ÂWith the consent of Michael J. Witte I'm reporting here his answer from the helpdesk:
So you want the cooling to be sized assuming no ventilation air and the heating to be sized with ventilation air? That will be difficult. EnergyPlus sizing expects the same outdoor air requirement for both heating and cooling. You could try to make an adjustment to the Sizing:System Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature (raise it by some amount to produce and equivalent delta-T across the coil ad design conditions). Or it may be easiest in this case to do a simulation with zero outdoor air in the desired zones and use the cooling coil sizing results to set hard capacity values for the coils.
---In EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, <fpasserini.tn@...> wrote :During summer season in some systems there is no outdoor air (those spaces are unoccupied since June until September and the SummerDesignDay is 7/21). Nevertheless, as â??User Design Air Flow [m3/s]â?? the value that is imposed in DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir is considered also in â??zone coolingâ??, although I imposed a schedule that is zero during the summer season. I asked to the helpdesk and it seems that the calculations for minimum outdoor air do not look at the schedules in the DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir object.
Here an example:
   0serviziopalestra:Spogliatoio1 Design Specification Outdoor Air Object, !- Name
   Flow/Zone,              !- Outdoor Air Method
   0.009440,               !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
   0.000000,               !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
   0.110000,               !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
   0.000000,               !- Outdoor Air Flow Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
   occupazione aule;       !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
The schedule is the following one:
   occupazione aule,       !- Name
   Fraction,               !- Schedule Type Limits Name
   Through: 1/15,          !- Field 1
   For: AllDays,           !- Field 2
   Until: 24:00,           !- Field 3
   0,                      !- Field 4
   Through: 6/10,          !- Field 5
   For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay WinterDesignDay, !- Field 6
   Until: 07:50,           !- Field 7
   0,                      !- Field 8
   Until: 16:10,           !- Field 9
   1,                      !- Field 10
   Until: 24:00,           !- Field 11
   0,                      !- Field 12
   For: Saturday,          !- Field 13
   Until: 07:50,           !- Field 14
   0,                      !- Field 15
   Until: 12:20,           !- Field 16
   1,                      !- Field 17
   Until: 24:00,           !- Field 18
   0,                      !- Field 19
   For: AllOtherDays,      !- Field 20
   Until: 24:00,           !- Field 21
   0,                      !- Field 22
   Through: 9/10,          !- Field 23
   For: AllDays,           !- Field 24
   Until: 24:00,           !- Field 25
   0,                      !- Field 26
   Through: 12/20,         !- Field 27
   For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay WinterDesignDay, !- Field 28
   Until: 07:50,           !- Field 29
   0,                      !- Field 30
   Until: 16:10,           !- Field 31
   1,                      !- Field 32
   Until: 24:00,           !- Field 33
   0,                      !- Field 34
   For: Saturday,          !- Field 35
   Until: 07:50,           !- Field 36
   0,                      !- Field 37
   Until: 12:20,           !- Field 38
   1,                      !- Field 39
   Until: 24:00,           !- Field 40
   0,                      !- Field 41
   For: AllOtherDays,      !- Field 42
   Until: 24:00,           !- Field 43
   0,                      !- Field 44
   Through: 12/31,         !- Field 45
   For: AllDays,           !- Field 46
   Until: 24:00,           !- Field 47
   0;                      !- Field 48
The cooling design day (SummerDesignDay) is 7/21. As you can see, on 7/21 the value of the schedule is 0.
Nevertheless, the â??User Design Air Flow [m3/s] â?? in â??Zone coolingâ?? for that zone is calculated equal to 0.110 m3/s (=Outdoor Air Flow per Zone in DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir, without considering the schedule).
Here an image from the html report:Â http://oi58.tinypic.com/rtg85f.jpg
Iâ??ll let you know if Iâ??ll find a solution with the help of the helpdesk.
Best Regards
---In EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, <jeannieboef@...> wrote :That is strange. If the sizing objects have correctly deturmined that the design flowrate for cooling is zero, then why would the coil capacity be non-zero.And to achieve your off coil outlet air setpoint with the minimum outdoor air?Does it need non-zero capacity to achieve that? You probably have that at Setpoint-11C.Mit freundlichen GrüÃ?en- Sent from my iPhone (excuse the brevity)i. A.Jean Maraisb.i.g. bechtoldTel.  +49 30 6706662-23On 07.12.2014, at 16:33, "fpasserini.tn@... [EnergyPlus_Support]" <EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:ÂIn Sizing:System the field "Type of Load to Size On" is "Sensible".
Posted by: Jean Marais <jeannieboef@xxxxxxxxx>
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