I am using EMS to raise zone temperatures. I get the following error upon running the simulation. How can this error be removed.
** Severe ** DualSetPointWithDeadBand: Effective heating set-point higher than effective cooling set-point - increase deadband if using unmixed air model
** ~~~ ** occurs in Zone=OFFICE During Warmup & Sizing, Environment=WASHINGTON DC REAGAN AP ANN HTG 99.6% CONDNS DB, at Simulation time=01/21 00:00 - 00:01
** ~~~ ** LoadToHeatingSetPoint=-8217.848, LoadToCoolingSetPoint=-118730.832
** ~~~ ** Zone TempDepZnLd=337.00
** ~~~ ** Zone TempIndZnLd=6493.26
** ~~~ ** Zone Heating ThermostatSetPoint=21.00
** ~~~ ** Zone Cooling ThermostatSetPoint=0.00