node,  !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Branches,!- Demand Side Branch List Name
    HeatSys1 Demand Connectors,  !- Demand Side Connector List Name
    Optimal;                 !- Load Distribution Scheme

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: PLANTEQUIPMENTLIST ===========

    HeatSys1 Equipment List, !- Name
    Boiler:HotWater,         !- Equipment 1 Object Type
    HeatSys1 Boiler;         !- Equipment 1 Name


    HeatSys1 Operation Scheme,  !- Name
    0.0,                     !- Load Range 1 Lower Limit {W}
    1000000000000000,        !- Load Range 1 Upper Limit {W}
    HeatSys1 Equipment List; !- Priority Control 1 Equipment List Name


    HeatSys1 Loop Operation Scheme List,  !- Name
    PlantEquipmentOperation:HeatingLoad,  !- Control Scheme 1 Object Type
    HeatSys1 Operation Scheme,  !- Control Scheme 1 Name
    PlantOnSched;            !- Control Scheme 1 Schedule Name


    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Availability Manager,  !- Name
    ALWAYS_ON,               !- Applicability Schedule Name
    HVACOperationSchd,       !- Fan Schedule Name
    CycleOnAny,              !- Control Type
    1.0,                     !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
    1800;                    !- Cycling Run Time {s}


    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Availability Manager List,  !- Name
    AvailabilityManager:NightCycle,  !- Availability Manager 1 Object Type
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Availability Manager;  !- Availability Manager 1 Name


    PVAV_REHEAT_1 SAT setpoint,  !- Name
    Temperature,             !- Control Variable
    Seasonal-Reset-Supply-Air-Temp-Sch,  !- Schedule Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node;  !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name

    HeatSys1 Loop Setpoint Manager,  !- Name
    Temperature,             !- Control Variable
    HW-Loop-Temp-Schedule,   !- Schedule Name
    HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Node;  !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name


    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolC SAT Manager,  !- Name
    Temperature,             !- Control Variable
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node,  !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatC-PVAV_REHEAT_1_FanNode,  !- Fan Inlet Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node,  !- Fan Outlet Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolC-PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatCNode;  !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name

    PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatC SAT Manager,  !- Name
    Temperature,             !- Control Variable
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node,  !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatC-PVAV_REHEAT_1_FanNode,  !- Fan Inlet Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node,  !- Fan Outlet Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatC-PVAV_REHEAT_1_FanNode;  !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name

    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OAMixed Air Temp Manager,  !- Name
    Temperature,             !- Control Variable
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node,  !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_HeatC-PVAV_REHEAT_1_FanNode,  !- Fan Inlet Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node,  !- Fan Outlet Node Name
    PVAV_REHEAT_1_OA-PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolCNode;  !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CURVE:QUADRATIC ===========

    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolCStandard10Ton_CapFF,  !- Name
    0.77136,                 !- Coefficient1 Constant
    0.34053,                 !- Coefficient2 x
    -0.11088,                !- Coefficient3 x**2
    0.75918,                 !- Minimum Value of x
    1.13877;                 !- Maximum Value of x

    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolCStandard10Ton_EIRFFF,  !- Name
    1.20550,                 !- Coefficient1 Constant
    -0.32953,                !- Coefficient2 x
    0.12308,                 !- Coefficient3 x**2
    0.75918,                 !- Minimum Value of x
    1.13877;                 !- Maximum Value of x

    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolCStandard10Ton_PLR,  !- Name
    0.77100,                 !- Coefficient1 Constant
    0.22900,                 !- Coefficient2 x
    0.0,                     !- Coefficient3 x**2
    0.0,                     !- Minimum Value of x
    1.0;                     !- Maximum Value of x

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CURVE:BIQUADRATIC ===========

    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolCStandard10Ton_CapFT,  !- Name
    0.42415,                 !- Coefficient1 Constant
    0.04426,                 !- Coefficient2 x
    -0.00042,                !- Coefficient3 x**2
    0.00333,                 !- Coefficient4 y
    -0.00008,                !- Coefficient5 y**2
    -0.00021,                !- Coefficient6 x*y
    17.00000,                !- Minimum Value of x
    22.00000,                !- Maximum Value of x
    13.00000,                !- Minimum Value of y
    46.00000;                !- Maximum Value of y

