You can use HeaderedPumps:ConstantSpeed or HeaderedPumps:VariableSpeed,
which are single components and hence don't need a splitter and a mixer.
On 12/15/2013 4:35 PM, adrianchong85@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Dear EnergyPlus Users,
> I am trying to model the following plant loop in EnergyPlus
> 2 chillers in parallel connected to 2 pumps in parallel
> ----- -- chiller1-- ----- --pump1-- ---------
> \ chiller2 / \ pump2 /
> Howerver EnergyPlus only allows the use of a single set of splitter
> and mixer in each loop (do correct me if I'm wrong).
> Hence I would like to seek advice on some of the methods/best
> practices that has been taken to work around this (alternative to
> modeling 2 pumps in parallel).
> Thank you and I would greatly appreciate any inputs
> Regards,
> Adrian
Philip Haves
Leader, Simulation Research Group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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Berkeley, CA 94720-8134
(510) 486 6512 (office)
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