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Thank you, Dr Li and Linda. I will do the reading on .rvi files in the aforementioned documents.
Jeremiah,The fanger thermal comfort control thermostats are a completely new topic for me. I will look into it in the EnergyPlus documentation as well. Thank you for this recommendation. How you know all these things, totally amazes me. Thanks again.NirajOn Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 1:17 PM, CleanTech Analytics <jeremiah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I do not think you will need the ",annual"So It should look like:eplusout.esoeplusout.csvZone/Sys Sensible CoolingZone/Sys Sensible Heating0jE+ will use those values (so long as you have them in your IDF) to create the combined csv file for all of your run outputs for comparison. Be sure to have the variables set to annual in your IDF or your combined csv file will have issues.BTW If I where you Niraj I would also report on Fan and possibly pump energy, as well as hours of discomfort. Also I would advise you to use Fanger thermal comfort control thermostats for your PCM models, rather a range of thermostat setpoints and drift points as a method to save a few thousand je+ jobs (e+simulations)...All the Best
Jeremiah D. CrossettCleanTech AnalyticsThis document may contain valuable information proprietary to CleanTech Analytics which is private and confidential. It may not be shared, copied, stored or transmitted in any form without the prior written consent of CleanTech Analytics
On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 10:01 AM, Niraj Poudel <nirajpdl@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,
After making corrections recommended by Dr. Zhang. I am glad to say that the JE+ 1.3 runs with EPlus 7.1 were successful.However, I have a question regarding the .rvi file. I only want the annual heating and cooling energy as an output, If I define it in the .rvi file. as such:eplusout.esoeplusout.csvZone/Sys Sensible Cooling, AnnualZone/Sys Sensible Heating, Annual0Do you think it would work? For instance, in the output "Sim results" next to the job ID, I only want the output for annual heating energy and annual cooling energy. I hope this makes sense.Sincerely'NirajOn Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 12:06 PM, CleanTech Analytics <jeremiah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The files I sent where used successfully with jE+ 3.1 and Energy Plus 7.1, when both where in beta. I do however remember having some issues that I fixed by correcting some syntax similar to the advise provided by Dr Zhang.
If you send me the files I can take a look, or you might find use in my examples provided...Best of luck-
Jeremiah D. CrossettCleanTech AnalyticsThis document may contain valuable information proprietary to CleanTech Analytics which is private and confidential. It may not be shared, copied, stored or transmitted in any form without the prior written consent of CleanTech Analytics
On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 9:00 AM, Niraj Poudel <nirajpdl@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Dr. Zhang has helped me out and suggested that I remove any square brackets in my .imf file definition. For instance I had defined my insulation material as "Insulation [2]" and it looks like that specific square brackets are being recognized as a macro.
Dr. Zhang also suggested that I double check the ##fileprefix line so that it is pointing to the correct folder.I will give both these recommendations of his a shot. I hope this will be helpful to anyone who is following this thread.NirajOn Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 11:23 AM, Linda Lawrie <linda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Why not ask Dr Zhang? As supporter of JE+, he should be able to help?
At 09:14 AM 7/24/2012, Niraj Poudel wrote:
I seem to be having the same problem with the newest version of JE+ or Eplus 7.1. I tried to run an older JE+ parametric run that ran successfully in the past. But when I run it now, using Eplus version 7.1 and JE+ version 1.3. I do not get any results. I am curious to know if Jeremiah has come across this problem as well?
If anyone else has come across this same issue. I would be glad to know how to tackle it.
On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 10:56 AM, Amirhossein Ghoreishi < amirhosein_ghoreishi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
- So many thanks for all helpful comments. I used the BIOPCM-HC.rvi for jEPlus. The project was validated successfully but after the simulation, the .cvs output file did not contain any information. I also tried the changes Dr. Li had suggested (modifier the .rvi file) but again no results were obtained. Any chance that I am using a wrong .rvi file, which is not compatible with the job I'd like the jE+ to carry out?
Niraj Poudel, Architectural Engineer.
PhD student, PDBE Program.
Clemson University, Clemson, SC.
--Niraj Poudel, Architectural Engineer.PhD student, PDBE Program.Clemson University, Clemson, SC.
--Niraj Poudel, Architectural Engineer.PhD student, PDBE Program.Clemson University, Clemson, SC.
--Niraj Poudel, Architectural Engineer.PhD student, PDBE Program.Clemson University, Clemson, SC.
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