    PVAV_REHEAT_1_CoolCStandard10Ton_EIRFT,  !- Name
    1.23649,                 !- Coefficient1 Constant
    -0.02431,                !- Coefficient2 x
    0.00057,                 !- Coefficient3 x**2
    -0.01434,                !- Coefficient4 y
    0.00063,                 !- Coefficient5 y**2
    -0.00038,                !- Coefficient6 x*y
    17.00000,                !- Minimum Value of x
    22.00000,                !- Maximum Value of x
    13.00000,                !- Minimum Value of y
    46.00000;                !- Maximum Value of y


    Interior Furnishings,    !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Construction,            !- Line Item Type
    InteriorFurnishings,     !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    1;                       !- Cost per Area {$/m2}

    Interior Floor,          !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Construction,            !- Line Item Type
    INT-FLOOR-UNDERSIDE,     !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    15;                      !- Cost per Area {$/m2}

    Interior Floor Slab,     !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Construction,            !- Line Item Type
    INT-FLOOR-SLAB,          !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    35;                      !- Cost per Area {$/m2}

    Drop Ceiling,            !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Construction,            !- Line Item Type
    DropCeiling,             !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    10;                      !- Cost per Area {$/m2}

    Sloped Metal Roof,       !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Construction,            !- Line Item Type
    Sloped_Metal_Roof,       !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    1;                       !- Cost per Area {$/m2}

    Gable Wall,              !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Construction,            !- Line Item Type
    Gable_Wall,              !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    1;                       !- Cost per Area {$/m2}

    Air Wall,                !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Construction,            !- Line Item Type
    AIR-WALL,                !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    1;                       !- Cost per Area {$/m2}

    Swinging Door Conditioned,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Construction,            !- Line Item Type
    Std Swinging Door_con,   !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    1;                       !- Cost per Area {$/m2}

    Swinging Door Semi-conditioned,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Construction,            !- Line Item Type
    Std Swinging Door_semi,  !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    1;                       !- Cost per Area {$/m2}

    Overhead Door,           !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Construction,            !- Line Item Type
    Std Overhead Door,       !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    1;                       !- Cost per Area {$/m2}

    south:std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Construction,            !- Line Item Type
    std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508,  !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    219.5200;                !- Cost per Area {$/m2}

    east:std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508_east,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Construction,            !- Line Item Type
    std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508_east,  !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    219.5200;                !- Cost per Area {$/m2}

    north:std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508_north,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Construction,            !- Line Item Type
    std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508_north,  !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    219.5200;                !- Cost per Area {$/m2}

    west:std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508_west,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Construction,            !- Line Item Type
    std_window_UValue_3.124_SHGC_0.4_VT_0.508_west,  !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    219.5200;                !- Cost per Area {$/m2}

    SkylightConst:std_window_UValue_3.919_SHGC_0.49_VT_0.622,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Construction,            !- Line Item Type
    std_window_UValue_3.919_SHGC_0.49_VT_0.622,  !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    215.9700;                !- Cost per Area {$/m2}

    roofs:IEAD_R-20 ci_Roof, !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Construction,            !- Line Item Type
    IEAD_R-20 ci_Roof,       !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    36.9496;                 !- Cost per Area {$/m2}

    int-walls:Standard_Int-Wall,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Construction,            !- Line Item Type
    Standard_Int-Wall,       !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    1.0000;                  !- Cost per Area {$/m2}

    ext-walls:Steel-Framed_R-13 + R-7.5 ci_Ext-wall,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Construction,            !- Line Item Type
    Steel-Framed_R-13 + R-7.5 ci_Ext-wall,  !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    41.5357;                 !- Cost per Area {$/m2}

    ext-slab:Unheated - 8in Slab with Carpet_Ext-slab,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Construction,            !- Line Item Type
    Unheated - 8in Slab with Carpet_Ext-slab,  !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    24.8600;                 !- Cost per Area {$/m2}

    exposed-floor:Mass_R-8.3 ci_ExposedFloor,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Construction,            !- Line Item Type
    Mass_R-8.3 ci_ExposedFloor,  !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    34.6727;                 !- Cost per Area {$/m2}

    door:Swinging_door,      !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Construction,            !- Line Item Type
    Swinging_door,           !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    1.0000;                  !- Cost per Area {$/m2}

    non-swinging-door:Non-Swinging_NR_door,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Construction,            !- Line Item Type
    Non-Swinging_NR_door,    !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    1.0000;                  !- Cost per Area {$/m2}

