In an effort to integrate user centred factors into passive building design processes, the school of architecture university of Liverpool is conducting a research study with architects. Your input can help us to understand what are the most relevant human factors and how to integrate them into various passive design strategies. We estimate that it will take you approximately 15 minutes to complete the survey.
All respondents will be entered into a prize draw to win an
iPad2 16GB.Simply click on the link below, or cut and paste the entire URL into your browser to access the survey
We would appreciate your response by deadline 30 May 2012.
Your input is very important to us and will be kept strictly confidential (used only for the purposes of research for this project).
Please also feel free to forward this survey to other architects.
If you have any questions or would prefer to complete a paper survey please contact us.
I would like to thank-you in advance for your time and participation in this survey.
Yours Sincerely
Ali Alzaed
PhD Candidate
School of Architecture
The University of Liverpool
Mobile: 07403055503
e-mail: A.Alzaed@xxxxxxxxx
Dr H Boussabaine
School of Architecture
The University of Liverpool
Tel: 0151 794 2619
e-mail: halim@xxxxxxxxx