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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Re: HVAC template

thank you very much

From: Nacho Gomis <nachogo27@xxxxxxxxx>
To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 10:46 PM
Subject: [EnergyPlus_Support] Re: HVAC template

Yes,you are right.
You use the template which is easier to set up.You have to fill less fields.
When you run the simulation EnergyPlus "expand" your templates and
create the objects that are needed for your HVAC. You will not have to
define the inlet/outlet node because EnergyPlus will do itself.
You will have after the simulation a new file on your folder
"Example.expidf" which is your idf after being processed and expanded
by EnergyPlus. You can rename it to "Example_exp.idf" and you will
have the idf file with all your objects created. You will have all
your nodes too.
I hope it helps you,
Ignacio Gomis


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