    Infiltration:ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.0343;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    People:ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1, !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    4.2374;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    LIGHTING EQUIP:ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Lights,                  !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    1.0000;                  !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}

    ElectricEquipment:ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1:PlugMisc,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_1,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.8746;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    Infiltration:ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.1030;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    People:ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1, !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    12.7123;                 !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    LIGHTING EQUIP:ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Lights,                  !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    1.0000;                  !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}

    ElectricEquipment:ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1:PlugMisc,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    2.6237;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    Infiltration:ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.0343;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    People:ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1, !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    4.2374;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    LIGHTING EQUIP:ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Lights,                  !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    1.0000;                  !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}

    ElectricEquipment:ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1:PlugMisc,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_1,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.8746;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    Infiltration:ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.0139;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    People:ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2, !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    1.7104;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    LIGHTING EQUIP:ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Lights,                  !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    1.0000;                  !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}

    ElectricEquipment:ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2:PlugMisc,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_2,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.3530;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    Infiltration:ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.0416;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    People:ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2, !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    5.1312;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    LIGHTING EQUIP:ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Lights,                  !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    1.0000;                  !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}

    ElectricEquipment:ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2:PlugMisc,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    1.0591;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    Infiltration:ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.0139;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    People:ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2, !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    1.7104;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    LIGHTING EQUIP:ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Lights,                  !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    1.0000;                  !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}

    ElectricEquipment:ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2:PlugMisc,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_2,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.3530;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    Infiltration:ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.0343;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    People:ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3, !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    4.2374;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    LIGHTING EQUIP:ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Lights,                  !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    1.0000;                  !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}

    ElectricEquipment:ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3:PlugMisc,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_3,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.8746;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    Infiltration:ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.1030;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    People:ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3, !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    12.7123;                 !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    LIGHTING EQUIP:ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Lights,                  !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    1.0000;                  !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}

    ElectricEquipment:ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3:PlugMisc,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_3,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    2.6237;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    Infiltration:ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.0343;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    People:ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3, !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    4.2374;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    LIGHTING EQUIP:ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Lights,                  !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    1.0000;                  !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}

    ElectricEquipment:ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3:PlugMisc,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_3,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.8746;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    Infiltration:ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.0139;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    People:ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4, !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    1.7104;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    LIGHTING EQUIP:ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Lights,                  !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    1.0000;                  !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}

    ElectricEquipment:ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4:PlugMisc,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_4,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.3530;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    Infiltration:ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.0416;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    People:ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4, !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    5.1312;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    LIGHTING EQUIP:ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Lights,                  !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    1.0000;                  !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}

    ElectricEquipment:ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4:PlugMisc,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_4,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    1.0591;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    Infiltration:ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.0139;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    People:ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4, !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    1.7104;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    LIGHTING EQUIP:ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Lights,                  !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    1.0000;                  !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}

    ElectricEquipment:ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4:PlugMisc,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_4,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.3530;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    Infiltration:ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.0303;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    People:ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5, !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    3.7443;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    LIGHTING EQUIP:ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Lights,                  !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    1.0000;                  !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}

    ElectricEquipment:ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5:PlugMisc,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_1_SEC_5,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.7728;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    Infiltration:ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.0910;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    People:ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5, !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    11.2329;                 !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    LIGHTING EQUIP:ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Lights,                  !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    1.0000;                  !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}

    ElectricEquipment:ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5:PlugMisc,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_5,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    2.3184;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    Infiltration:ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.0303;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    People:ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5, !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    3.7443;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

    LIGHTING EQUIP:ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    Lights,                  !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    ,                        !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    1.0000;                  !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}

    ElectricEquipment:ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5:PlugMisc,  !- Name
    ,                        !- Type
    General,                 !- Line Item Type
    ZN_1_FLR_3_SEC_5,        !- Item Name
    ,                        !- Object End Use Key
    1.0000,                  !- Cost per Each {$}
    ,                        !- Cost per Area {$/m2}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Unit of Output Capacity per COP {$/kW}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume {$/m3}
    ,                        !- Cost per Volume Rate {$/(m3/s)}
    ,                        !- Cost per Energy per Temperature Difference {$/(W/K)}
    0.7728;                  !- Quantity {dimensionless}

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: UTILITYCOST:TARIFF ===========

