Dear EPSG -
I have a quick question about the "Construction:FfactorGroundFloor" object in EnergyPlus. The third and fourth input field asks for the area of the slab on grade floor and the amount of exposed perimeter.
My question is this: do I input these values for the surface (assuming the floor is divided into multiple surfaces due to thermal zoning), or for the entire floor? The inputoutreference specifically says "of the slab-on-grade or underground floor."
The only example file that has this object is a one continuous zone model, so it does not provide any direction on the issue.
Cheers and thanks!
Jacob Dunn - LEED AP
Architectural Simulation Specialist
University of Idaho Integrated Design Lab
a_306 S 6th Street, Boise ID 83702
"Building services today are essentially mechanical compensations for the fact that buildings are bad for what they are designed for--human life" - Bjarke Ingels