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RE: [EnergyPlus_Support] Re: How to run DesignDay simulations - Summer and Winter

I do not know why you have the question on the designDay simulation now.
You can have as many designDay objects in the IDF as you wish.  For a large building zone model, the simulation may take a long time for each warmup step.  On my slow PC, your model took about 2 minutes per warm up step.  It ran for about 40 steps, 20 for Summer and 20 for Winter. the total simulation time was  more than 1.5 hours..
If you watch the DOS screen, the building warm-up is done first, then the design days warm-up which has [1], etc in the counter.  There will be one group of these per designDay object.
Because the dates in the designDay can be the same in the same group, you will find the dates repeated for all the Summer and all the Winters.  I purposely change thise dates or the day types, so that the results will be easier to separate.
Yes, !- Do the design day calculation
No;!- Do the weather file calculation
appeared in your question below.
Yes, !- Run Simulation for Sizing Periods
No; !- Run Simulation for Weather File Run
Appeared in my IDF.  The sizing periods can use weather file.
There may be some changes which I am not aware of.
 Dr. Li  


To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: jeannieboef@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 13:56:31 +0000
Subject: [EnergyPlus_Support] Re: How to run DesignDay simulations - Summer and Winter

When I comment out SizingPeriod:DesignDay, Summer Design Day, my other SizingPeriod:DesignDay, Winter Design Day (the remaining one) gets simulated. I get results for the entire day after the simulation (which starts only after sizing and a proper building warmup). I assume this amounts to "design day calculation" specified in the SimulationControl object?

Yes, !- Do the zone sizing calculation
Yes, !- Do the system sizing calculation
Yes, !- Do the plant sizing calculation
Yes, !- Do the design day calculation
No; !- Do the weather file calculation

The question is how do I do both of these special designday simulations?
Obviously if the one follows the other, I will get 2 days worth of results...will a building warmup take place between them also?

Like I said I'm not using runperiod objects.


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