    PacifiCorp_48LargeGeneralService,  !- Name
    ElectricityNet:Facility, !- Output Meter Name
    kWh,                     !- Conversion Factor Choice
    ,                        !- Energy Conversion Factor
    ,                        !- Demand Conversion Factor
    ,                        !- Time of Use Period Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Season Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Month Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Demand Window Length
    240.00,                  !- Monthly Charge or Variable Name
    ,                        !- Minimum Monthly Charge or Variable Name
    ,                        !- Real Time Pricing Charge Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Customer Baseline Load Schedule Name
    Comm Elect;              !- Group Name

!end  PacifiCorp_48LargeGeneralService,
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartC,  !- Name
    ElectricityNet:Facility, !- Output Meter Name
    kWh,                     !- Conversion Factor Choice
    ,                        !- Energy Conversion Factor
    ,                        !- Demand Conversion Factor
    ,                        !- Time of Use Period Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Season Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Month Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Demand Window Length
    260.00,                  !- Monthly Charge or Variable Name
    ,                        !- Minimum Monthly Charge or Variable Name
    ,                        !- Real Time Pricing Charge Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Customer Baseline Load Schedule Name
    Comm Elect;              !- Group Name

!end PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartC,
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartB,  !- Name
    ElectricityNet:Facility, !- Output Meter Name
    kWh,                     !- Conversion Factor Choice
    ,                        !- Energy Conversion Factor
    ,                        !- Demand Conversion Factor
    ,                        !- Time of Use Period Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Season Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Month Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Demand Window Length
    100.00,                  !- Monthly Charge or Variable Name
    ,                        !- Minimum Monthly Charge or Variable Name
    ,                        !- Real Time Pricing Charge Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Customer Baseline Load Schedule Name
    Comm Elect;              !- Group Name

!end PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartB,
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartA,  !- Name
    ElectricityNet:Facility, !- Output Meter Name
    kWh,                     !- Conversion Factor Choice
    ,                        !- Energy Conversion Factor
    ,                        !- Demand Conversion Factor
    ,                        !- Time of Use Period Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Season Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Month Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Demand Window Length
    320.00,                  !- Monthly Charge or Variable Name
    ,                        !- Minimum Monthly Charge or Variable Name
    ,                        !- Real Time Pricing Charge Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Customer Baseline Load Schedule Name
    Comm Elect;              !- Group Name

!end PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartA,
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartA,  !- Name
    ElectricityNet:Facility, !- Output Meter Name
    kWh,                     !- Conversion Factor Choice
    ,                        !- Energy Conversion Factor
    ,                        !- Demand Conversion Factor
    ,                        !- Time of Use Period Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Season Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Month Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Demand Window Length
    16.00,                   !- Monthly Charge or Variable Name
    ,                        !- Minimum Monthly Charge or Variable Name
    ,                        !- Real Time Pricing Charge Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Customer Baseline Load Schedule Name
    Comm Elect;              !- Group Name

!end  PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartA
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartB,  !- Name
    ElectricityNet:Facility, !- Output Meter Name
    kWh,                     !- Conversion Factor Choice
    ,                        !- Energy Conversion Factor
    ,                        !- Demand Conversion Factor
    ,                        !- Time of Use Period Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Season Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Month Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Demand Window Length
    28.00,                   !- Monthly Charge or Variable Name
    ,                        !- Minimum Monthly Charge or Variable Name
    ,                        !- Real Time Pricing Charge Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Customer Baseline Load Schedule Name
    Comm Elect;              !- Group Name

!end  PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartB
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartC,  !- Name
    ElectricityNet:Facility, !- Output Meter Name
    kWh,                     !- Conversion Factor Choice
    ,                        !- Energy Conversion Factor
    ,                        !- Demand Conversion Factor
    ,                        !- Time of Use Period Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Season Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Month Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Demand Window Length
    65.00,                   !- Monthly Charge or Variable Name
    ,                        !- Minimum Monthly Charge or Variable Name
    ,                        !- Real Time Pricing Charge Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Customer Baseline Load Schedule Name
    Comm Elect;              !- Group Name

