A related problem is that geometry usually changes over the course of design. As CBECC-com currently operates, any geometry changes require building an entirely new model (but perhaps not, if the user could manually update the XYZ coordinates of each polygon? These are accessible.)
While it's true that CBECC-com allows/requires geometry import from Sketchup using the OpenStudio plug-in, the imported data is stripped down to the SDDxml format, which is essentially just geometry, as far as I can tell, and it must be re-built in CBECC-Com. I think this is all by design.
I just tried to take the OSM file created by CBECC-com, which contains HVAC and government-approved materials and constructions, and re-open it in OpenStudio to make modifications. I re-saved a new SDDxml, and tried to import this back into CBECC-Com. I clicked "run" and got 42 errors, starting with "no weather file," no latitude/longitude, no materials, no assemblies, no mechanical. This had all been stripped by the SDDxml format for import to CBECC-com.
So the interoperability is non-existent. Other tools that work with IDF/OSM formats would have to operate on a separate/second model. Again, it's small businesses on cost-competitive fees doing this work, and the customers generally just want a permit and incentive funding, they won't understand the complications. Thanks, Dan