Hi Jean,
"Air Loop Zemin Supply Side Outlet 1" is the exit node of the cooling coil. I am applying 14 deg C setpoint due to reference building definition in "G. Design Air Flow Rates" of ASHRAE 90.1. According to "G. Design Air Flow Rates" the temperature difference between supply air temperature and room air temperature shall be 11 C. The cooling setpoint temperature of rooms is 25 C so supply air temperature shall be 14 C. Also the heating setpoint temperature of rooms is 21 C so supply air temperature shall be 33 C.
I changed the sequencing as fan than heating coil than cooling coil. Then the errors about controlling cooling coil disappeared and
consumption of the cooling coils and heating coils decreased. However, heating coils go on consuming electric energy during cooling season. I think it is impossible when I thinking of the weather data of Izmir, Turkey. Because, the temperature of Izmir becomes 36 C in summers and humidity is too high.
I sent you the objects about heating coil:
Name Air Loop Zemin AHU Heating Coil
Availability Schedule Name 10019
Efficiency 1.00
Nominal Capacity autosize
Air Inlet Node Name Air Loop Zemin AHU Supply Fan Air Outlet Node
Air Outlet Node Name Air Loop Zemin AHU Heating Coil Air Outlet Node
Temperature Setpoint Node Name Air Loop
Zemin Supply Side Outlet 1
Name Setpoint Manager/1
Control Variable Temperature
Schedule Name 10028
Setpoint Node or NodeList Name Air Loop Zemin Demand Side Inlet 1
Name 10028
Schedule Type Limits Name Any Number
Field 1 Through: 12/31
Field 2 For: AllDays
Field 3 Until: 24:00
Field 4 33
I tried to removed heating setpoint manager than I rın the simulation. However there were no changes in the results about heating consumption. Is the setpoint node (Air Loop Zemin Demand
Side Inlet 1) of heating setpoint manager wrong ?
Best regards
From: Jean Marais <jeannieboef@xxxxxxxxx>
To: alpayakguc@xxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, July 9, 2012 1:49 PM
Subject: Eplus
You are applying 14 deg C setpoint to the node
Air Loop Zemin Supply Side Outlet 1
If your zone temp is above the cooling setpoint, the cooling coil will cool more and more until the temperature at this node is deliver 14 deg C to this node. Is this the exit node of your cooling coil? Probably not. This means that if there are other heat sources being added to the air stream between the cooling coil and node "Air Loop Zemin Supply Side Outlet 1
", then it becomes quite possible that the coil cools down more than 14 deg C at the coil...in fact it may cool down below the chilled water inlet temp, which gives you the error.
Now write me the same for your heating coil.