!end  PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartC
    PacifiCorp_23GeneralService,  !- Name
    ElectricityNet:Facility, !- Output Meter Name
    kWh,                     !- Conversion Factor Choice
    ,                        !- Energy Conversion Factor
    ,                        !- Demand Conversion Factor
    ,                        !- Time of Use Period Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Season Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Month Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Demand Window Length
    0.0,                     !- Monthly Charge or Variable Name
    ,                        !- Minimum Monthly Charge or Variable Name
    ,                        !- Real Time Pricing Charge Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Customer Baseline Load Schedule Name
    Comm Elect;              !- Group Name

!end  PacifiCorp_23GeneralService
    OR_EIAMonthlyRateGas,    !- Name
    Gas:Facility,            !- Output Meter Name
    MCF,                     !- Conversion Factor Choice
    ,                        !- Energy Conversion Factor
    ,                        !- Demand Conversion Factor
    ,                        !- Time of Use Period Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Season Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Month Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Demand Window Length
    0.0,                     !- Monthly Charge or Variable Name
    ,                        !- Minimum Monthly Charge or Variable Name
    ,                        !- Real Time Pricing Charge Schedule Name
    ,                        !- Customer Baseline Load Schedule Name
    Comm Gas;                !- Group Name

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: UTILITYCOST:QUALIFY ===========

    MaxDemand4000kW,         !- Name
    PacifiCorp_48LargeGeneralService,  !- Tariff Name
    TotalDemand,             !- Variable Name
    Maximum,                 !- Qualify Type
    4000,                    !- Threshold Value or Variable Name
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Count,                   !- Threshold Test
    1;                       !- Number of Months

    MinDemand1000kW,         !- Name
    PacifiCorp_48LargeGeneralService,  !- Tariff Name
    TotalDemand,             !- Variable Name
    Minimum,                 !- Qualify Type
    1000,                    !- Threshold Value or Variable Name
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Count,                   !- Threshold Test
    12;                      !- Number of Months

    MaxDemand1000kW,         !- Name
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartC,  !- Tariff Name
    TotalDemand,             !- Variable Name
    Maximum,                 !- Qualify Type
    1000,                    !- Threshold Value or Variable Name
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Count,                   !- Threshold Test
    1;                       !- Number of Months

    MinDemand300kW,          !- Name
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartC,  !- Tariff Name
    TotalDemand,             !- Variable Name
    Minimum,                 !- Qualify Type
    300,                     !- Threshold Value or Variable Name
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Count,                   !- Threshold Test
    12;                      !- Number of Months

    MaxDemand300kW,          !- Name
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartB,  !- Tariff Name
    TotalDemand,             !- Variable Name
    Maximum,                 !- Qualify Type
    300,                     !- Threshold Value or Variable Name
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Count,                   !- Threshold Test
    1;                       !- Number of Months

    MinDemand200kW,          !- Name
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartB,  !- Tariff Name
    TotalDemand,             !- Variable Name
    Minimum,                 !- Qualify Type
    200,                     !- Threshold Value or Variable Name
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Count,                   !- Threshold Test
    12;                      !- Number of Months

    MaxDemand200kW,          !- Name
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartA,  !- Tariff Name
    TotalDemand,             !- Variable Name
    Maximum,                 !- Qualify Type
    200,                     !- Threshold Value or Variable Name
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Count,                   !- Threshold Test
    1;                       !- Number of Months

    MinDemand100kW,          !- Name
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartA,  !- Tariff Name
    TotalDemand,             !- Variable Name
    Minimum,                 !- Qualify Type
    100,                     !- Threshold Value or Variable Name
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Count,                   !- Threshold Test
    12;                      !- Number of Months

    MaxDemand50kW,           !- Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartA,  !- Tariff Name
    TotalDemand,             !- Variable Name
    Maximum,                 !- Qualify Type
    50,                      !- Threshold Value or Variable Name
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Count,                   !- Threshold Test
    1;                       !- Number of Months

    MinDemand30kW,           !- Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartA,  !- Tariff Name
    TotalDemand,             !- Variable Name
    Minimum,                 !- Qualify Type
    30,                      !- Threshold Value or Variable Name
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Count,                   !- Threshold Test
    12;                      !- Number of Months

    MaxDemand100kW,          !- Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartB,  !- Tariff Name
    TotalDemand,             !- Variable Name
    Maximum,                 !- Qualify Type
    100,                     !- Threshold Value or Variable Name
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Count,                   !- Threshold Test
    1;                       !- Number of Months

