Okay. you seem to be doing everything right. One point. The "design" air temperature is 14 deg and 33 repectively. This doesn't mean that the coil should always deliver this temp...only at "design conditions".
If your VAV damper is set to the minimum to achieve the required ODA, you may over-cool the zone. Better to use a SetpointManager:SingleZone<or multizone>cooling<and heating> objects to bound the max min temps but give the coils the flexibility to vary the cooling/heating outlet temps.
It will also help your coils to work together and avoid coil fighting.
Also (don't do this for ASHRAE as it is more work and you don't need to) bear in mind that usually a AHU has draw through configuration for the fan, and then you would incorporate the SetpointManager:MixedAir to incorporate the effects of fan heat addition to the airstream...if the coils are upstream, they see the heat addition and don't have to "look downstreem".
One last note for now...avoid slashes and special characters in names.
Name Setpoint Manager/1