On the EIRFPLR tab, change column E to be C2/$B$2, C3/$B$2, C4/$B$2,
etc. and then recalculate the coefficients. Tell me how this works. This
assumes that the operating conditions are the same for all 4 rows (CWT
and CDWT do not change).
It means that the conditions must be the same in the evaporator,inlet and outlet(water side loop) and in the condenser,inlet and outlet(water or air side loop depending on the condenser type),doesn it?
In the pdf I've attached you,an air condensed chiller,the inlet air temperature and the inlet evaporator water temperature varies depending on the PLR,so if we would maintain constant these conditions we have to divide by the 100% capacity to dimensionless the EIR.
Ignacio Gomis