    MinDemand50kW,           !- Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartB,  !- Tariff Name
    TotalDemand,             !- Variable Name
    Minimum,                 !- Qualify Type
    50,                      !- Threshold Value or Variable Name
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Count,                   !- Threshold Test
    12;                      !- Number of Months

    MaxDemand200kW,          !- Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartC,  !- Tariff Name
    TotalDemand,             !- Variable Name
    Maximum,                 !- Qualify Type
    200,                     !- Threshold Value or Variable Name
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Count,                   !- Threshold Test
    1;                       !- Number of Months

    MinDemand100kW,          !- Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartC,  !- Tariff Name
    TotalDemand,             !- Variable Name
    Minimum,                 !- Qualify Type
    100,                     !- Threshold Value or Variable Name
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Count,                   !- Threshold Test
    12;                      !- Number of Months

    MaxDemand30kW,           !- Name
    PacifiCorp_23GeneralService,  !- Tariff Name
    TotalDemand,             !- Variable Name
    Maximum,                 !- Qualify Type
    30,                      !- Threshold Value or Variable Name
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Count,                   !- Threshold Test
    1;                       !- Number of Months


    SuppleSched200EnergyCharge,  !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_48LargeGeneralService,  !- Tariff Name
    totalEnergy,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    EnergyCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    0.0314;                  !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    LoadSizeDemandCharge,    !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_48LargeGeneralService,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    0.50;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    DemandCharge,            !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_48LargeGeneralService,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    1.95;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    TransmissionAndAncillaryCharge,  !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_48LargeGeneralService,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    1.59;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    TaxofTwoPercent,         !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_48LargeGeneralService,  !- Tariff Name
    SubTotal,                !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Taxes,                   !- Category Variable Name
    0.02;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    TransmissionAndAncillaryCharge,  !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartC,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    1.67;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    DemandCharge,            !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartC,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    2.51;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    TaxofTwoPercent,         !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartC,  !- Tariff Name
    SubTotal,                !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Taxes,                   !- Category Variable Name
    0.02;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    TransmissionAndAncillaryCharge,  !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartB,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    1.67;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    DemandCharge,            !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartB,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    2.51;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    TaxofTwoPercent,         !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartB,  !- Tariff Name
    SubTotal,                !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Taxes,                   !- Category Variable Name
    0.02;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    TransmissionAndAncillaryCharge,  !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartA,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    1.67;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    DemandCharge,            !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartA,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    2.51;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    TaxofTwoPercent,         !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartA,  !- Tariff Name
    SubTotal,                !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Taxes,                   !- Category Variable Name
    0.02;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    DistributionCharge,      !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartA,  !- Tariff Name
    totalEnergy,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    EnergyCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    0.0033;                  !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    TransmissionAndAncillaryCharge,  !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartA,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    1.74;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    DemandCharge,            !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartA,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    2.68;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    TaxofTwoPercent,         !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartA,  !- Tariff Name
    SubTotal,                !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Taxes,                   !- Category Variable Name
    0.02;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    DistributionCharge,      !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartB,  !- Tariff Name
    totalEnergy,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    EnergyCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    0.0033;                  !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    TransmissionAndAncillaryCharge,  !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartB,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    1.74;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    DemandCharge,            !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartB,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    2.68;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    TaxofTwoPercent,         !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartB,  !- Tariff Name
    SubTotal,                !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Taxes,                   !- Category Variable Name
    0.02;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    DistributionCharge,      !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartC,  !- Tariff Name
    totalEnergy,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    EnergyCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    0.0033;                  !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    TransmissionAndAncillaryCharge,  !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartC,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    1.74;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    DemandCharge,            !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartC,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    2.68;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    TaxofTwoPercent,         !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartC,  !- Tariff Name
    SubTotal,                !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Taxes,                   !- Category Variable Name
    0.02;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    TransmissionAndAncilaryCharge,  !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_23GeneralService,  !- Tariff Name
    totalEnergy,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    EnergyCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    0.0051;                  !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    DistributionCharge,      !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_23GeneralService,  !- Tariff Name
    totalEnergy,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    EnergyCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    0.0142;                  !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    TaxofTwoPercent,         !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_23GeneralService,  !- Tariff Name
    SubTotal,                !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Taxes,                   !- Category Variable Name
    0.02;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    MonthlyRateGasCharge,    !- Charge Variable Name
    OR_EIAMonthlyRateGas,    !- Tariff Name
    totalEnergy,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    EnergyCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    OR_MonthlyGasRates;      !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    TaxofTwoPercent,         !- Charge Variable Name
    OR_EIAMonthlyRateGas,    !- Tariff Name
    SubTotal,                !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    Taxes,                   !- Category Variable Name
    0.02;                    !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name


