May comments below in red.
Dr. Li To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx From: zqianmin@xxxxxxxxx Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 08:29:33 -0700 Subject: Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Re: Design Day V.S. Schedule Dr. Li, Thank you. I have questions about design day and sizing. In energyplus, the system will be sized on design day, and shown in hvac sizing summary. It will take the solar information from weather file and use the weather temperature from whatever we input in SizingPeriod:DesignDay, is it right? No. When you use the sizing DesignDay, the weather file need not be present. Therefore, none of the information in the weather file is used. If you use sizingPeriod:weatherfile, then the information in the weather file are used. You can run both the sizingPeriod:DesignDay and sizingPerid:weather file. The latter can be in one day, one week, one month or one year period, or any period, and repeated a few times to make sure the result have been stabilized. I think, I mentioned this in an earlier reply.
When I run the simulation for a full year, and looked at the report, Space Gain Component at cooling peak month, the maximum zone/sys sensible cooling rate [W] happened on July 10th, 07:15, not on my design day July 21th. Since I use school schedule, there is no occupancy on July 10th. The SummerDesignDay is always on July 21. This is based on the TMY convention for all the weather files in the Northen Hemisphere. That was why I said that you need not worry too much about the schedule. It is only the first step to get some feel about the building ahd NHAC conditions. Your zone sizing and system sizing objects have some limiting conditions. These are taken account. July 21 is used to calculate the solar angle at your location. ================ The temperature is one which is statically high enough 0.4% is the percentange of days in the year which may statistically exceed the temperature given. The wet-bulb sets the humidity ratio at the max temperature and is constant for the whole day. The profile is fixed to give you a fixed 24 hourly curve, which has a miximum at 2 pm and a minum at 5 am with a value = Max - difference. If the summerDesignDay is listed in the schedule as a separate item, the sizing will use those schedule values. Because you want to have the maximum demand for the system, therefore, the schedule for sizing is usually the weekdays. You need not use the 1.2 multiplier for sizing, because that is probably included for those people who are not using EPlus for bulding design.
To size the unit, I want to get the maximum cooling load. I feel like if I change my design day to July 10th in sizing period, I may get a larger calculated design load, but, it's not true. When I change it, the cooling load in hvac sizing summary didn't increase. If you use the DesignDay sizing, the largest load will be on June 21, the longest day of the year. However, statistically, the temperature on that day is lower and a max. on July 21, because the groud need time to warm up. It is not the actual temperature of the current year or every year.. The peak value in the result may be changed by the internal load. However, you only have one day of cooling values in the Zsz.csv. If you change the lights, people, etc. the value will change. Changing the date, only change the solar angle. The schedule is not changed. The ..Zsz.csv should be different. The summary report should not have any values in the monthly section.If you change the 'SummerDesignDay' field to Monday, the Monday schedule will be used for sizing.
The value listed in report of space gain components at cooling peak month, are they the maximum number during each month or they are the averaged number again? zone people total hat gain is zero in Jan, Feb, July, Nov, and Dec, which is totally different from my occupancy schedule, I have people in building during these months. How should I understand this report? Thanks a lot. Report html will have monthly averaged values only when you do the annual simulation using runPeriod. The maximum value date and time shows you when the maximum value occured at that month, which is in the .csv or .eso file. If you use annual sizing simmulation, I do not know what would be liste,d as I have not done that way myself, because you do not know what data is used for sizing. If your schedule have an error or listed in the error file as not used, they will not be used. Therefore, all those fields will be zero. If the people is calculated to less than one, it will be zero as well. You can view these by turning on the report on schedule values as in one of mine IDF.
On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 7:46 AM, YuanLu Li <yli006@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
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