    SupplyServiceSchedule200,!- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartC,  !- Tariff Name
    totalEnergy,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    EnergyCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    ,                        !- Remaining Into Variable
    ,                        !- Block Size Multiplier Value or Variable Name
    20000,                   !- Block Size 1 Value or Variable Name
    0.0335,                  !- Block 1 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    remaining,               !- Block Size 2 Value or Variable Name
    0.0334;                  !- Block 2 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    LoadSizeCharge,          !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartC,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    ,                        !- Remaining Into Variable
    ,                        !- Block Size Multiplier Value or Variable Name
    200,                     !- Block Size 1 Value or Variable Name
    0.0,                     !- Block 1 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    100,                     !- Block Size 2 Value or Variable Name
    1.1,                     !- Block 2 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    remaining,               !- Block Size 3 Value or Variable Name
    0.55;                    !- Block 3 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    SupplyServiceSchedule200,!- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartB,  !- Tariff Name
    totalEnergy,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    EnergyCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    ,                        !- Remaining Into Variable
    ,                        !- Block Size Multiplier Value or Variable Name
    20000,                   !- Block Size 1 Value or Variable Name
    0.0335,                  !- Block 1 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    remaining,               !- Block Size 2 Value or Variable Name
    0.0334;                  !- Block 2 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    LoadSizeCharge,          !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartB,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    ,                        !- Remaining Into Variable
    ,                        !- Block Size Multiplier Value or Variable Name
    200,                     !- Block Size 1 Value or Variable Name
    0.0,                     !- Block 1 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    100,                     !- Block Size 2 Value or Variable Name
    1.1,                     !- Block 2 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    remaining,               !- Block Size 3 Value or Variable Name
    0.55;                    !- Block 3 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    SupplyServiceSchedule200,!- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartA,  !- Tariff Name
    totalEnergy,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    EnergyCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    ,                        !- Remaining Into Variable
    ,                        !- Block Size Multiplier Value or Variable Name
    20000,                   !- Block Size 1 Value or Variable Name
    0.0335,                  !- Block 1 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    remaining,               !- Block Size 2 Value or Variable Name
    0.0334;                  !- Block 2 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    LoadSizeCharge,          !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_30GeneralServicePartA,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    ,                        !- Remaining Into Variable
    ,                        !- Block Size Multiplier Value or Variable Name
    200,                     !- Block Size 1 Value or Variable Name
    0.0,                     !- Block 1 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    100,                     !- Block Size 2 Value or Variable Name
    1.1,                     !- Block 2 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    remaining,               !- Block Size 3 Value or Variable Name
    0.55;                    !- Block 3 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    SupplyServiceSchedule200,!- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartA,  !- Tariff Name
    totalEnergy,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    EnergyCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    ,                        !- Remaining Into Variable
    ,                        !- Block Size Multiplier Value or Variable Name
    20000,                   !- Block Size 1 Value or Variable Name
    0.0341,                  !- Block 1 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    remaining,               !- Block Size 2 Value or Variable Name
    0.0339;                  !- Block 2 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    LoadSizeCharge,          !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartA,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    ,                        !- Remaining Into Variable
    ,                        !- Block Size Multiplier Value or Variable Name
    50,                      !- Block Size 1 Value or Variable Name
    0.94,                    !- Block 1 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    100,                     !- Block Size 2 Value or Variable Name
    0.77,                    !- Block 2 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    300,                     !- Block Size 3 Value or Variable Name
    0.41,                    !- Block 3 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    remaining,               !- Block Size 4 Value or Variable Name
    0.31;                    !- Block 4 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    SupplyServiceSchedule200,!- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartB,  !- Tariff Name
    totalEnergy,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    EnergyCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    ,                        !- Remaining Into Variable
    ,                        !- Block Size Multiplier Value or Variable Name
    20000,                   !- Block Size 1 Value or Variable Name
    0.0341,                  !- Block 1 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    remaining,               !- Block Size 2 Value or Variable Name
    0.0339;                  !- Block 2 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    LoadSizeCharge,          !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartB,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    ,                        !- Remaining Into Variable
    ,                        !- Block Size Multiplier Value or Variable Name
    50,                      !- Block Size 1 Value or Variable Name
    0.94,                    !- Block 1 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    100,                     !- Block Size 2 Value or Variable Name
    0.77,                    !- Block 2 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    300,                     !- Block Size 3 Value or Variable Name
    0.41,                    !- Block 3 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    remaining,               !- Block Size 4 Value or Variable Name
    0.31;                    !- Block 4 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    SupplyServiceSchedule200,!- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartC,  !- Tariff Name
    totalEnergy,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    EnergyCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    ,                        !- Remaining Into Variable
    ,                        !- Block Size Multiplier Value or Variable Name
    20000,                   !- Block Size 1 Value or Variable Name
    0.0341,                  !- Block 1 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    remaining,               !- Block Size 2 Value or Variable Name
    0.0339;                  !- Block 2 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    LoadSizeCharge,          !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_28LargeGeneralServicePartC,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    ,                        !- Remaining Into Variable
    ,                        !- Block Size Multiplier Value or Variable Name
    50,                      !- Block Size 1 Value or Variable Name
    0.94,                    !- Block 1 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    100,                     !- Block Size 2 Value or Variable Name
    0.77,                    !- Block 2 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    300,                     !- Block Size 3 Value or Variable Name
    0.41,                    !- Block 3 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    remaining,               !- Block Size 4 Value or Variable Name
    0.31;                    !- Block 4 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    SupplyServiceSchedule200,!- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_23GeneralService,  !- Tariff Name
    totalEnergy,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    EnergyCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    ,                        !- Remaining Into Variable
    ,                        !- Block Size Multiplier Value or Variable Name
    3000,                    !- Block Size 1 Value or Variable Name
    0.0407,                  !- Block 1 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    remaining,               !- Block Size 2 Value or Variable Name
    0.0294;                  !- Block 2 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    DemandCharge,            !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_23GeneralService,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    ,                        !- Remaining Into Variable
    ,                        !- Block Size Multiplier Value or Variable Name
    15,                      !- Block Size 1 Value or Variable Name
    0.0,                     !- Block 1 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    remaining,               !- Block Size 2 Value or Variable Name
    2.38;                    !- Block 2 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

    LoadSizeCharge,          !- Charge Variable Name
    PacifiCorp_23GeneralService,  !- Tariff Name
    totalDemand,             !- Source Variable
    Annual,                  !- Season
    DemandCharges,           !- Category Variable Name
    ,                        !- Remaining Into Variable
    ,                        !- Block Size Multiplier Value or Variable Name
    15,                      !- Block Size 1 Value or Variable Name
    0.0,                     !- Block 1 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
    remaining,               !- Block Size 2 Value or Variable Name
    0.7;                     !- Block 2 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: UTILITYCOST:VARIABLE ===========

    OR_MonthlyGasRates,      !- Name
    OR_EIAMonthlyRateGas,    !- Tariff Name
    8.32,                    !- Variable Type
    8.52,                    !- January Value
    8.69,                    !- February Value
    9.12,                    !- March Value
    8.08,                    !- April Value
    8.55,                    !- May Value
    8.67,                    !- June Value
    8.83,                    !- July Value
    8.98,                    !- August Value
    9.71,                    !- September Value
    8.47,                    !- October Value
    8.45;                    !- November Value


    IDF,                     !- Key Field
    Unsorted;                !- Sort Option


    HTML;                    !- Column Separator

!-   ===========  ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: OUTPUT:VARIABLE ===========

    *,                       !- Key Value
    Surface Ext Convection Coeff,  !- Variable Name
    Hourly;                  !- Reporting Frequency

    *,                       !- Key Value
    Outdoor Dry Bulb,        !- Variable Name
    Hourly;                  !- Reporting Frequency

    *,                       !- Key Value
    Wind Speed,              !- Variable Name
    Hourly;                  !- Reporting Frequency

    *,                       !- Key Value
    Direct Solar,            !- Variable Name
    Hourly;                  !- Reporting Frequency

    *,                       !- Key Value
    Surface Outside Temperature,  !- Variable Name
    Hourly;                  !- Reporting Frequency


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